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World Wellbeing Week 2022

These past 2-3 years have been difficult; the lockdowns, stress at work, lack of exercise etc. can all harm our well-being. For many of us, World Wellbeing Week allows us to open up and connect with others.

World Wellbeing Week typically falls at the end of June each year. To mark the occasion, we’ll list the best ways you can look after your wellbeing.

Stay Active

Never underestimate the importance of staying active as it not only boosts productivity but also boosts your morale. Take advantage of the summer and go for regular walks or start jogging. Set yourself new fitness goals by going to the gym.

Get into the habit of regular exercise not just for world wellbeing week but throughout the year too.


Everyday life can get tedious and doing things repetitively can be detrimental to your wellbeing.

Fortunately, travelling will make a massive difference in your well-being. By travelling, you will experience a new culture, get wiser, meet new people, and eat delicious new food! Furthermore, you will also find amazing attractions where you can take pictures. Whether it’s to UK, USA, UAE, Singapore or Netherlands, travelling is a must for your wellbeing.

Tourist Waiting In Airport

Stay On Top Of Your Laundry Chores With LaundryHeap

Whether you’re working from home or commuting to your work, we can all agree that sometimes we get too tired to do any chores when we get home. Some chores are easier than others but when it comes to laundry, it feels like it is never-ending!

Therefore, to make things easier for you on world wellbeing week, we suggest booking a service with Laundryheap. You can create an environment in your home where you feel more relaxed knowing you won’t be distracted by laundry anymore. Just simply book a service with us, we’ll collect your dirty clothes on the same day and return them to you within 24 hours!

Laundry Service

Learn More

Set yourself a target for world wellbeing week to learn something new. Whether it’s learning knowledge from a book or learning new skills, research has shown that this helps you adapt in life, and it is healthier for the mind and body. Try that new recipe, learn to play a musical instrument or work on DIY projects.

Reading Book

Connect With Others

Humans are social creatures and our relationship with others is a cornerstone of our mental well-being. Laughing, joking, and talking with friends all help reduce stress levels and goes a long way toward a healthier mindset. Even bonding with strangers at an activity or gym or talking to the local barista helps the mood. Connecting with people is fundamental. Don’t be afraid to talk to a friend about your well-being, it makes a difference.

People Talking

Improving our well-being is not easy but the important thing about world wellbeing week is that it raises more awareness on this topic. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, it takes time, but small actions make a difference in the long run.

Laundry bag

To find out more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android.

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How to look after your mental wellbeing

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Having healthy mental wellbeing helps us to cope with the challenges we face on a daily basis. Since the beginning of the COVID 19 pandemic, it’s safe to say that we have, at times, all struggled with our mental wellbeing. These 10 tips can help us to look after our wellbeing, and can lead to us living healthier and happier lives. 

  • Speak out
  • Practice mindfulness
  • Take time for yourself
  • Step away from technology
  • Be active
  • Spend time outdoors
  • Eat well
  • Sleep well
  • Try something new
  • Seek help

Speak out 

When we are feeling low it can be incredibly tempting to shut ourselves away from everyone. This, however, can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness. Instead, it can be helpful to reach out to a friend or family member, and explain to them how you are feeling. Talking about our feelings can help relieve some of our more negative emotions and prevent negative thoughts from building up. 

Photo by mentatdgt from Pexels

Practice mindfulness 

Mindfulness is all about being in the present and being aware of your thoughts, feelings, and surroundings. It is a practice that can help us feel more centered and aware of how we are feeling and why. Our daily lives are often incredibly hectic, which is why it may be useful to pick a specific time to practice your mindfulness. You can be mindful wherever you are, be that at home alone or on a train to or from work. Wherever you are, take a few minutes to observe your surroundings, your feelings, and your thoughts, and live in the moment. 

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Take time for yourself

Self-care is specific to each individual. Whether you are doing a face mask and watching rubbish TV, getting through your laundry, or even just having an extra hour in bed, it’s important for us to take time out of our day to do something that we enjoy. 

Photo by Madison Inouye from Pexels

Step away from technology

Technology has improved our everyday lives in a number of ways, however, it can also be incredibly draining. Part of looking after our mental wellbeing is being able to step away from technology. Staring at screens, be that a phone, laptop, or TV, is draining both physically on our eyes and mentally, so stepping away from them during various parts of the day will keep our minds active and eyes healthy. 

Photo by fauxels from Pexels

Be active

When we are active we release endorphins, which help to make us feel happy. In order to maintain healthy mental wellbeing, it’s important to take part in regular activities. Exercise can be particularly useful if you are feeling stressed, angry, or anxious, as moving your body will often release these emotions and leave you in a better headspace. 

Photo by Alesia Kozik from Pexels

Spend time outdoors

In addition to being active, it is important to spend time outdoors and around nature. Research has shown that being exposed to fresh air and the scents of flowers and plants helps relieve stress and anxiety. Spending time outside will also help to limit screen time and could help us be more mindful. 

Photo by Julien Bachelet from Pexels

Eat well

It’s vital that we eat a healthy and balanced diet in order for us to have healthy mental wellbeing. Eating regular meals, packed with vitamins and nutrients, can help us to find stability and routine when we may not be experiencing it in our everyday lives. In addition, eating well helps our brains stay active and alert, therefore helping us be more mindful on a daily basis.

Photo by Jack Sparrow from Pexels

Sleep well

On average, adults need between 6 and 9 hours of sleep every day. It’s important that we get a good amount of sleep so that our bodies have time to repair themselves, and we give our brains the space to consolidate memories and process information. There are several ways to achieve a better night’s sleep, including avoiding screens before bed, drinking herbal tea, and establishing a routine. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Try something new 

Constantly learning and experiencing new things helps us to enjoy life and maintain healthy mental wellbeing. If you are feeling particularly low or unhappy, it may be helpful to try and do something creative to unleash your emotions and help you to process your thoughts. Trying new and creative things is fun, whilst also keeping our brains active.

Photo by Sharon McCutcheon from Pexels

Seek help

If you are really struggling with your mental wellbeing, there is no shame in seeking help. Reach out to charities and organisations that can offer you the support that you need. Alternatively, if you don’t know where to turn to, speak to friends and family and ask them for their support. It’s much better to talk to someone about your feelings than keep them bottled up. 

Laundryheap is here for all of your laundry needs. From washing to dry cleaning, we can have your clothing picked up, cleaned, and re-delivered to you within 24 hours. To book your Laundryheap service, simply head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app.

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Morning habits to prepare you for the day

It can be hard to get out of bed some mornings, but these healthy morning habits, can help motivate you to start your day the right way. 

  • Stretch 
  • Take 5 minutes
  • Open your blinds and window 
  • Stay unplugged
  • Hydrate your body 
  • Make your bed
  • Exercise
  • Eat a healthy breakfast
  • Play some music
  • Make a to-do list


It may seem like the obvious thing to do, but every morning it is important to stretch as soon as you wake up. After being situated in a lying down position for 6+ hours, your body needs to be woken up and re-energised. Stretching out your body will awaken your bones and muscles, whilst getting your blood pumping. There is nothing quite like a nice big stretch in the morning. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Take 5 minutes 

Before you start your day it’s important to take some time to yourself, completely free of any distractions. Sit still and compose yourself, practising mindfulness and getting yourself prepared for the day to come. Your 5 minutes can be done before you get out of bed or whilst your enjoying your morning coffee. This time will allow you the space to collect your thoughts before the hecticness of everyday life begins. 

Open your blinds and windows

Natural light sends a signal to your brain that it is time to wake up and stop producing the sleep-regulating hormone melatonin. Opening your blinds to let in natural light is a great way to naturally make yourself feel more awake and ready for the day. Whilst opening your blinds, open your windows and let the fresh morning air into your room. Allowing fresh air into your room will help remove any stale air that has built up overnight, plus the briskness of the morning breeze will help re energise you. 

Stay unplugged 

It’s incredibly tempting to look through your phone first thing in the morning, however this is a bad habit to get into. Looking through your messages first thing in the morning will leave you with a reactive mindset all day, rather than a proactive mindset. Leave your phone for an hour after you’ve woken up to allow yourself time to check in with yourself. Practice some mindfulness as you go about your morning, making sure to evaluate how you are feeling first thing in the morning, rather than allowing social media to dictate your mood. It’s important to compose and ready yourself for the day before checking any technology.

Hydrate your body

After not drinking any water throughout the night your body needs re-hydrating. Drink a full glass of water first thing in the morning to re-hydrate and help wake your body and mind. For added effect, add a slice of lemon to your water to remove any toxins that may have built up in your digestive tract overnight and kick start your metabolism. 

Make your bed 

Some people see making their bed as a useless task as they will only be getting back into it later that day. That being said, making your bed every morning is a simple task that will give you an immediate sense of accomplishment. This feeling of accomplishment will set the tone of your day and prepare you for taking charge of tasks and seeing them through to completion. 


It’s important to loosen your body from sleep first thing in the morning. The easiest way to do that is to do some light exercise. Whether you go for a brisk walk, do a quick 15 minutes of circuit training or even some mindful yoga, exercising first thing in the morning energises your body and mind, preparing you for the rest of the day. 

Eat a healthy breakfast 

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. A balanced and healthy breakfast will give you the energy that you need to start your day in a positive way. Your breakfast should include at least 3 food groups. The most effective breakfast should include protein, fruit, and grains as these are the foods that will stimulate your body and brain.

Image by Marco Verch Professional Photographer and Speaker

Play some music 

Playing your favourite music first thing in the morning is a great way to boost your mood. What is more, you can listen to your favourite music whilst exercising to help release endorphins that will keep you feeling refreshed and happy throughout the day. Even if you wake up feeling down, blast your favourite music and you will immediately feel happier and ready to take on the day.

Make a to-do list 

Making a to-do list in the morning will make you aware of what tasks you have to complete that day. This will provide you with a sense of control as you can plan out how your day will unfold. In addition to this, a to-do list will provide you with a sense of accomplishment throughout the day as you check off each task you complete. 

Don’t let laundry affect your morning mood. Head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app to book your dry cleaning slot. Now available in Singapore.

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The benefits of cleaning whilst in self-isolation

Self-isolation is not as easy as it sounds. Currently, it is the safest option for everyone, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t be mentally and physically straining. Spending all day working, relaxing, eating and sleeping in one household can be incredibly draining. Believe it or not, cleaning your home could be the most effective way to rid yourself of self-isolation slump.

  • The physical benefits 
  • The mental benefits 
  • The health benefits 
  • The working benefits 
  • How Laundryheap can help

The physical benefits 

It can be hard to establish an exercise routine when you are confined to the space in your home. Regular cleaning is an easy and productive way to stay active without venturing outside. In addition, vigorous cleaning, such as wiping down walls and cleaning the oven, is a great way to rid yourself of any negative energy you may be carrying, due to the energy that is burnt carrying out the task. 

The mental benefits

Although it may not be the most exciting activity to do, cleaning your home comes with an array of mental health benefits. For example, when people experience high levels of anxiety, they tend to gravitate towards repetitive behaviours, such as cleaning. Carrying out the repetitive task of cleaning makes them feel in control and, therefore, decreases their anxiety level. 

It is vital during this precarious time that we all remain as calm as we possibly can. On average, people who have messy homes have higher levels of cortisol, a stress induced hormone. Alternatively, researchers have found that cleaning your home can lead to feelings of accomplishment and subsequent calmness. If you are feeling irritated whilst stuck in self-isolation a quick 15-minute tidy of your surrounding area could help reduce that irritation and make you calmer. 

In addition to keeping your home clean, it is important to keep your linens clean. A study by The National Sleep Foundation found that 75% of people sleep better when their sheets are freshly washed due to feeling more comfortable. A good night’s sleep leaves people feeling well-rested and both physically and mentally ready for the day ahead. Despite being at home throughout the day, it is important whilst self-isolating to remain in a routine, which includes getting a good night’s sleep.

The health benefits  

It’s now more important than ever to clean our homes and eliminate harmful germs and bacteria. Germs can weaken our immune system and make us more susceptible to becoming ill. However, regularly cleaning our homes with disinfectant can kill up to 98% of the daily bacteria we could come into contact with.

As a result of increasing the amount of time we are spending indoors, it is vital to be aware of indoor air pollution. Dust, dirt and poor ventilation are all contributing factors to indoor air pollution and can result in increasing the severity of an individuals allergens. The longer you put off cleaning your home the more polluted the air will become. Fifteen minutes of cleaning a day can sufficiently decrease the air pollution in your home.

The working benefits 

When you are working from home it can be very easy to become distracted and forget about your work. In 2011 a Princeton University study found that clutter can increase the difficulty of focusing on a task. On a subconscious level, clutter is associated with negative emotions, such as confusion, tension, irritability and worry. Decluttering your home can not only make cleaning more efficient, but can also lead to a clearer mind and heightened sense of calm. This can make it easier to focus on your tasks. 

If you ever become mentally blocked whilst your working from home try washing the dishes. A study published in the journal, Mindfulness, found that people who engaged in mindfully washing the dishes- taking in the scent of the washing-up liquid and letting the water soak into their skin- experience a 25% improvement in mental inspiration.

Photo by: peapod labs

How Laundryheap can help

If you are running low on cleaning supplies, our Essentials Pack is available across London and includes cleaning supplies, as well as toilet paper and toothpaste. Additionally, our services are still fully operational in all cities we operate in. Book your delivery slot now