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How To Remove Fried Chicken Stains

Fried chicken is tasty. It looks great on your plate but not so much on your favourite shirt when fried chicken accidentally slips from your hand! Food stains on your clothes will fill you with a sense of dread but not to worry, we’re here to show you how to remove fried chicken stains!

Remove Fried Chicken Stains
Photo by Tim Samuel (from Pexels).

1. Avoid Wiping or Rubbing The Stain

The first step to removing fried chicken stains is to avoid wiping or rubbing the stain when it lands on your clothes. By doing this, you’ll push the stain deeper into your fabric and thus making it difficult to remove.

2. Clean The Stained Area

To remove fried chicken stains, clean the stained area as soon as possible. The sooner you clean, the less dry it will get. If you’re in the middle of eating your fried chicken, it’s best to pause briefly and take the time to clean the stain.

3. Scrape it With a Butter Knife (if dry)

If you happened to spot the fried chicken stains late and it’s become dry on your clothes, you need to get a butter knife and scrape it off gently. Make sure you’re not scraping it onto a carpet so try to go to a kitchen sink and start scraping to remove the fried chicken stains.

4. Absorb The Fried Chicken Stain

To make your laundry work as seamless as possible, pour some baby powder, corn starch and baking soda to absorb the oily parts of the fried chicken stain. After 15 minutes, start brushing the stained area.

  • Pour Liquid Detergent

In addition, put some liquid detergent into the stained area and gently rub the fabric together for cleaner results. Ideally, it’s best to wait 15 or 30 minutes before moving to the next step.

  • Start Rinsing

Once you are happy with the results so far, start washing your garment with hot water (as recommended for fabrics).

5. Inspect The Laundry

After you’ve finished rinsing your garment, check to see If the fried chicken stains are gone. If you are satisfied with the results, hang your garment either on the garden clothesline or on a drying rack. We advise against putting your chicken fried-stained clothes in the dryer as the high heat does make the stains harder to remove.

You now have the guide to removing fried chicken stains from your clothes. Nonetheless, you shouldn’t let a chicken fried stain ruin your eating experience, especially on national fried chicken day!

Enjoy your fried chicken and if there are any stains on your top, just get in touch with Laundryheap and we’ll clean it for you!

Laundry Service

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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Benefits of Wool Dryer Balls

Everyone has a different preference when it comes to drying their clothes. Some prefer using drying sheets but alternatively, wool dryer balls are growing in popularity and Laundryheap approves of them! Here are the benefits of wool dryer balls.

Benefits of Wool Dryer Balls
Photo from

1. Dries Clothes Quickly

One of the benefits of wool dryer balls is that dries your clothes quicker. With wool dryer balls, drying is 25% faster because the dryer balls are going around in the dryer; absorbing the moisture and, they separate laundry items apart resulting in better air circulation.

2. Keeps Fabric in Good Condition

As wool dryer balls are moving around the laundry, they smooth out the wrinkles and soften your fabrics to a fine result. This also includes softening linens and getting rid of the wrinkles on them. The great news in all of this is that it makes your clothes comfortable to wear and increases their lifespan!

3. Fragrance is Optional

Wool dryer balls are also fragrance-free which helps people with allergies. However, for some, there is no better feeling than smelling the scent of a freshly dried garment. If you love the fresh scent, you can add drops of essential oil to the dryer ball for a luxurious scent.

4. Environmentally Friendly

The small steps make a big difference in the long term. Because drying takes much more quickly with wool dryer balls, it means your machine is using less energy. In addition, they are also a renewable resource because they can be used up to 1000 times; lasting for nearly 3 years!

5. Saves Money

Wool dryer balls are faster, environmentally friendly and keep fabrics in good condition but perhaps the biggest benefit is that they help you save money. Because you can reuse dryer balls, you are cutting the need for fabric softeners and dryer sheets.

We hope you consider the benefits of wool dryer balls in this list. They are worth buying If you want to try a different drying method.

There are also benefits to using a laundry service like Laundryheap. We launder, iron, and dry-clean your clothes.

Laundry service

To learn more, visit Laundryheap’s website or download the free app on iOS or Android!

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Interesting Facts About Kuwait

Kuwait is a beautiful country that is full of stunning cityscapes, hot weather and rich history. If you are planning to visit Kuwait in the future, it’s worth knowing these interesting facts about Kuwait!

Kuwaiti Towers

1. Kuwaiti Towers Are One Of The Tallest In The World

One of the most interesting facts about Kuwait is that it is home to the world’s 15th tallest tower in the world called Al Hamra Tower. This amazing tower is in Kuwait City.

Another tower located in Kuwait City is the Liberation Tower, the 2nd tallest tower in Kuwait.

2. The Falcon Is Kuwait’s National Bird

If you have visited Kuwait before, you would have seen the falcon imagery in stamps and currencies. The falcon does hold high significance in Kuwait because it is the national bird!

3. Kuwait Has Four Sites On UNESCO Tentative List

Kuwait’s culture is interesting and if you’re keen to learn more about the culture, visit the 4 sights included in the UNESCO Tentative list. These four sights are Abraj Al-Kuwait, Boubyan Island and Mubarak Al-Kabeer Marine Reserve, Sa’ad and Sae’ed Area in Failaka island and Sheikh Abdullah Al-Jabir Palace.

4. Family Values Are Very Important In Kuwait

Kuwait has a family-oriented culture. This is shown by the way meals are served as the oldest family is served first and the youngest person is served last. In addition, houses are built in a way that allows space for extended family. It is encouraged to build more rooms to accommodate family members.

5. There Is Only One Public University In Kuwait

Perhaps one of the most interesting facts about Kuwait is that there is only one public university in the country; Kuwait University. Founded in 1966, it has a reputation for offering great education and scientific research to students. It is the country’s highest-ranking university.

6. The National Instrument Is Tar

Kuwait prides itself in producing music. It is a country that hosts various music festivals. Interestingly, the national instrument of Kuwait is called Tar; a long-necked string instrument played with a small metal pick.

7. Laundryheap Services Are Available In Kuwait

If you are travelling to Kuwait, you should enjoy your time and not worry about your laundry chores. This is because Laundryheap is available in Kuwait. Just get in touch with us and we’ll collect your laundry from the hotel you are staying at and deliver it back within 24 hours! No hassle, no stress and no more mess on your clothes!

Interesting Facts About Kuwait - Laundry services!

If you’re visiting Kuwait in the future, these 7 interesting facts about Kuwait will give you more knowledge about the country.

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!


The Benefits of a Laundry Service For Your Bakery

Owning a bakery is ambitious and challenging; you’re not just managing staff and providing high-quality desserts but also making sure your work uniforms are professionally cleaned. This can be time-consuming, but the good news is that Laundryheap can be the bread and butter of your laundry successes as there are many benefits of a laundry service for your bakery.

Bakery - dough

1. Save Time and Money

The bakery industry is flowing with high costs and expensive equipment. The last thing you want to consider is an in-house laundry because you’ll need to pay for washing machines and the resources to operate them.

The benefits of partnering with a laundry service outweigh these problems because it will save you time and money.

Benefits of a Laundry Service - saves you time!

2. Quality Services Provided

Setting a culture at your bakery where cleaning is taken seriously is essential. Our services will help contribute to your goals and give you a variety of options. Our cleaning services will guarantee your staff’s aprons are spotless and professionally cleaned. If you want your aprons to look tidy and neat, we also offer ironing services to get rid of the annoying wrinkles.

Furthermore, at Laundryheap, we don’t just offer cleaning and ironing services. You can also rent towels from us. If your bakery is short of hand towels or kitchen towels to dry your plates, we can provide your bakery with new towels!

Benefits of a Laundry service

3. Delivery Service That Works On Your Schedule

Packing the dirty aprons, tablecloths, and towels and then dropping them off at a launderette yourself can be tiring. However, it doesn’t have to be this way because, at Laundryheap, we work on your schedule. All you need to do is book a collection date and we’ll collect your laundry on the same day and deliver it back for free the next day!

Schedule, calendar

4. Cleaner Aprons, Happier Staff

It can be quite mundane and tedious for staff to always take their aprons home with them for cleaning. For some, even when they are washing them at home, the work stress doesn’t stop. However, we make it easier for your bakery and staff. By letting us take care of the laundry, staff productivity and morale will go up.

benefits of a laundry service - cleaner Aprons

5. 24/7 Customer Support Team

The demands of running a bakery business are not easy but the benefit of working with us is that if you need any assistance or questions, our great 24/7 customer support team will be there to help you!

Life is sweeter when bakeries work with Laundryheap! Visit our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!


Benefits of Folding Your Clothes

Laundry is a repetitive chore; the job starts with putting dirty clothes in the basket and ends with hanging clothes outside to dry after they’ve been put in the washing machine. However, the chore doesn’t end there. Folding your clothes is the last task.

Folding your clothes

Essentially, there are benefits to folding your clothes!

More Storage Space

Getting into a habit of folding your clothes means you’ll have more storage space in your wardrobe or drawer. Nobody wants to go home to find unfolded clothes on their chair or bed. Instead, if you fold them and put them away neatly in a contained place, you’ll save so much room and reduces the pile of laundry.

Additionally, folding your clothes will also help save space in your luggage for your next holiday!

Reduces Wrinkles

If you have an important meeting to attend and noticed a wrinkled shirt, it could mean it wasn’t folded properly. To stop your big days from being ruined by a wrinkled shirt, make sure your clothes are folded to reduce wrinkles and creases in your laundry.

However, if you want to urgently get rid of the wrinkles and creases, book with Laundryheap and we’ll iron your shirts so you look smart in your meetings!

Helps You Stay Organised

It may seem like a very small task but keeping clothes folded helps you stay productive, relaxed and organised. Leaving everything cluttered is not good for your mood. In addition, organising means you’ll find your favourite shirt easier the next time you look for it.

Increases Lifespan of Clothes

Significantly, folded clothes results in a better lifespan for your clothes. By folding them neatly and putting them away, you are eliminating the risk of buttons on clothes coming off or clothes being damaged. You’ve spent time laundering your clothes so make sure you increase their durability by folding them properly!

Folding your clothes itself is a skill and we hope next time when your clothes are cleaned and dry, you consider the benefits of folding them.

laundry service bag

If you want to learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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4 Common Ironing Mistakes

Much like laundry, ironing is a chore you either love or hate; there is no in-between. Regardless, it’s a chore that needs to be done with care and patience because if done correctly, ironing adds a smooth and cool look to your clothes. However, there are also ironing mistakes that need to be avoided.

Here are 4 common ironing mistakes!

1. Not Using Correct Temperature Settings

Not checking the temperature is one of the most common ironing mistakes. With the right setting and temperature, you’ll get the clean results you want.

If you have made this ironing mistake, you’ll know that choosing the incorrect temperature setting can ruin the smoothness of the fabric. Also, it can cause marks and burns on your clothes!

Always read the labels and iron for a good, smoother, and fresher result to save you time and stress!

Common ironing mistakes - checking temperature

2. Ironing Dried Clothes

Drying clothes is part and parcel of cleaning clothes, but ironing dried clothes tends to be on the list of ironing mistakes. Dried clothes lack moisture and consequently, the wrinkles are far more stubborn when they are left on dry clothes, which could damage your fabrics in the long run.

That’s not to say you should be ironing wet clothes but ideally, you should aim for damp clothes because they’ll have enough moisture. Ironing damp clothes makes it easy to reshape and remove creases. Always spray water on dried clothes to dampen them for better results!

Ironing shirt

3. Not Cleaning Your Iron Board

When you think about ironing chores, it’s easy to overlook your iron board’s condition. Iron boards are no different to clothesline in your garden; if they’re in good shape, your clothes will be in good shape. If you neglect cleaning duties for your iron board, chances are your clothes may catch some dust and dirt.

We advise you to first store your iron board in a room with a lot of space and every month, clean and wipe it with a cloth!

ironing board

4. Not Managing Clothes Pile

When it comes to ironing, the organisation is the key to a fresher result. Managing a big laundry pile is the difference between good and bad ironing. Always make a habit of ironing the clothes with the lowest heat setting first.

Generally, heating the iron up is easier than cooling it down. The most common materials that need the lowest temperature are polyester and silk. Once you are done with this, change the settings on your iron to medium and high for the relevant materials.

piling clothes

Ironing mistakes are common and don’t feel too disappointed if you have made these mistakes in the past. Ironing clothes does require time and patience.

If you’re looking for a service that launders and irons your clothes, get in touch with Laundryheap to book a service!

Visit Laundryheap’s website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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The Guide To Wash Your Shower Curtains

Your shower curtain is a great bathroom accessory, but it also is prone to water, soap stains and mould. This means you need to wash your shower curtains regularly to preserve their life span and material.

How to wash your shower curtains
Photo By Skylar Kang – Pexels

In this guide, we are going to go through the essential information on washing your shower curtains.

How Often Should You Wash Your Shower Curtains?

A common mistake people make is that they think once their shower curtains get dirty, it needs to be replaced. However, this isn’t the case because shower curtains can be washed and re-used. This saves you money in the process.

A general rule of thumb is to wash your shower curtains every month. It’s important to consistently wash them monthly because they do generate bacteria and it also means you are getting rid of the mould that damages the fabric over time.

How to Wash Your Shower Curtains Using The Washing Machine?

The good thing about washing your shower curtains is that it doesn’t take much time but it does require a little more care than a normal laundry chore.

Firstly, take down the shower curtain and remove any rings. Then place the curtain in the washing machine. It is recommended to put a few white towels into the load for better cleaning results as this will provide extra scrubbing.

Moreover, add the normal amount of laundry detergent and a ½ cup of baking soda. Once that is done, put the machine in a gentle and warm setting if you have a plastic curtain and run the cycle for 30 minutes.

If you have a fabric shower curtain, set it with the highest cycle of 40 to 60 degrees but as always, read the label for care instructions.

When your washing machine starts to reach the rinse cycle, at a ½ to 1 cup of white vinegar.

Lastly, when the cycle finishes, hang your shower curtain up to dry.

How to Wash Your Shower Curtains By Hand?

Sometimes your shower curtains don’t need washing machine attention and the good news is that handwashing is also effective in washing your shower curtains.

To begin handwashing, remove the shower curtain for better handling. Make sure the curtain is a little wet and then pour some baking soda on it to scrub any mould, dirt, water, or soap stains. We recommend using a brush or a cloth to rub the baking soda into the shower curtain.

Afterwards, turn on your tap to warm water settings and begin to rinse to remove any remaining stains. If you feel happy with the results, hang it up to dry.

Everybody wants their bathroom to look spotless. Make sure you add your shower curtains to laundry and cleaning duties. If you find yourself too busy or unsure about the instructions, book with Laundryheap so we can wash your shower curtains for you!

Laundry Service

Visit Laundryheap today to book or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!


Why Restaurant Linens Are Important

The food, good service and the ambience of the restaurant are all factors that make a customer happy. For a 10 out of 10 customer experience, restaurant linens need to be consistently taken care of and cleaned.

restaurant linens and tables

Here is why restaurant linens are important for your restaurant;

Restaurant Linens Protect Table

A restaurant’s top priority should be presentation and cleanliness. One type of restaurant linen that helps maintain this is tablecloths.

Tablecloths reduce the number of germs and bacteria being spread. As a result of having a tablecloth, if a customer spills their food, the tablecloth will have it covered and absorbed unlike if it spills on the surface of the table.

Furthermore, it also means your employees don’t have to clean and wipe the surface table after every use.

Above all, you can count on Laundryheap to clean your tablecloths! We will help you get them cleaned professionally and delivered back to your restaurant within 24 hours!

Restaurant Linens Add Elegance

Moreover, In a restaurant, every detail matters and making sure your table skirts are cleaned consistently will make a lasting impression on the customer. A table skirt sets the tone for your restaurant by giving it personality, vibrance and elegance. It catches customers’ attention when they are walking to their seats so make sure your table skirts are regularly laundered and cleaned!

Restaurant Linens Ensures Cleanness

One thing that sets alarm bells for a customer is seeing a smudge on their glass or plate. Even seeing their plates a little damp can be frustrating. However, if you get your restaurant towels cleaned to a high-quality standard then this wouldn’t be an issue.

In fact, if your towels aren’t being cleaned properly then it will make them less absorbent, and they will take much longer to dry your plates and glasses. In short, Customers remember everything from their visit.

To get the basics right, let us launder your restaurant towels to keep smiles on your customers’ faces!

Contact Laundryheap Today For Properly Cleaned Restaurant Linens!

Restaurant linens are important, and they need to be taken care of. We, at Laundryheap, love to help your restaurant with cleaning your linens! We’ll go the extra mile to launder and clean your staff uniform as well.

Laundry Service to Clean your restaurant linens

A laundry service benefits your restaurant. Whenever you need us, just visit our website to book a service with us or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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How To Remove Egg Stains

Eggs, whether for breakfast or as chocolate Easter eggs, always look good on a plate but they don’t look good on your clothes. If you’ve spilt eggs on your clothes, no stress! To egg you on, we’re going to guide you on how to remove egg stains from your clothes!

remove egg stains
Image from

What You’ll Need to Remove Egg Stains

Before we get cracking, these are the list of supplies you will need to remove the egg stains:

  • Spoon (or a butter knife)
  • Brush
  • Water (salt is optional)
  • Liquid Laundry detergent

Instructions on Removing Egg Stains

After you’ve got all your supplies ready, it’s time to rescue your clothes!

  1. Firstly, use your spoon to remove the egg stain from the outside of your clothes. Don’t worry too much about the inside of your fabric for now. Scraping the stained part to remove as much of the egg as possible. This also works with a butter knife.
  • When you’ve done scraping with a spoon, proceed to rinse your egg-stained clothes with cold water and start scraping the egg-stained part to soften it.

Additionally, we strongly advise against using hot water. Eggs are protein; hot water will only cook the protein and will damage the fabric!

  • After you’ve used a spoon and finished rinsing your clothes, we recommend putting a laundry detergent (read the label first) on the egg-stained part for better and cleaner results. Simply pour a detergent directly onto the egg stain and using the same brush as before, spread it out. It’s important to stay patient as egg stains do need care and attention.
  • Fourthly, you will need to load your egg-stained clothes into the washing machine. To make the cleaning process more seamless, don’t rinse off the liquid detergent.

However, before you do load, always read the labels on your clothes for better care.

  • Moreover, place the correct amount of liquid detergent into the washing machine. If you feel unsure about the correct dose, use a pre-treat cap to guide you.
  • Start your washing machine with the regular cycle and the hottest temperature (depending on the instructions and labels on your clothes.
  • After your cycle is finished, unload to check if the egg stains are removed. If you’re happy with the results, start to dry your clothes!

Yes, you will have an egg on your face when you realise there are egg stains on your clothes but you are now equipped with a guide to remove egg stains next time this situation occurs!

If you need help to get remove the eggs, book with us, choose a collection day and we’ll have your clothes returned to you within 24 hours! No stress, no hassle and no more egg stains!

Laundry Service

For any other laundry chores, visit Laundryheap’s website to book a service with us or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!


Jobs That Require Wearing an Apron

Aprons are essential; they protect our clothes from germs and dirt. It’s highly advisable to keep them clean consistently. If you have been tasked to prepare food or drinks in a workplace, the chances of you wearing an apron are very high.

Here are some of the most common jobs that require wearing an apron

1. Barista

A barista’s job is to prepare coffee and heat food and bakery. Wearing an apron is part of a barista’s dress code; in a fast-paced environment, the apron will have coffee or milk stains on it. Just like how a superhero needs a cape, the barista needs an apron to maintain health and safety standards for the work environment.

Barista wearing an apron

2. Baker

Bakers also are required to wear an apron. A baker’s job typically deals with pastries or cakes and unsurprisingly, it does get messy in a bakery.

Bakers wear aprons that cover the trousers, but the aprons are designed in a way that gives the baker ease, comfort, and mobility to move around the workplace.

Baker wearing an apron

3. Chef

The life of a chef can get very busy as they work in a non-stop environment but fortunately, they have an apron to protect them till the end of their shift. Whereas the aprons of a barista or baker cover mostly the trousers, a chef’s apron covers the body and down to the knees.

Bistro aprons are best suited for chefs as they allow easier mobility around the kitchen.

If you’re a restaurant owner, make sure you get fabrics that can absorb sweat in case your chefs need to speak to the customer. After all, presentation is everything in the eyes of your customers.

Chef wearing an Apron

4. Hairdresser

Hairdressers work in a different industry compared to the previous 3 jobs. One similarity in all jobs is that aprons are vital. It’s essential for hairdressers at a salon or barbershop to wear an apron. The last thing they want to see is people’s hair all over their personal clothes so the solution to this problem is wearing an apron!

5. Hotel Maid

Hotel maids’ day-to-day responsibilities include cleaning, changing bedsheets and making sure overall hygiene standards are high. Maids will expect to see dust and dirt as they are cleaning the rooms and toilets. To protect them from germs, it is essential they wear an apron. It is recommended hotel maids wear an apron that has pockets so they can hold gloves and washcloths inside.

Maid Wearing an Apron
Photo by RODNAE Productions – Pexels

If you run a business that requires your staff to wear aprons, Laundryheap can help you to keep your aprons constantly cleaned and ironed! Whether you own a salon, restaurant, or café, we are here to help you!

Visit our website to book a service or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!