Laundryheap Blog – Laundry & Dry Cleaning

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Christmas Dining Challenges For Restaurants

“Tis the season to be jolly, and in restaurants, the festive cheer brings a flurry of activities and, inevitably, a unique set of Christmas dining challenges in the laundry department. As diners gather to celebrate, creating cherished memories over delectable meals, restaurant staff work tirelessly behind the scenes, combating specific laundry hurdles and restaurant stains that come with the Christmas rush.

christmas dining challenges - keeping table linen clean
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5 Ways To Impress Your Customers

Creating a memorable dining experience goes beyond just serving delicious food; it’s about leaving a lasting impression on your customers. In the competitive world of restaurants, every detail matters—from presentation to service. In this post, we’ll look at 5 ways to impress your customers and make their dining experience even better!

ways to impress your customer - presentation in setting table
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Easy Picnic Recipes To Make

With July being National Picnic Month, it’s time to celebrate the great outdoors with good company and even better food (and drinks). Whether you’re a seasoned picnic pro or a first-timer, we’ve compiled a list of easy picnic recipes that will have your guests and your tastebuds thanking you! So, grab your picnic blanket, pack up the essentials, and get ready for a day filled with mouthwatering treats!

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How To Remove Gravy Stains

There is no denying that a Sunday roast would be incomplete without gravy. It’s delicious and adds flavour to the beef and potatoes! However, sometimes gravy ends up on your clothes accidentally as you are eating your tasty dinner. Due to its oily base, it can be a tricky stain to remove but don’t worry – in this blog, we’ll guide you on how to remove gravy stains!

how to remove gravy stains
Photo Credit:

Step 1 – Act Fast

The trick to removing gravy stains is to act fast. Gravy is composed of a mixture of grease and protein so if you don’t treat the stain immediately, it will stick to your clothes and be even harder to remove. And let’s face it, gravy looks way better on the plate than it does on clothes!

Step 2 – Scrape Away The Gravy

Once you’ve seen the gravy stains on your clothes, get a butter knife and try to scrape off the excess gravy from the fabric.

Step 3 – Apply a Stain Remover or Laundry Detergent

Then, get either a stain remover or laundry detergent and apply it to the stained area to remove gravy stains. Try not to pour too much otherwise it may ruin the fabric of your garment. When you’ve poured the stain remover or laundry detergent, wait 15 minutes before moving on to step number 4.

Step 4 – Wash In Hot Water

Put your garment in the washing machine and wash it in hot water (that is suited for the fabric) using laundry detergent and colour-safe bleach.

It’s essential you thoroughly check your garment after the wash cycle has finished to see if the gravy stains are still there. If they are there, we strongly advise AGAINST putting your garment in the tumble dryer because the high heat will make the stain nearly impossible to remove.

If you are happy with the results, either air-dry the garment or put it in the tumble dryer.

The proof is in the pudding – follow these steps to remove gravy stains and you’ll start 2023 with no stains on your favourite clothes!

A friendly reminder that Laundryheap is available to help you should you come across any stubborn stains!

laundryheap laundry service

The process is as easy as 1-2-3! Just book a service with us and we’ll collect your laundry and return them back the next day all washed and cleaned!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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How To Remove Butter Stains

Butter is delicious and looks good on toast, mac and cheese, and most desserts. However, one thing butter doesn’t look good on is our clothes. No matter how delicious butter is, the feeling of noticing butter stains on clothes is frustrating. Due to its greasy, oily texture and milk protein features, it can be quite a task to remove butter stains.

To help you, we’ve prepared a guide on how to remove butter stains.

How To Remove Butter stains - sandwich breakfast

Butter stains can be a little difficult to notice, especially when they’ve settled into our clothes. You’ll only notice the butter stains from close when you are doing your laundry.

If you are lucky to spot them quickly, stop what you are doing and get a butter knife to scrape off the butter. Then get a clean white cloth and blot away the stain.

Then, get baking soda and pour it over the stained area to help absorb the oil and let it sit for 15 minutes.

Afterwards, treat the stain with a laundry stain remover. As usual, ensure your fabric type is fine to be treated with the laundry stain remover.

You can also use a liquid detergent for this step. Once it’s been poured into the stained area, let it sit for 15 minutes.

Once you’ve pre-treated accordingly, you can wash your fabric at the hottest temperature (per care label instructions).

Lastly, check your garment after the washing machine cycle is completed. If the stain is removed, let the garment air dry.

We don’t recommend using the dryer because butter stains are hard to see when your garment is wet and straight out of the washing machine. Furthermore, high heat can do more damage to your fabric.

Essentially, you must read the care labels to ensure the fabrics need dry cleaning. If they need dry-cleaning, we strongly advise you to take your clothes to a professional cleaner like Laundryheap to remove butter stains and get the best results!

Book with Laundryheap!

We hope you’ve found our blog useful. A friendly reminder you can also book a service with Laundryheap if you notice any stains on your clothes! We’ll remove them for you and return your clothes within 24 hours!

Laundry service - book a delivery service

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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3 Things Customers Don’t Like At Your Restaurant

It’s the best feeling when a customer recommends your restaurant to their friends and family. You serve them good food and they will return for more. But not everything will be all rosy when running a restaurant. Some customers will be unsatisfied. Here are 3 things customers don’t like at your restaurant.

1. Unprofessional Staff

Unprofessionalism is something customers don’t like at your restaurant. This doesn’t just mean how your staff speak to customers but also how they appear. Are their uniforms in good shape? Are there any dirty stains? Are they well-ironed? If the appearance doesn’t look good, it will leave a bad taste in your customer’s mouth.

Laundryheap has a solution to this problem. Our laundry services are available for your restaurant. Just book a service and we’ll clean your staff uniform to perfection so they can look professional!

Professional builds trust and it shows your customers that you mean business.

3 Things customers don't like at restaurant - unprofessional staff

2. Inconsistent or Dirty Table Linens

As soon as your customers sit at a table, they want to eat their food comfortable with no distractions. However, one thing that will irk your customers is dirty table linens. Any stains, dried or fresh, will result in annoyed looks and dissatisfaction. At times, this will be enough to turn your customers off and make them leave.

Laundryheap also hates dirty table lines but loves cleaning them for your restaurant! We’ll make sure no stains are remaining and your table linens look good as new!

In addition, you’ll also want to choose table linens that fit your brand’s image well. To get guidance on what to look for, read our blog here.

3 things customers don't like at your restaurant. dirty Table Linen

3. Food Lacking Quality

Your customers come to your restaurant for one reason: for a deliciously well-cooked meal. It will only them frustrated that their expectations haven’t been matched. If they’re extremely unhappy, this could lead to them writing negative reviews online!

Make sure your kitchen staff are well looked after. Provide them with the best environment to cook in. The kitchen staff’s morale can make a difference to their cooking quality.

things customers don't like at your restaurant. bad food

Unprofessional staff, bad food quality or dirty table linens are 3 things customers don’t like at your restaurant.

A friendly reminder that Laundryheap does offer laundry services to clean your chef’s coat so they don’t have to worry about laundering it themselves.

We’ll handle the laundry, you handle the food!

In addition, we also rent towels to your kitchen staff. Keeping equipped and clean helps with organisation and does lead to better staff morale.

laundry service for your restaurant

Happy serving your customers!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.


Choosing The Right Apron – The Guide

Having a good menu and tables is great but aprons also add to the ambience of your restaurant. Aprons make your staff feel protected and comfortable so it’s essential your restaurant has the best aprons. In this blog, we’ll guide you on the important considerations in choosing the right apron.

Happy waiter wearing an apron taking orders
Photo from


When choosing the right apron for your restaurant, the style should embody what your restaurant is all about. Pick an apron in accordance with your restaurant’s theme (i.e., casual or smart) and brand colour. Your customers don’t miss details so it’s important your table linens, restaurant and uniforms are all in synergy to create a consistent look.

Choosing The Right Apron - style
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Researching the material goes a long way in assuring long-term quality. It’s easy to fall into the trap of buying cheap material to save money but by doing so, you’ll have a material that is flammable and poorly durable when it comes to washing.

The general rule of thumb is to avoid buying synthetic fibres like acrylic or 100% cotton aprons because they are flammable and not the safest to use.

If you’re looking for a material that is durable, lightweight, and easy to launder, look no further than 100% polyester! An added bonus to this material is that it doesn’t shrink and is wrinkle-resistant.

In addition, poly-cotton and leather are also known as reliable apron materials.

Choosing the right apron material. busy chef
Photo from


Choosing the right apron is all about finer details and presentation. Your staff are going to be working long shifts so it’s important you consider design and functionality.

For front-of-house staff, consider aprons with pockets so they can put any tips, pens, and pads inside. Not only does this make it easier for them but it makes your restaurant look professional. Pockets are also important for your chef’s apron in case they need to put their towels or utensils inside.

Additionally, you want to ensure you are meeting safety standards. Double-check that all the strings are secured and not flimsy. All it takes is one loose string for an accident or spillage to happen.

Choosing the right apron - functionality
Photo from

Can Withstand Laundry

The style, functionality and material are factors to make sure your aprons can withstand the kitchen mess and stains but choosing aprons that can withstand laundry is vital. Your staff will be wearing your aprons so be certain to choose aprons that are easy to care for and comfortable to wear after laundry.

The kitchen stains can be stubborn to remove but that’s why Laundryheap is here for your business. We will make sure your aprons are cleaned to perfection and returned to your restaurant within 24 hours!

Just book a service with us and we’ll come to you and clean your aprons!

When it comes to laundry, we bring a lot to the table!

Your aprons add to your restaurant’s overall theme and service.

Happy serving.

Laundry service delivery

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download our free app on iOS or Android.


How To Remove Cooking Oil Stains

You’re cooking a tasty meal and suddenly, you notice a cooking oil stain on your clothes. We’ve all been there. The kitchen does get messy, and if aprons aren’t available to use, cooking oil can spill on our clothes accidentally. You may feel frustrated, but the good news is that we’ve prepared some useful tips on how to remove cooking oil stains!

It is important to point out that there are different methods, but we will guide you with the most common method to remove cooking oil stains.

removing cooking oil stains
Photo from

Steps To Take To Remove Cooking Oil Stains

To properly remove a cooking oil stain, the general rule of thumb is to treat it with care and act instantly. Letting a stain dry out makes it difficult as it can permanently set into the fabric.

Once you notice cooking oil stains on your clothes, immediately use hot water to reduce the chances of stains settling. Then try to remove any oily solids with a butter knife. This will help to absorb as much oil as possible.

Secondly, you should apply laundry detergent to the stain and wait for 5-10 minutes. If the stain is still stubborn, try using a liquid dish soap just for better results.

Thirdly, begin to rinse the oil cooking stained area and use a stain remover bar. Afterwards, put the garment into the washing machine with the hottest water settings for efficient and effective cleaning results.

Once the washing machine cycle finishes, check to see if the cooking oil stain is removed. If you’re happy with what you see, either put the garment in the dryer or hang it outside to dry.

Consequently, if you dry your garment with the stain still intact, it will do more damage so be certain the stain is removed.

Now that you know how to remove cooking oil stains, you’ll be in a better position next time to remove the stains accordingly!

If you are still unsure or don’t have a washing machine available, just get in touch with Laundryheap and we will remove the cooking oil stains from your clothes!

Laundryheap service

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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5 Cheap Picnic Ideas

Nothing says it’s picnic season like the summer holidays and July – national picnic month. To mark this occasion, we’ve compiled a list of 5 cheap picnic ideas for you and your family. After all, a picnic is one of the joys of the summer so why not enjoy it even more on a budget?

1. Simple Appetiser

Make the most out of the sun shining by planning appetisers that will please the family. Picnics would be incomplete without appetisers after all.

For cheap picnic ideas, you can’t go wrong with salad. Not only are they cheap but they are easy to make and simple to transport. Some examples of salad recipes would be Greek salad, potato salad or fruity pasta salad.

If you want more variety, go with hummus and carrots to get the picnic rolling! You’ll see your family members’ faces light up with excitement as they go for their first hummus dips but remember to bring the napkins!

cheap picnic ideas - salads

2. Simple Food

Simple foods are made for picnics. You don’t have to cook a big meal instead you can just bring budget-friendly food from the local supermarkets. Pasta, sandwiches, wraps or even canned tuna are all cheap picnic ideas that the whole family will love! If you ask us, sandwiches are the best budget-friendly picnic food because they don’t take much space in the basket.

Don’t forget about the drinks, plastic cutlery, and rubbish bags!

If you do leave food stains on your clothes, don’t stress! Our services have got you covered!

Cheap picnic ideas- sandwiches

3. Bake Desserts or Use What You Have At Home

Great memories always include desserts! To save money, bake a dessert at home! Chocolate brownies or banana cakes are simple to make and bring to the picnic. You’d be surprised at how much money you’ll save by avoiding buying already-made desserts.

However, if you’ve left it late and urgently need desserts, don’t hesitate to buy muffins or cookies from coffee shops to bring to the picnic. They don’t usually cost a lot!


4. Bring an Ice Cooler

Additionally, ice coolers will save you money as you don’t need to constantly buy ice every time! Days prior to the picnic, prepare well by filling your ice cube tray and keeping it in your freezer.

If you have ice cream at home, take it with you and put it in the ice cooler. Not only does it make your kids happy but it will save you from spending money on ice creams from ice cream vans around the park!

Photo By PWN Productions – Pexels

5. Find a Free Place To Picnic

Don’t overcomplicate your picnics, they don’t have to be fussy, but they do need to be fun! Look for parks that are free and have good opening hours. Do a little research about the parks so you are aware of the rules. If you are planning a BBQ, look for BBQ-friendly parks.

Ideally, if you are with kids, find somewhere they have free access to a playground or sports place. Or bring a kite, ball or frisbee to provide entertainment!

Cheap picnic ideas - free place and parks to picnic

These are the cheap picnic ideas for you to consider. Spending a lot of money isn’t needed to have a great picnic this summer. All you need is great company, simplicity and great weather!

Enjoy your picnic on national picnic month!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.


Why Restaurant Linens Are Important

The food, good service and the ambience of the restaurant are all factors that make a customer happy. For a 10 out of 10 customer experience, restaurant linens need to be consistently taken care of and cleaned.

restaurant linens and tables

Here is why restaurant linens are important for your restaurant;

Restaurant Linens Protect Table

A restaurant’s top priority should be presentation and cleanliness. One type of restaurant linen that helps maintain this is tablecloths.

Tablecloths reduce the number of germs and bacteria being spread. As a result of having a tablecloth, if a customer spills their food, the tablecloth will have it covered and absorbed unlike if it spills on the surface of the table.

Furthermore, it also means your employees don’t have to clean and wipe the surface table after every use.

Above all, you can count on Laundryheap to clean your tablecloths! We will help you get them cleaned professionally and delivered back to your restaurant within 24 hours!

Restaurant Linens Add Elegance

Moreover, In a restaurant, every detail matters and making sure your table skirts are cleaned consistently will make a lasting impression on the customer. A table skirt sets the tone for your restaurant by giving it personality, vibrance and elegance. It catches customers’ attention when they are walking to their seats so make sure your table skirts are regularly laundered and cleaned!

Restaurant Linens Ensures Cleanness

One thing that sets alarm bells for a customer is seeing a smudge on their glass or plate. Even seeing their plates a little damp can be frustrating. However, if you get your restaurant towels cleaned to a high-quality standard then this wouldn’t be an issue.

In fact, if your towels aren’t being cleaned properly then it will make them less absorbent, and they will take much longer to dry your plates and glasses. In short, Customers remember everything from their visit.

To get the basics right, let us launder your restaurant towels to keep smiles on your customers’ faces!

Contact Laundryheap Today For Properly Cleaned Restaurant Linens!

Restaurant linens are important, and they need to be taken care of. We, at Laundryheap, love to help your restaurant with cleaning your linens! We’ll go the extra mile to launder and clean your staff uniform as well.

Laundry Service to Clean your restaurant linens

A laundry service benefits your restaurant. Whenever you need us, just visit our website to book a service with us or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!