Laundryheap Blog – Laundry & Dry Cleaning

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Common Clothing Care Mistakes to Avoid While Traveling

When you’re travelling, it’s easy to overlook the little details, like caring for your clothes. But not looking after your clothes while traveling can lead to wrinkles, stains, and even damage to your favourite garments. It is easy to worry but to help you ensure your garments stay fresh throughout, we’ve compiled a guide on some common clothing care mistakes to avoid while travelling.

common clothing care mistakes to avoid - luggage travelling
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5 Essential Tips to Keep Your Gym Clothes Fresh

Gym is not an easy activity especially with all the workouts that can get intense. With all the hardwork and effort in the gym, the post-gym cleaning often gets underestimated. It’s not just about maintaining a healthy lifestyle but it’s also about keeping your gym clothes fresh after a workout. That’s why in this blog post, we’ve compiled 5 essential tips to keep your gym clothes clean.

keep your gym clothes fresh
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Getting Rid Of Lipstick Stains

Lipstick is a beloved beauty product, but it often leaves behind tricky stains on clothing. If you’ve ever faced the challenge of removing lipstick stains from your favourite garments, you’re in the right place. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through easy and effective methods for getting rid of lipstick stains from your clothes.

getting rid of lipstick stains
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Essential Laundry Tips For Autumn

September is here and that could only mean one thing; Autumn is here. The season brings out delicious pumpkin spice lattes and wonderful views but it has its own set of laundry challenges. To help you navigate through the new season, we’ve compiled a list of laundry tips for autumn.

laundry tips for autumn - sweaters on chair
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How To Remove Syrup Stains

Syrup is a delightful addition to breakfast, drizzled over pancakes, waffles, or French toast. However, accidents happen, and a small slip of the hand can lead to a sticky mess on your favourite clothes. Fear not! This blog will guide you on how to remove syrup stains and restore your items to their former glory.

how to remove syrup stains
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Laundry Tips for Different Fabric Types

Taking care of your clothes is essential for maintaining their quality and longevity. One important aspect of garment care is understanding how to properly wash different fabric types. Each fabric requires unique treatment to prevent damage, fading, and shrinking. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential laundry tips for various fabric types, ensuring that you can keep your clothes looking their best.

different fabric types
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What To Do If Clothes Start To Fade

Your clothes deserve the best care but sometimes, clothes start to fade. The natural reaction to finding out your clothes have faded is disappointment and you may ask yourself ‘what to do if clothes start to fade’. The good news is, we have the answer to this question.

clothes start to fade
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The benefits of steaming your clothes

Clothes steamers are perfect for when your clothes need freshening up but not a full wash in the washing machine. The benefits of steaming your clothes do not stop there.

  • Preserves clothing 
  • Removes stains
  • Kills odors 
  • Reduces allergens 
  • Removes wrinkles

Preserves clothing 

Over-washing causes irreversible damage to your clothing. Each time you wash your clothes the different materials rubbing together in the machine causes fibers to weaken. This can lead to holes and rips that are near impossible to repair. Clothes steamers do not include any chemicals other than water and heat, meaning that they are much gentler on clothing fibers. If your clothes are unstained, using a clothes steamer is a fast and effective way to freshen your clothing without damaging their fibers. 

Removes stains 

Clothes steamers are particularly useful at getting rid of stubborn stains. Before using your steam cleaner, pre-treat the stain in the most effective way depending on what has caused it. Once the stain has been pre-treated, aim your steam cleaner directly at the stain for around 30 seconds. The heat from the steam will loosen the stain and work with the pre-treatment to remove it. 

Kills odours 

If your clothing is unstained but odorous a steam cleaner will lift odours and leave your clothes ready to re-wear. When water reaches a steaming level it becomes hot enough to deactivate bacteria that cause odours. If you have a particularly stubborn odour, spray the strongest smelling area with a combination of white vinegar and water, this will help deactivate the bacteria and lift the smell from your clothes.

Reduces allergens 

If you suffer from allergies, such as hayfever, a clothes steamer can help alleviate your symptoms. When you use a clothes steamer, the steam pushes through the fibers of your clothing, eradicating any lingering bacteria, dust mites, or pollen. This is particularly helpful during hayfever season when pollen sticks to your clothing after being outside.

Reduces wrinkles 

If you hate ironing investing in a clothes steamer could be your saving grace. Hang your item of clothing on a coat hanger and gently run your clothes steamer up and down the garment. The steam will loosen the fibers of the fabric, allowing wrinkles in the material to be released. This will leave you with fresh, un-wrinkled, clothing without the need for an iron

Save yourself the hassle of laundering your own clothes and book a Laundryheap dry cleaning slot. We will pick up, dry clean, and re-deliver your clothes straight to your door. Book your slot now by visiting the Laundryheap website or by downloading the free Laundryheap app.

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How To Care For Your Abaya

It’s important to take great care of your abaya and keep it in pristine condition, so you can always look your absolute best.

How To Care For Your Abaya

Most abayas are made from delicate fabric and some have embellishments like sequins on them, so it’s important that you check the care label for the appropriate cleaning method.

Abayas with beading, sequins or metal embellishments should be hand-washed or dry-cleaned as these are more gentle cleaning processes that won’t ruin the embroideries.

Hand Washing Your Abaya

If you’re considering to hand-wash, it would be the same process as hand-washing your ordinary clothes, but just with extra caution.

Here are some key points to follow when hand-washing your abaya:

  • Don’t soak your Abaya for longer than 10 mins
  • Use cold water
  • Use a mild detergent and only a small amount of it
  • Avoid rubbing the areas of embroidery
  • Only scrub the stained/dirty areas

Machine Washing Your Abaya

Just as you would with your regular clothes, separate and wash your abaya with similar colours. This will prevent colours from bleeding onto other fabrics and will avoid unwanted discolouration.

Again, because Abayas are delicate clothing, you want to machine wash them in a way that will prevent damage to the fabric.

  • Use the delicate cycle, at a low temperature (no more than 30°C) to prevent shrinkage from the heat and avoid the stitching from coming loose.
  • Wash inside out to prevent the colour from fading.
  • Use a mild detergent or abaya shampoo.

Drying Your Abaya

After washing, always air dry your abaya and as much as possible, avoid tumble drying. This is because the heat and agitation of the dryer can wear out the fabric overtime, making it look dull. If you hand-washed your abaya, gently wring out the excess water before hanging to dry.

Ironing Your Abaya

It’s better to press/ steam your abaya using a low heat setting, as this is more gentle for the fabric. This is especially beneficial to your abayas with embellishments.

If you prefer to iron, use a low temperature and iron the abayas inside out. For abayas with embroidery, you should also iron them inside out but use a piece of fabric over the embellishments so it acts as a safety barrier from the heat.

Remember to:

  • Store your abayas away neatly to avoid creases.
  • Avoid hanging them on thin plastic/wired hangers, as this can deform the shoulder shape. Instead, use thick felt or velvet hangers.

If you’re in need of a top quality dry-cleaner to clean your abaya, Laundryheap will collect, clean and deliver your abayas to you within 24 hours.

clothes on hanger closet

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How To Take Proper Care Of Your Clothes

No one likes it when clothes start to fade in colour, when little rips and tears are found, when you can no longer wear your favourite top cos it looks so old and worn out. All these factors happen because we fail to take good care our clothes.

So, how do you prevent these from happening and keep clothes lasting longer? Let’s go through some of the most basic procedures on how to take proper care of your clothes.

How To Take Proper Care Of Your Clothes

  • Don’t wash too often: Excessive washing can be tough on your clothes. Putting the fabrics through constant agitation in water and detergent can cause your clothes to wear out. Only wash when you really need to, like when it’s visibly dirty or has a foul smell. Check how often you should be washing your clothes.
  • Learn basic repairs:  It comes in handy when you know how to fix basic repairs. Whether it’s fixing a loose thread or sewing back on a button, you can save yourself the money of purchasing a replacement and make your clothes last a little longer.
  • Hang nice clothes: Your suits, dresses, coats, jackets (especially leather ones) and any fabrics that are prone to getting creased easily or ones that are to delicate to be folded. Hang them on clothes hangers!
  • Fold heavy sweaters: Hanging heavy sweaters can cause them to deform in shape as the weight of it will pull it down and stretch the fabric. It’s best to fold and store them away as you would with your general clothing but be sure to keep them away from zippers or clothing accessories that might snag onto them.
  • Pay attention to the care label: The care label has all the instructions you need to clean, dry and iron your clothes the correct way, so it shouldn’t really be ignored. The only way to give your clothes proper treatment when it is wash, dried and ironed is to refer to it’s care label.
  • Clean clothes before storing them away: When seasons change and you swap your winter clothes for summer ones, it’s best to have them fresh and clean before storing them away. This is just so dirt and odour don’t attract bugs or bacteria; it’s best to keep them there fresh and clean, ready for when that time of the season comes again.
  • Remove stains accordingly: If you don’t want discoloured patches on your clothes, it’s best to remove stains asap. Always remember to dab and use cold or luke-warm water when treating a stain.
  • Don’t procrastinate when doing the laundry: In the process of doing laundry, sometimes we delay in folding and putting our clothes away or we leave clothes in the washing machine/ tumble dryer. This can result to: wrinkled clothes or mildew smelling clothes, which will make you want to wash your clothes again. Avoid this by keeping staying on track with the laundry once you get it started.
  • Get your washing cycle right: If you can wash your clothes right the first time, you can then you wont have to put your clothes through several cycles to get the best outcome.
  • Use good hangers: Wired or thin plastic hangers don’t often support the shape of your clothes, especially on the shoulder area. It can cause it to stretch or deform in shape if it’s not the right size. Instead, use wooden or thick hangers that will be able keep the shape of the garments shoulder.
  • Wash coloured clothes inside out: To prevent the colour of your clothes from fading, wash them inside out to protect them.
  • Don’t be lazy to separate colours: If you separate your laundry pile, your clothes will in fact be cleaner! And this is why it is advised to separate whites from dark/coloured clothes. This is so you avoid the risk of the dark clothes making your white clothes a grey or off-white colour.
  • Hand-wash: There’s nothing more caring for your clothes than hand washing them, especially delicate or hand wash only clothes! Hand wash your lingerie and other delicate fabrics that require hand-washing only to make them last longer.
  • Use a mesh bag for delicates: For delicates that can be machine washed, put them in a delicates (mesh) bag to keep them from catching onto or being caught onto other garments.
  • Don’t over crowd the closet: Trying to cram everything in your closet will create creases and wrinkles on clothes, which leads to constant exposure to ironing! Try to organise your wardrobe well so everything fits perfectly without clothes being too squished together. Check these clothes storage hacks if you’re short on wardrobe space.

If you want to outsource your laundry, you can count on Laundryheap for top quality laundry and dry-cleaning results. With free collection and delivery, you won’t have to worry about leaving your home.