Laundryheap Blog – Laundry & Dry Cleaning

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5 Mistakes You Might Be Making When Washing Your Gym Clothes

Working out is great for your health, but it often leaves you with sweaty, smelly gym clothes that need proper care. However, many people make mistakes when washing their gym clothes which can lead to damage and persistent odours. Here are 5 mistakes you might be making when washing your gym clothes.

man working out in gym
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5 Ways to Reduce Sweating Through Your Clothes

Sweating is nature’s way of keeping us cool, but when it soaks through your clothes, it can be downright annoying. If you’re tired of those sweat stains and want to stay dry and cool, here are 5 ways to reduce sweating through your clothes.

reduce sweating through your clothes
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Dos and Don’ts of Washing Baby Clothes

Being a mother isn’t easy. Not only does your lifestyle changes but you also need to think about changing the nappy, get used to hearing baby cries, and (hopefully) gotten a decent night’s sleep (just kidding, kind of). But there is more. You also have to think about the laundry. Those adorable, yet oh-so-stainable, baby clothes also need caring. It may seem a challenge but that’s why we’ve compiled a handy guide of dos and don’ts of washing baby clothes to make this as seamless as possible!

washing baby clothes
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How To Remove Odor From Clothes Without Washing Them

Nobody likes clothes that smell of odor but at the same time, washing them can be quite the chore that makes people procrastinate. Whether it’s that gym shirt you want to wear again or your favourite sweater that just needs a quick refresh, there are several simple ways to remove odor from clothes without washing them. That’s why, in this blog post, we’ll look at some handy tips.

how to remove odor from clothes
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Celebrating National Laundry Day

National Laundry Day is here! It may seem like another reminder to do your laundry but for this year, lets look at the different ways we can all get involved in celebrating national laundry day. Whether laundry is your favourite chore or you’re someone who dreads the sight of a pile of dirty laundry, there’s something for everyone to enjoy on National Laundry Day.

national laundry day - woman doing laundry
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Common Easter Stains

Preparing for Easter is one thing, but as the season of colourful eggs, chocolate delights, and joyful family gatherings approaches, there’s one aspect that tends to leave its mark on our celebrations: stains! Whether it’s chocolate smudges, dye drips or butter stains, it’s a right nuisance. However don’t these common easter stains scramble your easter plans! In this blog, we’ve got the solutions to crack them for good.

easter eggs
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Keeping Salon Uniforms Clean

Keeping salon uniforms clean is important. It demonstrates professionalism and cleanliness. It’s not surprising that many businesses, be it offices, restaurants, salons etc., rely on commercial laundry services to keep their uniforms in tip-top condition. However, maintaining that level of cleanliness during busy hours can be a challenge. To help you fulfil this, here are some ways to keep your uniforms looking their best.

keeping salon uniforms clean
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How to Store Away Puffer Jackets

Spring has is around the corner! Warmer weather means it’s time to tuck away those trusty puffer jackets until next season. But before you store away puffer jackets, there are a few things to keep in mind such as cleaning and drying them properly. In this guide, we will walk you through the essential steps to properly storing your puffer jacket and keeping it in top condition.

puffer jacket
Photo by cottonbro studio
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Professional Sneakers Cleaning Service

Sneakers effortlessly improve our outfit, adding a touch of elegance. Yet unfortunately, they are prone to getting dirty fast. Although this could be seen as a nuisance, Laundryheap now has the solution for you! With our professional sneaker cleaning service, we’ll make sure your sneakers look fresh and flawless again.

professional sneakers cleaning service
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Common Challenges Faced By Guests

Your guests have high expectations and in the hospitability world, there is nothing better than a smooth and comfortable guest experience. It’s the recipe for great reviews but sometimes, guests encounter unexpected challenges that can dampen their stay. The last thing you want is unhappy guests. That’s why in this blog, we’ll look at five common challenges faced by guests in hotels and offer solutions to overcome them.

common challenges faced by guests
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