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Common Clothing Care Mistakes to Avoid While Traveling

When you’re travelling, it’s easy to overlook the little details, like caring for your clothes. But not looking after your clothes while traveling can lead to wrinkles, stains, and even damage to your favourite garments. It is easy to worry but to help you ensure your garments stay fresh throughout, we’ve compiled a guide on some common clothing care mistakes to avoid while travelling.

common clothing care mistakes to avoid - luggage travelling
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5 Ways To Improve Hotel Guest Experience Through Convenience

In today’s competitive hospitality industry, enhancing the hotel guest experience through convenience is no longer a luxury, it’s a necessity. Seamless services can be the difference between a good and a great stay, boosting guest satisfaction and loyalty. While making improvements may seem like a big step, this article simplifies the process by looking at five key approaches.

hotel guest experience - family checking in
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Visiting Paris On A Budget

Paris is known for its romance, art, architecture, croissants and also has a reputation of emptying your wallet! However, what if we told you that it is possible to explore Paris on a budget and still have an exciting trip? That’s right, with a little bit planning (and patience), you can enjoy Paris without breaking the bank. To help you, we’ve put together a list of tips on making your visit to the city of lights affordable!

eiffel tower by river
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Post Travel Tips

Travelling is one of life’s best experiences. You get to learn new cultures, try out delicious new food and take those Instagram-worthy pictures! Despite all the fun travelling brings, all of us can relate to the not-so-fun part when we return home. It takes time for some to get back into daily rhythm. That’s why in this blog, we’ve compiled post-travel tips to help you settle back better!

post travel tips - lady looking at flight times
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Dos and Don’ts of Visiting Paris

Paris is a city that echoes of romance and promises a dash of magic around every corner. Whether you’re there for the art, the food, or just to soak in the vibe, here are some simple dos and don’ts of visiting Paris!

dos and donts of visiting paris - explore city
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Things To Do In Paris With Your Kids

Paris, often referred to as the City of Love, is not only a romantic destination for couples but also a fantastic place to create unforgettable memories with your family, especially your kids. This is a city that effortlessly blends history, culture, and fun, making it an ideal destination for family travel. From exploring the Eiffel Tower to trying out delicious French food, in this blog post, we’ll explore a range of things to do in Paris with your kids.

things to do in paris with your kids

1. Explore The Eiffel Tower

A visit to Paris wouldn’t be truly complete without experiencing the iconic Eiffel Tower. It’s a must-see attraction that will leave your kids in sheer amazement. You might want to consider taking an elevator ride to the summit to enjoy awe-inspiring panoramic views of the city. And of course, don’t miss the opportunity to capture some Instagram-worthy pictures of the Eiffel Tower!

2. Visit Disneyland

For a magical family adventure, a visit to Disneyland Paris should be on top of your bucket list. Your children will have the chance to meet their favourite Disney characters, experience thrilling rides, and enjoy amazing parades and shows. It’s a day of pure joy and excitement that your family will hold dear in their hearts forever.

3. Visit The Louvre Museum

Introduce your kids to art and history in a fun and interactive way by visiting the Louvre Museum. Home to the famous Mona Lisa and countless other masterpieces, the Louvre offers special family-friendly tours. We do recommend planning a day trip dedicated solely for the Louvre museum as there is a lot to sink in!

louvre museum - things to do in paris with your kids

4. Stroll Through Luxembourg Gardens

When you’re in Paris, don’t miss the chance for a leisurely walk in the stunning Luxembourg Gardens. This is a great place to take your kids too as they can can have fun at the playgrounds, sail boats on the pond, and even see a funny puppet show.

5. Picnic By The Seine River

A family trip just calls for a delicious picnic. The good news is that in Paris, you can enjoy a picnic along the Seine River! You can treat your kids to delicious pastries and baguettes. Your kids can also enjoy several parks and playgrounds where they can run around and play in!

6. Try Out French Food

Food is an important part of a city’s culture as you can understand the traditions and history more. Paris itself is a culinary wonderland. Giving your kids the opportunity to try new food is a great educational experience for them. Treat them to mouth-watering goodies like crepes, croissants, macarons, and even escargots.

The list of things to do in Paris with your kids is endless! With so many engaging activities and attractions to choose from, your kids are sure to have a memorable experience.

And while you’re busy exploring Paris with your family, don’t let the laundry pile up! Consider using Laundryheap.

Our convenient laundry pick-up and delivery service that will ensure your clothes are clean and fresh, so you can focus on creating lasting memories with your loved ones.

So pack your bags, bring your kids, and get ready for an unforgettable adventure in Paris! Bon voyage!

laundryheap in paris in front of eiffel tower

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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Tips To Keep Your Clothes Wrinkle-Free While Travelling

Whether you’re a business traveller or just love exploring, the last thing you want is to arrive at your destination with a suitcase full of wrinkled clothes. Wrinkles take away from the enjoyment of your trip. In this blog, we’ll share a collection of tips to keep your clothes wrinkle-free while travelling, ensuring you always look your best on the road!

tips to keep your clothes wrinkle-free - hang clothes
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Moving To Paris – Guide

Whether you’re moving to Paris because of work or study, it’s undoubtedly a big chapter in your life. It’s a chapter that presents lots of excitement and challenges. Paris has the romantic charm, rich history, delicious food, and vibrant culture that makes it an attraction for many. To help you settle in the city of lights, we’ve prepared a guide on moving to Paris – the capital of France.

moving to paris - eiffel tower
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Travel Guide To Paris

Paris is a city of romance, charm and beauty! If you’ve ever dreamt of strolling along the Seine, indulging in delicious pastries, and admiring the breathtaking Eiffel Tower, then this travel guide to Paris is tailor-made for you. So, grab your beret, pack your bags, and let’s dive into an unforgettable adventure in the heart of France!

travel guide to paris - eiffel tower
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Travel Guide to New York City

New York City, the city that never sleeps, is a dreamy destination filled with iconic landmarks, vibrant neighbourhoods, and a melting pot of cultures. Whether you’re a first-time visitor or a seasoned traveller, this travel guide to New York City will help you navigate the bustling streets, uncover hidden gems, and make the most of your time in the Big Apple.

new york city - busy streets with taxi and pedestians.
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