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Dos and Don’ts of Washing Baby Clothes

Being a mother isn’t easy. Not only does your lifestyle changes but you also need to think about changing the nappy, get used to hearing baby cries, and (hopefully) gotten a decent night’s sleep (just kidding, kind of). But there is more. You also have to think about the laundry. Those adorable, yet oh-so-stainable, baby clothes also need caring. It may seem a challenge but that’s why we’ve compiled a handy guide of dos and don’ts of washing baby clothes to make this as seamless as possible!

washing baby clothes
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Laundry Hacks for Busy Professionals

We all know how hectic life can get, juggling work, family, and everything in between. When it comes to laundry, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the never-ending piles of clothes. But fear not! In this blog post, we’re going to share some friendly and practical time-saving laundry hacks for busy professionals that will make your life a whole lot easier.

laundry hacks for busy professionals - sorting our laundry
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Why Laundryheap Is A Great Mother’s Day Gift

Mother’s day is around the corner! It’s a day to celebrate the amazing job every mother does. Every mum deserves a gift that makes them smile from ear to ear. It can be tempting to get flowers and roses but it will be a case of ‘been there done that’. Nothing says ‘I am thinking of you’ more than a gift that will take care of the laundry duties and give mum some room to rest! Luckily, getting mum a Laundryheap gift card can make life easier for her and would be a great mother’s day gift!

great mother's day gift
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The Guide To A Christmas Bedroom

The Christmas tree is up, and presents are all wrapped up – it is beginning to look a lot like Christmas! Decorations are glamorous but it doesn’t have to stop in your living room; spread the festive spirit further and decorate your bedroom! To help you out, we’ve compiled a guide to a Christmas bedroom!

the guide to a christmas bedroom

Christmas Bedding

It is the most wonderful time of the year but it is also the most magical time! No feeling beats the feeling of waking up on Christmas day and all snuggled up in your festive duvet! Not only will this keep you cosy throughout the cold winter nights, but it will also keep you cheery and right into the Christmas spirit!

First things first, it wouldn’t be a Christmas bedroom if you didn’t get festive-themed beddings and duvet. Christmas will get a whole lot cosier if you did!

Make sure you get red and white colours to symbolise the colours of Christmas.

Don’t forget the threat counts of your bedding! Go for 200 thread count to add an element of comfort.

the guide to a christmas bedroom - decorations


Your Christmas Bedroom would be incomplete without a pillow. While it is a time of joy and happiness, the preparation itself can cause Christmas chaos so make sure you sprinkle extra Christmas magic in your room with a comfy pillow!

A pillow that has Christmas lyrics on it is sure to make your room extra Christmassy!

christmas pillow

Hang a Wreath In Your Christmas Bedroom

Sometimes simplicity is the key to happiness and if you want to go the extra mile, we suggest hanging a wreath somewhere in your room. Whether it’s on a wall or just above your bed, it is a magical feature that adds more glamour to your room!

Christmas wreath - guide to a christmas bedroom

We hope this guide to a Christmas bedroom has helped!

Embracing Christmas is great for the overall atmosphere in your house – whether in the living room or the bedroom. It is a time of love and togetherness.

A friendly reminder that if you notice any stains on your Christmas bedding or pillows, just get in touch with us and we’ll remove them for you! After 24 hours, we’ll return them to you all clean!

We, at Laundryheap, would hate to see stains ruin your Christmas mood!  

laundry service - laundryheap

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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Back To School: Laundry Preparations

School is back and the familiar feeling of busier laundry chores also returns. For parents, this is a source of frustration because school uniforms can overfill the laundry basket. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. With better laundry preparations, the new school year can be managed better!

kids learning in school

Here are our tips for better laundry preparations for the school year.

1. Separate The School Clothes

Separating school clothes from normal clothes does help with organisation. After all, school clothes don’t just include uniforms, but they also include sports kits and socks. Separating school clothes from other clothes prevents the problem of overloading the washing machine. In addition, it’s advised to turn everything inside out to reduce the probability of colours fading.

2. Look For Any Stains

The weather in September is still hot; typically, kids love to play sports during lunch breaks, which increases the likelihood of any mud stains. If your kid loves art, paint stains are also common. In general, ink stains are the most common throughout the school year.

For better laundry preparations, make sure you make your own stain remover. This can be usually done by mixing baking soda and white vinegar together. Highly effective against mud stains.

3. Book a Laundry Service

Booking a laundry service is a huge time saver for parents. Laundryheap is a reliable and convenient laundry service. Think of it like Uber but for laundry. Parents already lead busy lifestyles. Daily jobs, cooking, taking care of kids etc. the list is endless but booking a service with Laundryheap will help with laundry preparations because we’ll do the laundry for you! Just book a service and we’ll clean your kids’ school uniforms to perfection!

better laundry preparations with laundryheap

4. Introduce Your Kids To Laundry

Teaching your kids about laundry breeds discipline and work ethic. These are important life skills. Tell your kids about the basics of laundry; putting clothes in the basket, separating colours, using detergents, folding clothes to remove wrinkles etc. Not only does this help laundry preparations for you but your kids will become more independent.

The new school year can be challenging for everyone involved as it takes time to settle after a long summer. With better laundry preparations, the chores will be managed just fine!

For your laundry needs, just book a service with Laundryheap!

laundry app for better laundry preparations

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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5 Cheap Picnic Ideas

Nothing says it’s picnic season like the summer holidays and July – national picnic month. To mark this occasion, we’ve compiled a list of 5 cheap picnic ideas for you and your family. After all, a picnic is one of the joys of the summer so why not enjoy it even more on a budget?

1. Simple Appetiser

Make the most out of the sun shining by planning appetisers that will please the family. Picnics would be incomplete without appetisers after all.

For cheap picnic ideas, you can’t go wrong with salad. Not only are they cheap but they are easy to make and simple to transport. Some examples of salad recipes would be Greek salad, potato salad or fruity pasta salad.

If you want more variety, go with hummus and carrots to get the picnic rolling! You’ll see your family members’ faces light up with excitement as they go for their first hummus dips but remember to bring the napkins!

cheap picnic ideas - salads

2. Simple Food

Simple foods are made for picnics. You don’t have to cook a big meal instead you can just bring budget-friendly food from the local supermarkets. Pasta, sandwiches, wraps or even canned tuna are all cheap picnic ideas that the whole family will love! If you ask us, sandwiches are the best budget-friendly picnic food because they don’t take much space in the basket.

Don’t forget about the drinks, plastic cutlery, and rubbish bags!

If you do leave food stains on your clothes, don’t stress! Our services have got you covered!

Cheap picnic ideas- sandwiches

3. Bake Desserts or Use What You Have At Home

Great memories always include desserts! To save money, bake a dessert at home! Chocolate brownies or banana cakes are simple to make and bring to the picnic. You’d be surprised at how much money you’ll save by avoiding buying already-made desserts.

However, if you’ve left it late and urgently need desserts, don’t hesitate to buy muffins or cookies from coffee shops to bring to the picnic. They don’t usually cost a lot!


4. Bring an Ice Cooler

Additionally, ice coolers will save you money as you don’t need to constantly buy ice every time! Days prior to the picnic, prepare well by filling your ice cube tray and keeping it in your freezer.

If you have ice cream at home, take it with you and put it in the ice cooler. Not only does it make your kids happy but it will save you from spending money on ice creams from ice cream vans around the park!

Photo By PWN Productions – Pexels

5. Find a Free Place To Picnic

Don’t overcomplicate your picnics, they don’t have to be fussy, but they do need to be fun! Look for parks that are free and have good opening hours. Do a little research about the parks so you are aware of the rules. If you are planning a BBQ, look for BBQ-friendly parks.

Ideally, if you are with kids, find somewhere they have free access to a playground or sports place. Or bring a kite, ball or frisbee to provide entertainment!

Cheap picnic ideas - free place and parks to picnic

These are the cheap picnic ideas for you to consider. Spending a lot of money isn’t needed to have a great picnic this summer. All you need is great company, simplicity and great weather!

Enjoy your picnic on national picnic month!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.