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International Students Laundry Tips Made Simple

International students living alone in a foreign country may face various challenges that can
impact their mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Being away from family and friends can
make international students feel lonely and isolated, leading to homesickness.

Living alone comes with many challenges, from taking care of your health and finances to doing
basic chores independently. Moreover, it builds you as a whole new person, and you become
more individualistic.

international students with laundry
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Abu Dhabi: Expats Guide On Moving To UAE

Abu Dhabi is the capital and second-most populous city of the United Arab Emirates (after Dubai). The city is located on an island in the Persian Gulf, off the Central West Coast.

The whole of the UAE is home to over 200 nationalities, with Emiratis making up roughly 20% of the total population. It’s such a popular destination for Expats. This list will tell you all you need to know about moving to Abu Dhabi. 

guide to moving to UAE

What is it known for?

The capital of the UAE is a culturally unique city on the shore of the Arabian Sea. Abu Dhabi has been the traditional home of the federal government. The emirate owns 95% of the UAE’s oil production. As a result, the city provides a wealth of opportunities to ex-pats by allowing residents to live tax-free.

Abu Dhabi Island is the centre of the city, connected to the mainland by three bridges and surrounded by several smaller islands. The last decade has seen the city concentrate on developing its tourism, education, financial and cultural sectors.

Things to know before you go

Before you go to the UAE, you will need to apply for a visa. Most noteworthy, you will need a work permit, residence visa and an Emirates ID card. Often employers will apply for the visas for you and once granted, they last for up to two years. To get a residence visa for your family, you will need to show you earn at least AED 4,000 a month. 

Information to know once you arrive 

The main airport in the city is the Abu Dhabi International Airport, the second-largest in the UAE after Dubai. Another important detail to know before arrival is the currency, which is the UAE dirham (AED or Dhs) and is pegged against the US dollar at US$ 1: AED 3.6725. 

Arabic is the leading language spoken in Abu Dhabi, with English generally spoken throughout. As well to English, the other common languages spoken are Farsi, Hindi and Urdu.

Where to live?

One of the most desirable areas to live in the city is The Corniche on Abu Dhabi Island. The area is home to many mixed-use developments, hotels and malls. Similarly, the highly sought-after modern luxury developments found on other islands such as Al Reem prove very popular with Expats. Saadiyat Island is currently being developed with a host of villas and high-end apartment blocks and will be home to about 160,000 residents. 

While most Expats move to one of these Island suburbs, there are plenty of suburbs on the mainland suitable for potential Expats, such as Khalifa City along the Abu Dhabi – Dubai Road.

The weather

The climate of the UAE features a desert climate with hot summers and cold winters. Most days are sunny and pleasant except in the middle of the summer season (July – August) when it is VERY hot in the UAE.

As a result, the nicest period is during wintertime, which runs from October to March. The weather is moderate and pleasant during this time, making it ideal for sightseeing and outdoor activities. 

Moving to Abu Dhabi with family

The UAE is a very family-friendly country and a place you can make a fresh start with your spouse and children. Fortunately, English is widely spoken in Abu Dhabi, which makes the initial move more comfortable.

Family is highly valued throughout the United Arab Emirates, and this will give you a simple way to bond with locals and new colleagues. As for Education in Abu Dhabi, private or international schools are abundant, so there is plenty of option for your kids.

What is the food in Abu Dhabi like?

Brunch is very popular in Abu Dhabi, and beyond in the UAE. It is not uncommon for people to settle for double or even triple brunches in one day. Yes, you read that correctly, some people will repeatedly jump from one brunch to another once the weekend comes round. 

One staple food found all over the region is the national fruit: dates. You will see these fruits being sold everywhere and will often find them incorporated into local recipes. As well as these regional delicacies, you will be able to access almost every type of dining in Abu Dhabi, from high-end to fast food. Because of its diverse population, Abu Dhabi has a plethora of different cuisines, as you’d find in any big city. 

Another reason to go to Abu Dhabi is that Laundryheap operates there! We offer the people of Abu Dhabi a same-day laundry and dry cleaning collection with free next-day delivery.

laundry service

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android!

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How to wash your underwear

Photo by 🐴chuanyu2015 from Pexels

If you’re wondering why the lace in your underwear is coming unravelled or why the elastic in your waistband isn’t doing its job anymore, it’s probably because you’re washing your underwear wrong. Have no fear, because we are here to rid you of ALL your underwear washing woes. 

  • Should you be washing underwear with normal clothes?
  • Killing germs
  • How to wash your delicates
  • How to wash cotton
  • How to wash bras
  • How Laundryheap can help

Should you be washing underwear with normal clothes?  

Unless you wash your clothing at a minimum of 60 degrees, the bacteria from your underwear can transfer to the rest of your load. You may now be wondering why we are advised to wash clothing at anything less than 60 degrees. Aside from the environmental benefits of a cold wash, cold water will CLEAN clothing but will not ELIMINATE microorganisms. Unless your clothing is particularly dirty, simply cleaning it will suffice. 

Killing germs 

There are several ways that you can rid bacteria from your underwear asides from a hot wash. Using an oxygen bleach detergent can kill the bacteria from underwear at as low as 20 degrees. After washing underwear in the washing machine, you should always clean your machine. The e-coli and bacteria from your underwear can stick to your washing machine and transfer to other loads of laundry. To wash your machine, simply add two cups of white vinegar and run an empty cycle. This will leave your machine sparkling clean and ready for your next load of washing. 

Running an empty cycle every time you wash your underwear is not very environmentally friendly. Rather than wasting water, energy and detergent try hand washing your underwear instead.

How to wash your delicates

Washing your delicate underwear is always difficult. Lace can become unravelled, silk can lose its silkiness and colours can fade. 

It’s always best to hand wash your delicates to avoid any unnecessary trauma to the material. Use warm water and a detergent without enzymes. Be careful not to use too much detergent as this will leave behind a soapy residue. Use a gentle plunging action when washing and avoid vicious rubbing. When drying NEVER hand-ring out residual water or use the tumble dryer. Instead, hang your underwear outside, but avoid drying in direct sunlight. This process will ensure that lace stays in tact and your silks stay silky. 

If you do want to use your washing machine to wash your more delicate underwear make sure you check the care label first. This will give you an indication of what cycle and temperature you should use. Additionally, put your underwear in a laundry bag or pillow case to avoid lace being snagged in the washing machine.

Photo by Emms x

How to wash cotton 

Unlike underwear made from silk or lace, cotton is a more durable material, and, therefor, is less likely to be damaged in the washing machine. That being said, it is still important to use a laundry bag or pillow case to ensure that your cotton stays soft. Additionally, don’t wash your underwear with jeans, towels or any other rough materials. Unlike with delicate underwear, you can use any detergent to wash your cotton underwear, just don’t overuse it as you will leave a soapy residue.

Photo by Eric Wüstenhagen

 How to wash bras 

Bras can be worn 2-3 times before they need to be washed. Regardless of if you hand wash or use a washing machine, its best to use a detergent that doesn’t contain bleach or alcohol. If you can’t find a detergent without either of these ingredients, use a small amount of baby soap for the same effect. 

To ensure that your bras stay in good shape it’s best to hand wash them. Hand washing is the best way to eliminate sweat and odours and prevents them from losing their shape. The best way to hand wash your bras is to leave them in warm water with a small amount of detergent. Leave them for 40 minutes to 1 hour before taking them out of the water and hanging them over your shower curtain pole, or leaving them flat on a towel to dry. Never tumble dry your bras as this will lead to them losing their shape. 

If you want to use your washing machine to wash your bras, use a delicate cycle setting and a laundry bag. Additionally, make sure you don’t wash your bras with any rough or heavy materials as this will break down the fibres of your bra and lead to their deterioration. 

Photo by Castorly Stock from Pexels

How Laundryheap can help 

If you don’t want to risk ruining your underwear, Laundryheap can help. Simply book your slot using our app and we will pick up, wash and deliver your underwear back to you within 24hrs. We now offer contactless collection and delivery, among other support services to limit physical interactions.


Does your Zodiac sign match your laundry habits?

Do you love to do laundry every week? Or are you more of a, leave your dirty clothes in a heap until they HAVE to be cleaned, kind of person? Regardless, your laundry habits could be a result of your Zodiac sign. Find your sign and let us know how accurate we were.

  • Aquarius- the eco-washer 
  • Pisces- the generous washer 
  • Aries- the impatient washer 
  • Taurus- the resilient washer
  • Gemini- the sneaky washer 
  • Cancer- the loyal washer
  • Leo- the dominant washer 
  • Virgo- the strict washer 
  • Libra- the friendly washer 
  • Scorpio- the determined washer 
  • Sagittarius- the lazy washer 
  • Capricorn- the disciplined washer
  • Helping all the signs

Aquarius- the eco washer 

If you’re an Aquarius then you are all about solving the problems of the world. You’re a humanitarian, progressive and intent on saving the world. That’s why when you wash you do it in the most eco-friendly way. Always using the most natural detergents, or making your own, and never buying laundry products that contain single-use plastic. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Pisces- the generous washer  

This Zodiac sign is compassionate and intuitive, always willing to lend a hand. When it comes to their laundry, they’re the first to dish out the detergent and share their fabric softener. They’re an empathetic individual, always ready to help others in or out of the laundromat. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Aries- the impatient washer 

Aries are enthusiastic and determined individuals and are always the first to put on their washing. However, this zodiac sign is notorious for being short-tempered and impatient- if their washing can’t be done on a ‘Quick-15’ setting it can lead to tantrums. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Taurus- the resilient washer 

The complete opposite of the Aries, a Taurus is patient and resilient. A Taurus will always see a task through and will patiently wait for their washing to be done- no matter how long that may take. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Gemini- the sneaky washer

Gemini’s have a tendency to be restless. They can’t stay still for too long, so washing their clothes proves to be their worst nightmare. Watch out, because their quick-witted and gentle nature makes them very appealing and could lead to them off-loading their dirty laundry on you. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Cancer- the loyal washer 

Cancer proves to be the most loyal Zodiac sign of them all. After finding a laundry detergent that works for them they will never leave it. They are very pessimistic about new detergents and softeners making their way into the laundry market and would much rather stick to their tried and tested methods. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Leo- the dominant washer

This fire sign dominates every aspect of their life, including the way they do their laundry. They are natural-born leaders with a knack for organisation, so their laundry is always perfectly timed and completed on schedule. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Virgo- the strict washer

Virgo’s are analytical, hard-working and practical. They often have a methodical approach to life and they treat their laundry in the same way. Their clothes are washed on a schedule and in the most practical way.

Photo by Numerology Sign

Libra- the friendly washer

The Libra will avoid confrontation at any cost, so if you’re looking for someone to do your washing for you search for a Libra. They are one of the more social zodiac signs, so, if you do ask them to do your washing, make sure you sit and have a chat with them first. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Scorpio- the determined washer 

Scorpio’s are determined. Any task they set their mind to will be completed, whether it’s a project at work, or getting to the bottom of their laundry heap. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Sagittarius- the lazy washer 

The Sagittarius is constantly on the move. They love to travel and hate being confined in one space for too long. Undoubtedly, they won’t even begin their washing until they have absolutely nothing left to wear. They are too curious for washing- they want to explore the world, not their laundry basket. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Capricorn- the disciplined washer 

Capricorns possess a sense of discipline and self-control like none of the other Zodiac signs. Everything in their lives in spotless- especially their laundry. They are excellent managers and take full control over their lives, including their laundry, which is always done to the highest standard. 

Photo by Numerology Sign

Helping all the Zodiac Signs 

Regardless of your Zodiac sign, at Laundryheap we can pick up, launder and deliver your clothes back to you within 24 hours, completely free of charge. Download the Laundryheap app to book your time slot. 

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How to make a DIY detergent

The cost of laundry can really add up. Clothing, underwear, bed linen, towels, the list of things you need to wash is endless. Unfortunately, the laundry detergent you use is not. Constantly having to stock up on detergent is not cost effective, which is why you should save yourself the money and make your own DIY detergent. 

  • The benefits of DIY detergent 
  • What you’ll need
  • The recipe 
  • Top tips 
  • How Laundryheap can help 

The benefits of DIY detergent 

Aside from being cost effective, there are a lot of benefits of DIY detergents. Firstly, you have complete control over the ingredients that you want to include. This means, there are no harmful chemicals or added toxins that could cause skin irritation. Not to mention, the lack of harmful chemicals and toxins is much better for the environment. Additionally, through making your own detergent you are not buying unnecessary packaging and are, therefore, decreasing the use of single-use plastic. 

What you’ll need 

To make your DIY detergent you need three simple ingredients:

  • Borax
  • Washing Soda
  • A bar of natural soap

The recipe 

You can make your DIY detergent in three easy steps:

  1. Grate your bar of soap- using a food processor will make this step a lot easier, but a hand-held greater will work just fine.
  2. Add the grated soap to 250ml of washing soda and 250ml of Borax 
  3. Stir the mix well

Top Tips 

Use three level teaspoons per wash and store the rest of your detergent in a lidded container. Don’t forget to label your container so people know what’s inside- for extra safety add a list of ingredients to your label.

If you want to make your DIY detergent last longer, make a bigger batch by doubling the amounts of each ingredient, but using the same ratios.

Photo by Aqua Mechanical

How Laundryheap can help

If you want to save your DIY detergent for clothing only, our Home and Bedding service can be used on the remainder of your washing. We will pick up, launder and deliver your items back to you within 24 hours, at no extra cost. Book your slot on our Laundryheap app. 


Dry Cleaning: Benefits Of Professional Care

A lot of people still see professional dry cleaning as a luxury, but we at Laundryheap understand that it is, in fact, a necessity. Dry cleaning has countless benefits that you can’t get from doing your laundry at home.

Not every piece of clothing needs to be dry cleaned. However, taking care of the items that do will prolong their life and maintain their beauty. Make sure you pay attention to care labels on your clothes to know which pieces are best dry cleaned. Alternatively, you can talk to the specialists if you are having trouble with the details.

  • Professionals pay close attention to detail 
  • Dry cleaning is less abrasive 
  • Perfect for removing stains and odours
  • Prolongs your clothes’ lifespan 
  • Saves you time and stress
  • Dry cleaners can handle large items 
  • Laundryheap is always here to help

Professionals pay close attention to detail

Doing the laundry at home means you have to cover all the steps, including washing, ironing, folding and storing items. As a result of all these different tasks, people can often overlook important aspects of cleaning clothes, which will have a massive impact on your clothes life span. 

When taking your clothes to professional dry cleaners, they can handle all these tasks for you with extra care. Professionals like us here at Laundryheap understand the different needs of different types of clothing. All you need to worry about is collecting it at your door and hanging the clothes in your wardrobe. 

Dry cleaning is less abrasive

Modern dry cleaning innovations are using greener products that are less abrasive on your clothing than traditional laundry techniques we use at home. The professionals know which clothes require a wet cleaning process and which do not. 

Likewise, professional dry cleaners know how to deal with delicate items that require special care. Dry cleaners are up to date with the best practices and will clean your clothes in the smartest possible way.  


Perfect for removing stains and odours 

There are lots of excellent home remedies for removing stains, but most come with a risk of ruining the clothes further. It is always a safer idea to get the professionals to deal with your tricky stains and lingering odours. 

So, if you ever find yourself about to throw your clothes away because you can’t get rid of this latest stain, why not take it to the dry cleaners? You’d be surprised at some of the hidden magic the professionals have up their sleeves. 

Prolongs your clothes’ lifespan

Everyone wants their clothes to look fresh for longer. One of the best ways people can achieve this is by having your garments professionally cleaned. 

By getting the dry cleaners to take care of your items, they are less exposed to fibre-wearing agitation that comes from the washing machine. As a result, they will last longer and retain their original colour. Also, a big bonus is you will end up saving money because you won’t need to purchase new clothes as frequently. 

sort laundry

Dry cleaners have the capacity for larger loads at once

It could seem evident to some, but not all, that dry cleaners have more capacity than your average washroom. If you are looking to get items like curtains, rugs, sofa covers or bedding cleaned well, then look no further than the dry cleaners. 

What can seem like a torturing chore for you to handle at home is a walk in the park for the professionals. Using a professional service for big items will save valuable time and reduce stress. 

Saves you time and stress

Dry cleaners don’t just take a load of laundry, but they also take a load of stress off your back. By handing over that task to the professionals, you can now enjoy your free time by doing the things you want to do. 

Time is valuable and often overshadowed by work or chores that can take up your entire day. So, by using a dry cleaners, you are regaining that precious time to spend with friends, family or yourself. 

Laundryheap is always here to help

Often people’s biggest issue when it comes to seeking professional help comes from having to leave the house. That’s why Laundryheap comes to you. We come to your home or place of work, pick up your dirty clothes and return them within 24 hours fresh, ironed and ready. Did we mention that we also do all this with no collection or delivery charge? 

So, next time you want to enjoy your free time and give your clothes a professional clean, look no further than Laundryheap


How to make clothes last longer?

If you are someone who loves your clothes and wants to be more sustainable – this list is for you. Threads can be expensive, and therefore we would like them to last as long as possible.

Also, for eco-conscious fashionistas, making garments last longer is the first step to an ethical and sustainable wardrobe. As a result, making your clothes last longer will save you money and cut your consumption – which helps reduce your carbon footprint. This post will guide you how to keep your cherished pieces looking fresh and lasting longer.

  • Buy quality items
  • Read fabric care labels
  • Wash on warm. Max.
  • Dry on medium. Max
  • Wash less
  • Carry stain removal pen 
  • Reduce detergent amount
  • Wash dark clothes inside out
  • Don’t overload washer or dryer 
  • Store in a cool and dry environment 

Buy quality items

When it comes to buying clothes, quality should always trump quantity. Would you rather buy a £300 jacket that lasts 10+ years or buy a different £70 jacket every winter? The answer should be simple. 

Often higher quality items are better for the planet, people and animals. Similarly, higher-quality pieces will usually last longer due to superior materials and construction. Don’t be afraid to spend a little more on certain items that will last longer. You’ll take better care of them, and they will last longer – meaning you won’t have to keep buying new clothes.

Read fabric care labels

When was the last time you actually looked at the laundry label before washing it? Unless you are a well-experienced laundry expert, you should read the fabric care labels every time. 

If the label tells you to wash on a cold temperature, then believe it and stick to it. The labels will advise you on how to ensure the clothing retains its new look for longer. 


Wash on warm. Max.

A big misconception when it comes to doing laundry is to wash on hot for the best results. Washing on cold usually gets the job done, and it is often what the clothes label recommend you wash on. Heat is not ideal for natural fibres, and will often do more damage than good to the clothing.

Dry on medium. Max. 

As well as not setting the washing machine too high, we must also remember not to dry our clothes on the highest setting. Similarly again, read the tag. If it says tumble dry on low? Tumble dry on low. 

One main problem we face when doing our drying is wanting the clothes to dry as fast as possible. Most people’s first thought is that the higher you set the tumble dryer, the quicker the clothes will dry. But, people forget that this will ruin the fibres in your clothing. As a result, many of us find our clothes shrunk or misshaped after setting the tumble dryer to high. Speed counts for nothing if its end result is a ruined garment. 

Carry a stain removal pen 

If you are unlucky enough to get an unwanted stain on your favourite white t-shirt, the first rule is to act as quickly as possible. Stain removal pens and wipes are the latest and greatest innovation in the stain removal world. 

Follow the instructions carefully and be sure to go over it again when you get home. The pens are wonderful, but they are not magic, and you will still need to launder the garment to stop further damage.

Reduce detergent amount 

We have all been guilty of this one at one time or another. Most people just assume the more detergent you use, the cleaner your clothes will come out. 

However, more detergent does not equal fewer stains. The extra detergent settles back on the clothes, leaving the finish dull and stiff. Using too much detergent can have a very detrimental effect on the life of your clothing. So, make sure you follow the labels on both your clothing and the detergent bottles. 

Wash dark clothes inside out

One of the major problems with buying dark clothing is that the colour fades pretty quickly after a few washes. No one buys a black t-shirt and hopes it will fade to a dark grey colour. 

To avoid this happening to your dark clothes, wash them inside out to preserve their colour. The same theory can be applied to printed t-shirts, turning them inside out will prevent the print from cracking. 

Don’t overload the washing machine or dryer

Speed does not equal efficiency when it comes to doing your laundry. So, while doing more loads of laundry will take more time, your clothes will benefit from it. 

You do not want to stuff your machine to the point of it exploding open mid-wash. The washer can’t do the required work without some space for the water and detergent to do their magic.


Store in a dry and cool environment

Clothes deteriorate when kept in confined spaces or when over-exposed to light. To stop this you should avoid storing your clothes in places like basements or your bathroom, where bacteria can grow and ruin them. 

By giving your garments breathing space in your wardrobe, you can avoid wrinkling and colour fading from clothes rubbing against each other. When it comes to more sensitive items like a suit, store them on hangers in a breathable canvas bag, to ensure less creasing and avoid mould. 

clothes on hanger closet

If you’re in need of a top quality laundry service to clean your clothes, Laundryheap will collect, clean and deliver your clothes to you within 24 hours.

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Moving To Amsterdam Complete Guide

Moving to a new city can be nauseating, especially if that city is in a different country. Thankfully, after reading this you’ll see moving to Amsterdam is easier than you think.

The capital of the Netherlands is a vibrant, multi-cultural city renowned world-wide as a fabulous tourist destination. However, Amsterdam is also a pleasant place to call home with so much more to it than coffee shops and red-light districts.

  • Why would someone want to move to Amsterdam?
  • Documentation 
  • Employment 
  • Housing 
  • The language
  • Education 
  • Healthcare
  • Cost of living
  • Weather 
  • Transport 

Why would someone want to move to Amsterdam?

There are quite literally hundreds of reasons for someone wanting to move to Amsterdam. Firstly, the city is the PERFECT size. Amsterdam isn’t so big that it is overwhelming like, say, London or New York. However, it has all the characteristics of a major city but feels more like a host of small villages rather than a capital city. 

As well as the size of the city, Amsterdam’s inhabitants make it a particularly special place. The Dutch are known for being well-travelled, friendly and discrimination is uncommon. Above all, though, nearly everyone speaks English. The Netherlands has one of the highest English proficiency rates in Europe. So, don’t worry too much if you can’t speak Dutch, you will have no problem making friends once you decide on moving to Amsterdam.  


When registering to live in Amsterdam, you are typically required to provide official proof of identity. That could be birth certificates, passports, marriage certificates and other legal documents. 

Non-EU citizens will require an entrance visa, residence permit and work permit to live and work in Amsterdam. EU citizens have the luxury of just showing up with some photo ID and before you know it you’re an Amsterdamian. 


Don’t worry too much if you are moving to Amsterdam without a job already lined up. We would advise you to familiarise yourself with the employment market in the city before you move. Start searching job boards and employment websites online, adjust your CV to match the local style, and you could start contacting recruitment agencies. 

Lots of jobs get posted every day in all different sectors throughout Amsterdam. Alternatively, it is essential to understand a lot of jobs in Amsterdam will require some level of written or spoken Dutch. On the other hand, work in hospitality or the tourism sector will be more interested in peoples English language skills. 


When moving to a new country, often the most stressful part of the experience can be finding somewhere to live. Moving to Amsterdam can come with many questions like which neighbourhood to live in, what is transport like, how much should rent cost? 

Try not let this overwhelm you as there is lots of preparation that you can do before relocation. Start with researching the different neighbourhoods of Amsterdam to look for characteristics that fit your needs. You can look into a variety of options for property rentals that get advertised online. Also, when looking into a short stay property when you first arrive, we advise finding one in a neighbourhood near your desired location or potential place of work. This way you can get a real feel for the are and decide if it’s for you. 

The language barrier 

Dutch can be a particularly tricky language to master. Luckily, Amsterdamers are well known for being happy to converse in English. That isn’t to say you don’t need to learn Dutch, being able to speak and understand some Dutch can help you settle in way quicker. 

To get started, try looking around for local language classes or download free mobile apps to practise learning words and grammar. Start with Halo and go from there. 


There is a wide range of educational options if you are thinking of moving to Amsterdam with your children. The Amsterdam Metropolitan Area has a plethora of both international and Dutch schools. 

You can start researching schools before moving to Amsterdam, with most of the international schools having helpful websites. Often the international schools welcome preliminary contact from parents of potential students. 


Lucky for you, the Dutch are very good at looking after themselves. The Netherlands claimed the top spot in 2016’s Euro Health Consumer Index (which compares healthcare services) – and they are the only country to place in the top three every year since 2005. 

How did they manage to achieve this, you ask? Well, it all comes down to the basisverekering. The basisverekering is a mandatory health insurance scheme that covers a whole range of things. These include GP consultations, hospital care, medicine prescriptions, maternity care and ambulance service. The monthly cost is anywhere from €95-€120 per month, although children under the age of 18 can go on their parents for free. Once you start living and working in the Netherlands, they give you four months to register with a health insurance provider. Ignoring this will result in a fine.

Cost of living

Considering Amsterdam is a major global city, it is surprisingly affordable to live there. Groceries, transportation, and general day-to-day costs of living in Amsterdam are quite reasonable. In contrast, housing prices are continually rising, and this drives up costs considerably. 

The Economist named Amsterdam the 24th most expensive city in Europe in their Cost of Living Survey in 2017. To put into perspective the prices in Amsterdam, a litre of petrol costs €1.59, a pint of domestic beer is €4.50, and a monthly transport pass is around €90.00.


The weather in Amsterdam is dull most of the year with the sun only making brief appearances. Before deciding on your move to Amsterdam, be sure you a prepared for regular gloomy weather with lots of rainy days and wind. 

Don’t let the weather put you off Amsterdam. The rain doesn’t stop the locals from biking around or enjoying the cities charm. Just make sure you have a raincoat or umbrella at hand at all times. 


Bicycles are a symbol for the Netherlands, and Amsterdam is often cheerfully referred to as the cycling capital city of the world. You can cycle anywhere in the city, and you’ll soon find cyclist often get more priority than pedestrians or drivers. Cycling in the city is without a doubt the fastest option for getting around Amsterdam.

For those who prefer to opt for public transport, the first thing you’ll need to get is the public transport chip card (OV-chipkaart). The card can be used on buses, trams, metros and trains. Using the OV Chipkaart will save you money compared to buying single tickets. You can easily get a monthly pass or season ticket on the card or season ticket on the card. The initial cost of the card is €7.50 and is valid for five years.

If you decide you want to move to Amsterdam after reading this list, then why not get Laundryheap to help with all your laundry needs when you arrive. Book a same-day laundry & dry-cleaning collection with free next-day delivery.

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How To Iron Without An Iron

There is nothing worse than waking up the morning of a job interview, to find your smart shirt is wrinkled and there is no iron in the house. Similarly, you could be on a business trip and discover the hotel iron is out of use 15 minutes before your important meeting.

As harrowing as all these situations sound, there is no need to panic. There are many ways to de-wrinkle your clothing without an iron in sight. Not many things give off a worse first impression than wrinkly clothes, but this list will ensure you don’t need to freak out next time you find yourself without an iron.

  • Use Your Hair Straighteners
  • Hair Dryer 
  • Use A Cooking Pot To Iron
  • Hang Your Clothes In The Shower
  • Use A Tumble Dryer And Some Ice Cubes
  • Invest In A Clothes Steamer 
  • The Damp Towel Technique 
  • Apply Some Vinegar 
  • Let Us Sort It Out

Use you hair straighteners

Hair straighteners don’t just straighten hair, crazy right? In fact, in the 50s and 60s, women would straighten there hair with an actual iron. We are here to reverse that trend and bring it to the year 2020. 

Using the hair straightener as an iron can be especially useful on the collar, cuffs and placket of your shirts. So, next time you are in a rush and need to straighten out the collar on your favourite business shirt, look no further than your trusty hair straighteners! 

Use a hairdryer

Don’t have hair straighteners at hand either? That’s OK. How about trying the hairdryer? Another great way to de-wrinkle your clothes is by using a hairdryer to shoot concentrated bursts of hot air onto the wrinkled area of your clothes. 

This technique is particularly efficient when used on dresses with annoying creases in them. Firstly, you lightly dampen the wrinkled area of the dress. Next, you set the hairdryer to the lowest available setting and blow on the dress from 1-2 inches away. Be sure to keep the hairdryer a fair distance away, as you don’t want to scorch the fabric. Do this until the wrinkles straighten out.

Hang your clothes in the shower

This technique is probably the most well known of all the options on this list. Often the first plan of action when there is no iron available, the shower trick is particularly useful when travelling and finding yourself at the mercy of hotel appliances. 

So, if your hotel room lacks an iron, instead of asking for one at the front desk, why not just hang your creased clothes in the shower? Just turn the heat up and let the hot steam fill the room – this will help your clothes release any annoying creases. Afterwards, your clothes might be a little damp from the steam. Just hang them out to dry for ten minutes, once you come back, you won’t ever want to use an iron again! 

Use A Cooking Pot To Iron

Using a cooking pot to get rid of tough creases is one of the oldest tricks in the book. That’s right, the same pot you would boil your potatoes in, makes for the perfect ironing tool. 

All you have to do is make sure the bottom of the pot is nice and clean, boil some water and then pour it out. From there, you use the bottom of the pot in the same way you would use an iron, running it over the wrinkled areas. The steam from the pot will run out, so you have to make sure you are quick to ensure you have enough steam for all the creases. 

A Tumble Dryer And Some Ice Cubes 

Without a doubt the strangest suggestion on this list, but bear with us. Try throwing a wrinkled item of clothing in the tumble dryer with a few ice cubes and run on high for a couple of minutes. 

As the ice starts to melt it will create steam, this will de-wrinkle your clothes, leaving you with a creaseless shirt. Don’t believe us? Try it yourself. 

Invest in a clothes steamer 

A clothes steamer is the most effective way to iron clothes – even more so than using a conventional iron. Most retail stores use clothes steamers to remove creases from their clothes as opposed to irons. 

The only downside to a clothes steamer is that they don’t come cheap, buying a clothes steamer will cost you considerably more than buying an iron. Also, be careful not to burn yourself on the steam! 

The damp towel technique

The moist towel process is a simple, easy-to-do tip. All you have to do is place your wrinkled garment on a clean surface. Next, put a moist towel flat on top of the garment. Using your hands, press your hands on the towel and smooth out the affected area. It’s as simple as that! 

Apply some vinegar 

If you are an avid reader of our blog, you will already know that we love vinegar! If not, check out our The Benefits of Adding Vinegar To Your Laundry or How To Remove Stains With Vinegar. 

White vinegar works well when trying to eradicate wrinkles from your clothes. All you have to do is mist your clothes with one part vinegar and three parts water. Finish off by leaving the clothes to air-dry for crisp, smart looking clothes. 

Hire a professional 

If after reading this post you still don’t feel confident ironing your clothes without an iron, then maybe it’s time to seek professional help. Laundryheap can collect your clothes in 30 minutes and have them returned to you within 24 hours. All with no delivery fees. 

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London: Fun Facts About The Capital

London is the capital of the United Kingdom and home to us here at Laundryheap. Above all, it is a city filled with history, culture, social diversity and unbelievable stories that go back as far as the Romans. 

The cities rich and enchanting past plays a pivotal role in drawing foreign tourists, students and prospective residents every year. As a result, London is now one of the most diverse cities on Earth and has evolved into a modern metropolis. 

  • 8.7 million people call the city home.
  • Over 300 languages spoken inside the city every day.
  • Most Billionaires in the world. 
  • The tallest building in the EU is in London. 
  • There were fewer deaths in the Great Fire of London than you might think. 
  • We’ve been calling Big Ben the wrong name all along.
  • London’s black cab drivers are some of the most knowledgeable in the world. 
  • London’s transport system is a story in itself.
  • There are over 170 museums in the city.
  • Some of the worlds most famous figures lived in London.

London has over 8.9 million people.

According to the latest reports, Greater London now hosts 8.9 million people that call the city home. Consequently, the city is now the 26th largest city in the world by population.

 The British capital has a higher population than any city in the US, with New York being its nearest competitor with 8.6 million people. The second-largest city in the UK is Birmingham, which has a population of 1.1 million.

Over 300 languages spoken inside the city every day.

You would be stuck to find a city more diverse than London. Expats from every corner of the world move to the city each year and make up a significant proportion of the 8.9 million population. Due to this, the city boasts that a jaw-dropping 300 different languages are spoken inside it every day.

Besides English, Polish is the most common language spoken in the capital. Other languages like Bengali, Gujarati, French, Urdu and Arabic follow closely behind on the list. 

Most Billionaires in the world. 

London is home to at least 80 billionaires, making it the city with the highest number of billionaires living in it. Furthermore, London billionaires make up 80% of all billionaires living in the UK. 

As a result, the city can claim to have more billionaires than cities like New York, Moscow, Paris, Milan and Berlin. Most of these billionaires reside in the borough of Kensington in West London. 

The tallest building in the EU 

The Shard, located in the London borough of Southwark, is the tallest building in the European Union (for now). Once Britain leaves the European Union, it will be the fifth tallest building in the entire European continent. 

Erected in 2012, The Shard stands 1,016 feet high and has 72 floors. If you get a chance to visit London, you can visit the building and go to the top level where a restaurant and bar await you. As you can imagine, the views are stunning. 

There were fewer deaths in the Great Fire of London than you might think

If you have any interest in the history of London, then you surely have heard about the devasting Great Fire of London. The fire swept through London in 1666 and reduced most of the city to ash. 

Despite the mass destruction caused by the fire, the verified death toll was only six people. However, the real number is unknown, as it is impossible to know now how many people died from causes brought on from the fire. The Monument building was built in 1677 to commemorate the tragedy and still stands today. At the time it was the highest building in the city.  

We’ve been calling Big Ben the wrong name all this time.

Arguably London’s most recognisable landmark, Big Ben was completed in 1859. Most importantly though, it was initially named the Clock Tower and was later renamed Elizabeth Tower. 

So, how did the British cultural landmark come to be known as Big Ben, you ask? Well, the name Big Ben actually refers to the Great Bell of the striking clock at the North end of the Palace of Westminster. The Ben part of the nickname came from Sir Benjamin Hall, who oversaw the construction of the great bell. Now, next time you hear someone refer to the tower as Big Ben, you can correct them with your new-found London knowledge.

London’s black cab drivers are some of the most knowledgable in the world.

Black Cab drivers are recognised the world over thanks to countless depictions in film and TV. But, most people don’t know how hard it is to become a black cab driver in the capital. 

To become a black cab driver, you must first complete ‘The Knowledge’, a rigorous test where you have to memorise every single street in the city. Black cab drivers can spend years learning the roads before they can pass the test. Many of them use scooters or walk around the city to remember all the intricate back alleys and side streets. 

London’s transport system is a story in itself

There as so many fun facts about the London Underground that we could make a whole post dedicated solely to Tube facts. With eleven different lines and 270 stations, it should come as no surprise that there are some stories embedded underground. 

One example of a bonkers tube fact is that Aldgate Station has over 100 bodies buried underneath it. After the Great Plague the bodies were buried on mass. In the same vein, another London underground fact we found especially interesting is that American talk show host Jerry Springer is one of only three known people to be born on the London Underground. He was born at Highgate Underground Station.

There are over 170 museums in the city.

London’s reputation for being a city of culture isn’t just a result of its multiculturalism. The vast number of museums also add to the cultural identity of the capital. The city is home to over 170 different museums. 

Some of the most famous of these museums are The Natural History Museum, The Science Museum, The Victoria & Albert, TATE Modern and The Imperial War Museum. What is the best part of all these great museums? They are all 100% free to enter with just a few exhibitions requiring a fee.

Some of the worlds most famous figures lived in London.

London has been a hub for the worlds most famous intellectuals, writers, musicians and cultural icons for centuries. Some of the capitals most famous residents over the years include Oscar Wilde, William Shakespeare, Ho Chi Minh, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Jimi Hendrix, David Bowie and 100’s more. 

If you live in London or you are just visiting the famous capital, why not get Laundryheap to take care of all your laundry needs? We can help free up your time so you get to take in all the culture the city has to offer.