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Laundry Mistakes You Could Be Making When Washing Your Sheets

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You’ve put your bed sheets in the wash and they come out smelling nice! This may seem like the end of your laundry chores, but you could unintentionally be making laundry mistakes.

We’ve compiled a list of 5 laundry mistakes you could be making when washing your bedsheets. If you’re guilty of making these mistakes, it’s time to stop if you want your sheets to have a longer life span!

Washing Bedsheets - Laundry Mistakes

1. Washing Only When Sheets Look Visibly Dirty

A common laundry mistake most people make is they only wash their bedsheets when they are visibly dirty. This mistake leads to people washing their sheets every one or two months. Germs, sweats, and dirt build up over time and can cause negative effects to not only your sheets but also yourself. As a rule of thumb, wash every two weeks and you can even schedule your laundry if it helps you to remember! 

2. Leaving Your Bedsheets on the Tumble Dryer

Bedsheets need to be comfortable and in good condition for a good night’s sleep. However, if you’re leaving your bedsheets on the tumble dryer, you are making a laundry mistake because this will shrink your bedsheets. To avoid uncomfortable bed sheets getting in the way of good sleep, we recommend drying your sheets in the drying line or rack for better longevity and results!

3. Mixing With Other Clothes and Towels

You love your clothes, sheets, and towels but they don’t love each other. A laundry mistake people often make is they think mix their bedsheets with other clothes and towels. If you mix everything in the washing machine, it’s not efficient and the results won’t be great. Every material has a different washing process and needs more room to circulate. It’s best to have laundry days especially dedicated to your bedsheets for bigger space in the machine.

If you find yourself too busy to have laundry days for your bedsheets, book with us and we’ll launder them for you just before your bedtime!

4. Adding Too Much Laundry Detergent

It’s a common misconception that the dirtier the bedsheet, the more detergent it needs. Unfortunately, this laundry mistake has been proven to do far more harm than good to your sheets. Not only can they leave a stain, leaving them looking less clean, but they also can damage your sheets and your washing machine. The more laundry detergent used, the higher the water use.

We recommend using ½ cup of baking soda and vinegar to wash your bedsheets for silky and soft results.

5. Not Checking Label

Everyone has been guilty of ignoring labels on products and food so naturally, it’s a very common laundry mistake to not check the labels before you start washing your bedsheets. For proper laundry care, always read the labels carefully because every bedsheet has different washing requirements; cotton sheets are best washed at a lower temperature and some fabric bedsheets shouldn’t be ironed or put on the tumble dryer. 

If you follow the instructions, you’ll wash your bedsheets efficiently and keep them crisp and clean.

You’d be forgiven for not paying too close attention to washing your bedsheets but hopefully, our list of common laundry mistakes will save you some stress and frustration in the future!

Laundryheap is always available to do your bedsheets for you so you can get a cosy sleep at night.

Book your services at our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android.

One thought on “Laundry Mistakes You Could Be Making When Washing Your Sheets

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