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6 Ways To Improve Your Sleep Quality

Getting a good night’s sleep is fundamental to our well-being. Mornings are better after a long sleep. If you find your sleeping pattern has gone all over the place due to the summer, don’t worry! We’ve listed 6 ways to improve your sleep quality!

Ways to improve your sleep quality
Photo Credit: Andrea Piacquadio (Pexels)

1. Cut Down The Coffee

We all love coffee; it wakes us up and gives us a much-needed boost. However, we’re here to spill the beans on a fact. To improve your sleep quality, coffee consumption needs to be reduced. Two coffees a day is fine but if you don’t drink any caffeine in the evening then you should be able to sleep well.

If you really do love coffee, we recommend switching to decaf. It tastes the same, but it won’t keep you up all night!

2. Exercise Routinely

Athletes will be the first to tell you that a good exercise plan improves sleep quality. Exercising makes people less prone to lay in bed at night for hours and increases sleepiness after a session as it relaxes you. Furthermore, scientific research does indicate exercise does reduce sleep disorders such as insomnia.

3. Maintain The Quality Of Your Bedsheets and Bed Linen

Everyone loves the smell of freshly cleaned bedsheets and bed linens. They are inviting and make your bed all cosy! They also improve your sleep quality!

In addition, maintaining your bedsheets and bed linens reduce the chance of back pain and stiffness developing.

If you need your bedsheets and bed linens properly laundered and cleaned, don’t sleep on a laundry service like Laundryheap! Just book a service with us and within 24 hours, we’ll return your items all clean!

4. Take a Shower or Bath Before Sleeping

One of the best forms of self-care is taking a shower or a bath. It improves the mind and helps you stay relaxed before you sleep as you are going to bed much cleaner and getting rid of all the sweat and body odour.

5. Create a Relaxing Environment In Your Room

Before bedtime, your room should have a relaxing environment. Make sure the lights aren’t too bright, the TV isn’t on, or the temperature is adjusted accordingly. If your bedroom feels like paradise, your sleep quality will improve.

6. Relax Your Mind

Perhaps the most important factor to improve sleep quality is staying relaxed. Clear your thoughts and meditate. It’s unhealthy to go to sleep when you are feeling stressed thinking about tomorrow. Avoid social media because scrolling and reading your newsfeed can further delay your sleep. Also, the light from your phone distracts your brain.

It goes without saying that sleep is crucial for the mind and body. It’s no surprise that bad sleep is linked with bad health. Follow these 6 ways to improve your sleep quality and you’ll no doubt wake up feeling happier!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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5 Tips To Sleep Better In The Heat

The British summer is soaring. We all love ice cream and picnics, but the high temperatures can disrupt our sleep. Sometimes even opening all the windows and using a fan doesn’t make a big difference. In this blog, we’ll go through the things you can do to sleep better in the heat.

1. Stay Hydrated

In the middle of a heatwave, it’s always best to stay hydrated with cool water. Your body is sweating throughout the day and by drinking water, you are replenishing the fluids lost from all the sweating. Carry a bottle of water with you and stay hydrated as it also helps to sleep better in the heat.

2. Stay Active

We feel you. The heatwave does exhaust our energy levels. You’d be forgiven for thinking napping restores our energy but it will make sleep difficult at night. Instead, you should stay active by going for walks and even for a jog. You will get better sleep if you feel tired.

3. Use Less Electricity In Your Room

If you’re not watching TV, turn it off because it will only spread more heat around your room. You want to prevent heat from building up in your room so use less electricity. At night-time, open your windows to allow the air to circulate all around.

4. Lower Your Body Temperature

Before you go to sleep, go for a quick cool shower so your body’s temperature goes down. Not only do cool showers help you to sleep better in the heat but they also have health benefits as they help improve blood circulation and help the muscle recover.

5. Choose The Right Bedding

The key to a good night’s sleep in the heatwave is to choose the right bedding. The general rule of thumb is to use thin cotton sheets as these absorb sweat better.

We all love the smell of fresh bedding, and it does make for a cosy sleep so make sure you are washing your bedding regularly in the summer. If you need help, just get in touch with Laundryheap and we’ll launder it for you!

Summer is usually welcomed with open arms as it presents a lot of fun activities. However, it’s important you follow these 5 tips to sleep better in the heat. Sleep is important for the mind and to stay productive the next day.

We hope you have a great weekend!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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Create the perfect environment for a good night’s sleep 

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Getting a good night’s sleep is essential to our everyday health and wellness. But it isn’t always easy to fall asleep. Creating the perfect sleep environment is the first step to achieving a good night’s sleep. 

  • Make sure that your bed is comfortable
  • Change your bedding
  • Declutter
  • Remove electronics
  • Create a sanctuary 
  • Experiment with aromatherapy 
  • Darken your room
  • Decrease the temperature
  • Silence any noise

Make sure that your bed is comfortable 

The first step in creating the perfect sleep environment is to make sure that your bed is supporting you. Do you find yourself wasting hours trying to find a comfortable sleeping position? Or wake up with a stiff and sore body? If so, you may need to invest in a new mattress and/or bed. Our bodies respond differently to different mattress firmness, so explore different options before you commit to one. You may find that your current mattress is too firm or soft for your body. If your bed is old, or ill built, consider getting a new one that is strong and unlikely to fall apart. You want a bed that makes you feel comfortable, safe, and completely as ease. 

Image by Ketut Subiyanto

Change your bedding 

Getting into a bed with freshly washed sheets is one of the greatest pleasures in the world, and can immediately make you feel as ease. Your bedding should be cleaned every two week to get rid of lingering bacteria and dead skin cells. To enhance the calming effect of fresh bedding, buy a detergent that you like the smell of. This will help you to feel happy and relaxed as you drift into sleep. 

Image by Pavel Danilyuk


A cluttered room causes a cluttered mind. Your bedroom should be your sanctuary for sleep and nothing else. You should not be keeping any items in your bedroom that could distract you, most importantly exercise equipment and work materials. Instead, move all potential distractions to another room in your home where you do not have to see them, and therefore think about them. Out of sight, out of mind. 

Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

Remove electronics

Part of removing all distractions from your bedroom is removing all electronics. There should be no technology, including a TV, in your bedroom, and you should be avoiding it an hour before you sleep as well. Technology emits a blue light that suppresses the melatonin levels in your body that help you to sleep. Additionally, the content consumed on technology is likely to keep you awake due to its level of engagement, leaving you alert hours after you’ve put your phone down. Instead, switch off all of your technology, leave it in another room, and let your bedroom be a place of relaxation.

Create a sanctuary 

Your bedroom should be the most relaxing area in your home for you. As such, you should decorate it in a way that makes you feel at ease. For most people, this includes calming colours, soft furnishings, and maybe even a couple of plants. You want your bedroom to make you feel comfortable and safe, so decorate your room to reflect this. At the end of the day, when you enter your room, you want to instantly want to crawl into bed and drift off into a relaxing slumber. 

Experiment with aromatherapy 

Aromatherapy is the process of using aromatic materials, such as essential oils, to improve your psychological and physical wellbeing. Aromas, such as lavender, chamomile, and ylang-ylang can help create a serene environment that relaxes your body and mind and helps you drift off more easily to sleep. Try experimenting with a couple of essential oils, perhaps using them in a diffuser, to see if they have a positive impact helping you sleep. 

Photo by Mareefe from Pexels

Darken your room  

It’s best to sleep in the dark as this is when we produce melatonin, which helps relax the body and enables us to sleep. Our bodies are sensitive to light, and when it is bright we assume that we should be awake, regardless of what time it is. To ensure that your bedroom is perfectly dark invest in a pair of quality, well-lined, curtains and/or a blackout blind. This will help keep out any early morning sun or street lights. For further protection, you may want to keep an eye mask on hand for when light may break through your curtains. 

Photo by Mo from Pexels

Decrease the temperature

As the evening progresses your body’s temperature naturally drops to prepare you for sleep and begin the production of melatonin. If your room is too hot, draughty, or cold, you will find it difficult to fall asleep. The optimum temperature for your bedroom is 16-18 degrees Celsius. Curtains and/or blinds will help with cold and draughty rooms as they block out any wind coming from your window. For particularly draughty rooms you may want to buy a draught excluder to prevent air from your home being blown under your door. If your room is too hot, try cooling it down by opening a window and encouraging air flow into your room. Use a duvet with a lower tog and cotton sheets that are more breathable. Finally, tie back long hair and make sure that you stay hydrated. A room that is a comfortable temperature will help send you in to a comfortable sleep. 

Photo by William Fortunato from Pexels

Silence any noise 

The final way to create the perfect atmosphere for a good night’s sleep is to silence any noise. Sudden, loud, and repetitive noise can hinder, awake, or startle us from sleep, leaving us feeling groggy and less refreshed the next day. Some noises are beyond our control, such as traffic or other outdoor noises. The best way to combat this is with double glazing that helps to muffle the sound. For the summer months, and for extra noise pollution protection, try using foam earplugs.

Photo by Carlos Caamal from Pexels

Don’t let laundry get in the way of a blissful nights sleep. Let us take care of it for you. Book your Laundryheap order today by heading to the Laundryheap website or downloading the free Laundryheap app.

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