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Airbnb Bathroom Essentials

Hosting an Airbnb requires great attention to detail; covering the basics makes the difference for your guests. Your bathroom should be the place for comfort and relaxation. To make your guests feel welcome, here are Airbnb bathroom essentials!

Airbnb Bathroom Essentials

1. Toiletries

It’s hard to exclude toiletries when listing Airbnb bathroom essentials. Granted certain guests may have their own toiletries, it’s always best to have some basic toiletries ready like shampoo, body wash, soap, conditioner etc. A general rule of thumb is to provide both scented and unscented soaps, in case your guests have allergies.

2. Towel Rack and Bathroom Hooks

It goes without saying but towel racks are quite high on the Airbnb bathroom essentials list. They’re helpful for guests who want to hang up their towels. Similarly, bathroom hooks also provide convenience for guests who want to hang their clean clothes up. You don’t want frustrated guests hanging their clothes on the door handles!

3. Towels

When providing towels, always consider the guest first. If it’s a family, it’s best recommended you provide a hand towel, bath towel, washcloth etc. for each guest. If your Airbnb is near a beach or pool, offer beach towels too. Convenience goes a long way in hosting.

We do advise you to remind your guests where to put used towels so they can be immediately washed by your cleaners instead of being stored in rooms for days. If you do need a hand with laundering towels, book with Laundryheap!

A reminder, we also rent towels to Airbnbs so if you’re short on towels, just get in touch with Laundryheap Linen!

4. Toilet Paper

The toilet paper is a basic need in all places. To save your guests from stress and frustration, always order in bulk and never leave your guests short! Generally, it’s best to offer one toilet paper roll for a guest who is staying for only 2 nights in your Airbnb.

5. Bath Mats

Bath mats add vibrance and elegance to your bathroom. They also provide safety for your guests; preventing them from slipping because the floors are kept dry.

6. Thrash Bin

Airbnb bathroom essentials are all about convenience and to add to the list, make sure your bathroom has a rubbish bin so your guests can throw used toiletries or any unwanted items in the bin.

7. Bathroom Mirrors

Some of your guests will need to shave or put make-up on. Other guests may need to get ready for meetings and want to see how well-dressed they are in their suits. Always offer the basic convenience of a good bathroom mirror with bright bathroom lighting.

8. Hot Water

Nothing beats the feeling of a nice hot shower; it is relaxing and makes guests feel like they are in paradise. Showering is essential, so ensure maintenance is always checked so that your guests don’t complain about cold showers!

Your guests deserve the best stay, and they also deserve a good laundry service to take care of their clothes!

Happy Hosting!

If you want to learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android!

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Removing Mac and Cheese Stains

Mac and Cheese is a simple yet delicious meal to prepare. The bowl of deliciousness typically includes milk, butter, macaroni, and plenty of cheese! It’s hard to complain about the meal – it’s a crowd-pleaser but when it lands on your clothes, it is an unpleasant feeling! One minute you’re enjoying a rich taste of gooey deliciousness and the next minute you’re thinking about removing mac and cheese stains!

How to remove Mac and cheese stains, I hear you cry? Don’t panic, we’ve got you covered!

Fresh Stains

If you immediately are aware of the mac and cheese stain, simply wipe it with a paper towel. It won’t get rid of it entirely, but it does help at the start.

Just like any other food stain, the first step in removing mac and cheese stains is to act fast the second you see the stains. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to remove it.

Rinse with cold water

Afterwards, simply mix cold water with a tablespoon of white vinegar on it and pour it onto the stained mac and cheese area and wait for 5 minutes.

Removing mac and cheese stains does require patience so after 5 minutes, rinse the area again with cold water and dry it with a towel.

Dried Stains

To cover all bases and prepare you for both scenarios, we’ll also show you how to remove dried mac and cheese stains in case you noticed them late on your clothes.

What you need is a brush, cloth, and laundry stain remover.

Use a brush

To begin with, use a brush to scrape off as much of the stain as possible. Remember, if the stain is dry, it’s slightly tricky to remove it but it’s not impossible.

Blot the stained area with a wet cloth

Secondly, pour some cold water onto a cloth and start blotting the area.

Apply Laundry Stain Remover

As always with any clothing, prepare with caution and care. Make sure you read the labels on your clothes to be sure you are following care instructions.

If you’re happy to do so, apply a laundry stain remover onto the stained area and wait for around 5-10 minutes.

Launder your garment

Finally, put the garment into the laundry and wait for the cycle to finish. Once it’s done, dry it up on a clothesline or drying rack.

You now have the guide to removing fresh and dried mac and cheese stains!

If you are still uncertain about removing mac and cheese stains, get in touch with Laundryheap and we’ll handle it for you! We’ll launder your garment and return it back to you within 24 hours!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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The Guide To Wash Your Shower Curtains

Your shower curtain is a great bathroom accessory, but it also is prone to water, soap stains and mould. This means you need to wash your shower curtains regularly to preserve their life span and material.

Photo By Skylar Kang – Pexels

In this guide, we are going to go through the essential information on washing your shower curtains.

How Often Should You Wash Your Shower Curtains?

A common mistake people make is that they think once their shower curtains get dirty, it needs to be replaced. However, this isn’t the case because shower curtains can be washed and re-used. This saves you money in the process.

A general rule of thumb is to wash your shower curtains every month. It’s important to consistently wash them monthly because they do generate bacteria and it also means you are getting rid of the mould that damages the fabric over time.

How to Wash Your Shower Curtains Using The Washing Machine?

The good thing about washing your shower curtains is that it doesn’t take much time but it does require a little more care than a normal laundry chore.

Firstly, take down the shower curtain and remove any rings. Then place the curtain in the washing machine. It is recommended to put a few white towels into the load for better cleaning results as this will provide extra scrubbing.

Moreover, add the normal amount of laundry detergent and a ½ cup of baking soda. Once that is done, put the machine in a gentle and warm setting if you have a plastic curtain and run the cycle for 30 minutes.

If you have a fabric shower curtain, set it with the highest cycle of 40 to 60 degrees but as always, read the label for care instructions.

When your washing machine starts to reach the rinse cycle, at a ½ to 1 cup of white vinegar.

Lastly, when the cycle finishes, hang your shower curtain up to dry.

How to Wash Your Shower Curtains By Hand?

Sometimes your shower curtains don’t need washing machine attention and the good news is that handwashing is also effective in washing your shower curtains.

To begin handwashing, remove the shower curtain for better handling. Make sure the curtain is a little wet and then pour some baking soda on it to scrub any mould, dirt, water, or soap stains. We recommend using a brush or a cloth to rub the baking soda into the shower curtain.

Afterwards, turn on your tap to warm water settings and begin to rinse to remove any remaining stains. If you feel happy with the results, hang it up to dry.

Everybody wants their bathroom to look spotless. Make sure you add your shower curtains to laundry and cleaning duties. If you find yourself too busy or unsure about the instructions, book with Laundryheap so we can wash your shower curtains for you!

Visit Laundryheap today to book or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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Laundry Mistakes You Could Be Making When Washing Your Sheets

You’ve put your bed sheets in the wash and they come out smelling nice! This may seem like the end of your laundry chores, but you could unintentionally be making laundry mistakes.

We’ve compiled a list of 5 laundry mistakes you could be making when washing your bedsheets. If you’re guilty of making these mistakes, it’s time to stop if you want your sheets to have a longer life span!

1. Washing Only When Sheets Look Visibly Dirty

A common laundry mistake most people make is they only wash their bedsheets when they are visibly dirty. This mistake leads to people washing their sheets every one or two months. Germs, sweats, and dirt build up over time and can cause negative effects to not only your sheets but also yourself. As a rule of thumb, wash every two weeks and you can even schedule your laundry if it helps you to remember! 

2. Leaving Your Bedsheets on the Tumble Dryer

Bedsheets need to be comfortable and in good condition for a good night’s sleep. However, if you’re leaving your bedsheets on the tumble dryer, you are making a laundry mistake because this will shrink your bedsheets. To avoid uncomfortable bed sheets getting in the way of good sleep, we recommend drying your sheets in the drying line or rack for better longevity and results!

3. Mixing With Other Clothes and Towels

You love your clothes, sheets, and towels but they don’t love each other. A laundry mistake people often make is they think mix their bedsheets with other clothes and towels. If you mix everything in the washing machine, it’s not efficient and the results won’t be great. Every material has a different washing process and needs more room to circulate. It’s best to have laundry days especially dedicated to your bedsheets for bigger space in the machine.

If you find yourself too busy to have laundry days for your bedsheets, book with us and we’ll launder them for you just before your bedtime!

4. Adding Too Much Laundry Detergent

It’s a common misconception that the dirtier the bedsheet, the more detergent it needs. Unfortunately, this laundry mistake has been proven to do far more harm than good to your sheets. Not only can they leave a stain, leaving them looking less clean, but they also can damage your sheets and your washing machine. The more laundry detergent used, the higher the water use.

We recommend using ½ cup of baking soda and vinegar to wash your bedsheets for silky and soft results.

5. Not Checking Label

Everyone has been guilty of ignoring labels on products and food so naturally, it’s a very common laundry mistake to not check the labels before you start washing your bedsheets. For proper laundry care, always read the labels carefully because every bedsheet has different washing requirements; cotton sheets are best washed at a lower temperature and some fabric bedsheets shouldn’t be ironed or put on the tumble dryer. 

If you follow the instructions, you’ll wash your bedsheets efficiently and keep them crisp and clean.

You’d be forgiven for not paying too close attention to washing your bedsheets but hopefully, our list of common laundry mistakes will save you some stress and frustration in the future!

Laundryheap is always available to do your bedsheets for you so you can get a cosy sleep at night.

Book your services at our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android.


Things to consider when using a laundromat

Photo by Ekaterina Belinskaya from Pexels

If you don’t have access to a washing machine at home, you can always use a laundromat. Before using a laundromat for the first time, consider these things. 

  • Is the laundromat local?
  • Have you separated your clothing?
  • Do you know how to pay?
  • Have you got detergent and fabric softener?
  • Does your laundromat provide washing and drying services?
  • How will you fill your time between washing your clothes?
  • Is there another way to wash your clothes? 

Is the laundromat local?

The first thing to consider before using a laundromat is how local it is. If you have a lot of washing to do, and your only options are to walk or get public transport, the closer the laundromat is the better. 

Photo by Ingo Joseph from Pexels

Have you separated your clothing?

Sometimes laundromats can become very busy and it can be difficult to find a machine to use. Before you leave for the laundromat, separate your clothing into whites and colours. This means you can put your clothing immediately into the machine and speed up the laundry process. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Do you know how to pay?

Not all laundromats have the same payment system. Some laundromats only accept cash, whereas others will accept cash and card payments. You can check online to see what your laundromats preferred payment method is, or make sure that you have both payment options with you. 

Have you got detergent and fabric softener?

Some laundromats will have vending machines where you can buy small bottles of laundry detergent and fabric softener. That being said, it is much more cost-efficient to use your own detergent and fabric softener. 

Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

Does your laundromat provide washing and drying services?

The majority of laundromats will provide both washing machines and tumble dryers, however, it is always best to double-check just in case. 

Photo by Daria Sannikova from Pexels

How will you fill your time between washing your clothes?

Depending on how many loads of washing you need to do, and whether you are both washing and drying your clothes, there can be a long stretch of time between the beginning and end of your wash. How are you going to fill this time? You can choose to leave the laundromat whilst your washing is on, however, if you want to stay, you could do some work, read a book, or talk to a friend.

Photo by Kaboompics .com from Pexels

Is there another way to wash your clothes?

If you don’t have a washing machine, a laundromat is not your only option for washing your clothes. At Laundryheap, we will pick up your clothing directly from your house, launder it, and re-deliver your clothing straight to your door. We work around your schedule, and can even complete your laundry service in as little as 24 hours. You can see whether Laundryheap operates in your area by using our postcode checker. 

To book your Laundryheap service, simply head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app. 

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How to wash your underwear

Photo by 🐴chuanyu2015 from Pexels

If you’re wondering why the lace in your underwear is coming unravelled or why the elastic in your waistband isn’t doing its job anymore, it’s probably because you’re washing your underwear wrong. Have no fear, because we are here to rid you of ALL your underwear washing woes. 

  • Should you be washing underwear with normal clothes?
  • Killing germs
  • How to wash your delicates
  • How to wash cotton
  • How to wash bras
  • How Laundryheap can help

Should you be washing underwear with normal clothes?  

Unless you wash your clothing at a minimum of 60 degrees, the bacteria from your underwear can transfer to the rest of your load. You may now be wondering why we are advised to wash clothing at anything less than 60 degrees. Aside from the environmental benefits of a cold wash, cold water will CLEAN clothing but will not ELIMINATE microorganisms. Unless your clothing is particularly dirty, simply cleaning it will suffice. 

Killing germs 

There are several ways that you can rid bacteria from your underwear asides from a hot wash. Using an oxygen bleach detergent can kill the bacteria from underwear at as low as 20 degrees. After washing underwear in the washing machine, you should always clean your machine. The e-coli and bacteria from your underwear can stick to your washing machine and transfer to other loads of laundry. To wash your machine, simply add two cups of white vinegar and run an empty cycle. This will leave your machine sparkling clean and ready for your next load of washing. 

Running an empty cycle every time you wash your underwear is not very environmentally friendly. Rather than wasting water, energy and detergent try hand washing your underwear instead.

How to wash your delicates

Washing your delicate underwear is always difficult. Lace can become unravelled, silk can lose its silkiness and colours can fade. 

It’s always best to hand wash your delicates to avoid any unnecessary trauma to the material. Use warm water and a detergent without enzymes. Be careful not to use too much detergent as this will leave behind a soapy residue. Use a gentle plunging action when washing and avoid vicious rubbing. When drying NEVER hand-ring out residual water or use the tumble dryer. Instead, hang your underwear outside, but avoid drying in direct sunlight. This process will ensure that lace stays in tact and your silks stay silky. 

If you do want to use your washing machine to wash your more delicate underwear make sure you check the care label first. This will give you an indication of what cycle and temperature you should use. Additionally, put your underwear in a laundry bag or pillow case to avoid lace being snagged in the washing machine.

Photo by Emms x

How to wash cotton 

Unlike underwear made from silk or lace, cotton is a more durable material, and, therefor, is less likely to be damaged in the washing machine. That being said, it is still important to use a laundry bag or pillow case to ensure that your cotton stays soft. Additionally, don’t wash your underwear with jeans, towels or any other rough materials. Unlike with delicate underwear, you can use any detergent to wash your cotton underwear, just don’t overuse it as you will leave a soapy residue.

Photo by Eric Wüstenhagen

 How to wash bras 

Bras can be worn 2-3 times before they need to be washed. Regardless of if you hand wash or use a washing machine, its best to use a detergent that doesn’t contain bleach or alcohol. If you can’t find a detergent without either of these ingredients, use a small amount of baby soap for the same effect. 

To ensure that your bras stay in good shape it’s best to hand wash them. Hand washing is the best way to eliminate sweat and odours and prevents them from losing their shape. The best way to hand wash your bras is to leave them in warm water with a small amount of detergent. Leave them for 40 minutes to 1 hour before taking them out of the water and hanging them over your shower curtain pole, or leaving them flat on a towel to dry. Never tumble dry your bras as this will lead to them losing their shape. 

If you want to use your washing machine to wash your bras, use a delicate cycle setting and a laundry bag. Additionally, make sure you don’t wash your bras with any rough or heavy materials as this will break down the fibres of your bra and lead to their deterioration. 

Photo by Castorly Stock from Pexels

How Laundryheap can help 

If you don’t want to risk ruining your underwear, Laundryheap can help. Simply book your slot using our app and we will pick up, wash and deliver your underwear back to you within 24hrs. We now offer contactless collection and delivery, among other support services to limit physical interactions.


Laundryheap: Support services added

Photo by Polina Tankilevitch from Pexels

Updates to how we handle the coronavirus situation are constantly changing. At Laundryheap, the safety of our customers is our highest priority, which is why we are remaining fully operational. In addition to our usual services, we have devised new operations to ensure the safety of our customers. 

  • Essentials pack
  • Discount for healthcare workers
  • NHS support initiative
  • Pay it Forward
  • High temperature wash services 
  • Contactless collections and deliveries

Essentials Pack 

Around the world, people have been notified by the government to limit the amount of time they spend outside. We should only be leaving our homes for the necessities- to pick up shopping or a prescription, or to exercise. To help, we have devised an Essentials Pack to help those who are unable to get the toiletries they need. Our pack includes, soap, toilet paper, washing up liquid, shampoo, shower gel, toothpaste, cleaning liquid and liquid soap.

The essentials pack can be purchased for personal use, for a relative, friend or family member, or to send to someone in need. We are collaborating with AGE UK to send essentials to someone in need. If you would like to contribute to the initiative, you can book an Essentials Pack and put AGE UK into the address section.

Please note: the Essentials Pack is only available whilst stocks last and is only available in London. 

Discount for healthcare workers

Medical staff around the world are doing an outstanding job at combating coronavirus. We would like to thank healthcare workers by giving them 30% off of their laundry. If you are a healthcare worker, place your order and then contact our customer care team and give them your email address. Our team will verify your email address and add your 30% discount to your order before you pay. It’s our small way to thank you for everything that you are doing.

This offer is available in all cities we operate in.

Photo by Lydia

NHS support initiative

With our partners Under the doormat, we are providing London NHS workers with temporary homes close to hospitals. Under the doormat provides luxury accommodation for people looking for home-stays in London, and we provide them with their linens. During Covid19, we are offering the empty homes we have near London hospitals to those NHS workers who need them. 

If you are an NHS worker and would like to use the accommodation on offer, please contact:

In addition, if you own an unoccupied property that you would like to offer to a key worker, contact:

Pay it forward

We understand that covid19 isn’t easy for anyone, however, some people are more vulnerable than others. If you know someone who is considered a high risk of catching coronavirus, buy them a Laundryheap gift card and let us eliminate the potential virus from their clothing. When you buy one of our gift cards we will add an extra amount to the card as an added gift.

Giftcards are available in all cities we operate in.

Photo by Marco Verch Professional Photographer and Speaker

High temperature wash services 

To limit the risk of spreading coronavirus we are now offering a hot wash service across all cities we operate in. High temperatures have better success of killing bacteria and viruses, so we recommend taking advantage of this service to ensure that your clothing is effectively sterilised.

WARNING: Please always check the care label of your clothing before requesting a hot wash service. Delicate materials, such as silk, may be damaged if they are washed at too high a temperature. 

Photo by Paul Hudson

Contactless collections and deliveries 

We are now offering contactless collections and deliveries to limit your contact with our drivers. We want to limit the spread of coronavirus, and ensure the safety of both our customers and drivers. When you book your service, specify in the delivery instructions a safe location where we can collect and deliver your clothing. Our drivers will inform you when your clothing has been picked up and when they have been re-delivered to you.

We are keeping a close eye on the governments advice on how to handle covid19. For now, our services are fully available to ensure your safety. Download the Laundryheap app now to book your delivery slot.

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Coronavirus advice for London

Photo by fsse8info

These are precarious times that we are living in. Coronavirus has gripped the world and doesn’t seem to be letting go. Everyone’s lives are drastically changing on a daily basis and we are being required to adapt as and when those changes come. 8.9 million people are currently living in London, so maintaing hygiene is essential to ensuring the population stays safe. For those living in London, these are some simple steps to help you stay safe.

  • Stay indoors
  • Only go out when it is ABSOLUTELY necessary
  • Stockpile- but don’t be selfish
  • Use your local park
  • Avoid public transport
  • Build a Whatsapp community
  • Call 111
  • Laundryheap services

Stay indoors   

One of the easiest ways to prevent the spread of coronavirus is to stay indoors. If you don’t leave your home you can’t risk potentially spreading the virus to those more vulnerable than yourself. If you have a job that allows you to work from home do so. Only go outside when it is absolutely necessary. That is not to say that you should restrict the amount of fresh air that you get. If you have a garden, make sure you take regular breaks and have a walk, run or even just a sit down outside. Alternatively, open the windows in your home to allow fresh air to circulate your room. This will help eliminate that claustrophobic feeling you can get when you spend too much time indoors.

Only go out when it is ABSOLUTELY necessary 

Limiting the amount of time you spend outside is essential for eliminating the spread of coronavirus. That is not to say that you can’t venture outside when it is absolutely necessary. If you are running low on food you can still visit your local store, however, try and take some precautions. Only visit your local stores and try and avoid supermarkets. Try and go shopping after peak times. Alternatively, if it’s toiletry essentials that you are in need of, order an Essentials Pack and we will deliver it directly to your home. Remember, the less people you come into contact with the better.

Other than shopping, you can leave you home to pick up prescriptions you need to take. A quick trip to your local pharmacy is not going to be detrimental to your health, however, to avoid any risks, look up whether you can get your prescription sent to you instead. Alternatively, if you are elderly, have underlying health issues, or are considered a high risk, get a family member, friend or neighbour to pick up your prescription for you and leave it outside your door. You do not want to take any risks.

Stockpile- but don’t be selfish

As previously stated, you can still visit your local shop for food and necessities, however, try and avoid doing so as much as possible. When you do visit the shop, try and stock up on essentials that you can use to batch cook and freeze. It’s all about being thrifty and limiting your risk to others. Remember, don’t just think about food, think about essential toiletries such as hand wash and toilet paper. 

As useful as it is to stock up on the essentials, remain mindful of others. We are all experiencing this pandemic and we all need to buy the essentials. If you are already well stocked up on food, toilet roll and hand wash, leave what’s left in the shops for those who need it.

Use parks to get exercise 

Your availability to go outside is limited, however, if you aren’t in quarantine, you can venture outside for one hour a day to do some form of exercise. There are 3,000 parks across the 32 boroughs that make up London. Utilise the closest park to you and use it to stretch your legs and do some exercise in the fresh air. Exercise is essential at this time as it releases endorphins that can help improve your mental health. We all need to remain positive at this time and this is one way of doing so.

Note, some London parks have closed, so before venturing out check that your local park is still open and available for you to use.

Avoid using public transport 

Not everyone can work from home or take time off work at this time. To those of you who are key workers we thank you. Key workers, still need to travel to and from work, and are therefore using public transport. If you need to visit the shop or pharmacy, avoid using public transport at all costs. If your destination is within walking distance, take a walk to the shop and back again to stretch your legs. If not, use public transport when it is least likely for key workers to be doing the same. Regardless of how you travel, try and remain 2 metres away from any person you may come across.

If you are at a high-risk of contracting coronavirus, avoid leaving your house. Ask a friend, family member or neighbour to pick up whatever you need and drop it at your front door. 

Build a Whatsapp community 

During this time we need to be protecting those most vulnerable to coronavirus, whilst making sure that we keep ourselves sane. When we’re all self-isolating it’s easy to slip into feeling lonely and detached from the world. This is why building a Whatsapp community is helpful. Build communities of friends, family and neighbours so that you can stay in touch while your self isolating. Keep each other up to date on your health, both mental and physical. If you are able to go out, check in with others to see if you can get some shopping or pick up a prescription for anyone. Or, if you are vulnerable, ask your communities to help you out. We need to do our best to keep ourselves and others as safe as possible.

Call 111

If you are feeling unwell, or experiencing symptoms of coronavirus, call 111 immediately. In times like these we need to take every precaution possible to remain safe. 

Our services 

At Laundryheap, we are committed to ensuring that our customers remain as safe as possible. We are still fully operating, however, we are taking extra precautions. We are now offering a high wash service in a bid to completely eliminate bacteria from all the clothes we launder. In addition, we now run a contactless service to prevent you from coming into contact with our drivers.

Download the Laundryheap app now to book your slot. Stay safe.


Dry Cleaning: Benefits Of Professional Care

A lot of people still see professional dry cleaning as a luxury, but we at Laundryheap understand that it is, in fact, a necessity. Dry cleaning has countless benefits that you can’t get from doing your laundry at home.

Not every piece of clothing needs to be dry cleaned. However, taking care of the items that do will prolong their life and maintain their beauty. Make sure you pay attention to care labels on your clothes to know which pieces are best dry cleaned. Alternatively, you can talk to the specialists if you are having trouble with the details.

  • Professionals pay close attention to detail 
  • Dry cleaning is less abrasive 
  • Perfect for removing stains and odours
  • Prolongs your clothes’ lifespan 
  • Saves you time and stress
  • Dry cleaners can handle large items 
  • Laundryheap is always here to help

Professionals pay close attention to detail

Doing the laundry at home means you have to cover all the steps, including washing, ironing, folding and storing items. As a result of all these different tasks, people can often overlook important aspects of cleaning clothes, which will have a massive impact on your clothes life span. 

When taking your clothes to professional dry cleaners, they can handle all these tasks for you with extra care. Professionals like us here at Laundryheap understand the different needs of different types of clothing. All you need to worry about is collecting it at your door and hanging the clothes in your wardrobe. 

Dry cleaning is less abrasive

Modern dry cleaning innovations are using greener products that are less abrasive on your clothing than traditional laundry techniques we use at home. The professionals know which clothes require a wet cleaning process and which do not. 

Likewise, professional dry cleaners know how to deal with delicate items that require special care. Dry cleaners are up to date with the best practices and will clean your clothes in the smartest possible way.  

Perfect for removing stains and odours 

There are lots of excellent home remedies for removing stains, but most come with a risk of ruining the clothes further. It is always a safer idea to get the professionals to deal with your tricky stains and lingering odours. 

So, if you ever find yourself about to throw your clothes away because you can’t get rid of this latest stain, why not take it to the dry cleaners? You’d be surprised at some of the hidden magic the professionals have up their sleeves. 

Prolongs your clothes’ lifespan

Everyone wants their clothes to look fresh for longer. One of the best ways people can achieve this is by having your garments professionally cleaned. 

By getting the dry cleaners to take care of your items, they are less exposed to fibre-wearing agitation that comes from the washing machine. As a result, they will last longer and retain their original colour. Also, a big bonus is you will end up saving money because you won’t need to purchase new clothes as frequently. 

Dry cleaners have the capacity for larger loads at once

It could seem evident to some, but not all, that dry cleaners have more capacity than your average washroom. If you are looking to get items like curtains, rugs, sofa covers or bedding cleaned well, then look no further than the dry cleaners. 

What can seem like a torturing chore for you to handle at home is a walk in the park for the professionals. Using a professional service for big items will save valuable time and reduce stress. 

Saves you time and stress

Dry cleaners don’t just take a load of laundry, but they also take a load of stress off your back. By handing over that task to the professionals, you can now enjoy your free time by doing the things you want to do. 

Time is valuable and often overshadowed by work or chores that can take up your entire day. So, by using a dry cleaners, you are regaining that precious time to spend with friends, family or yourself. 

Laundryheap is always here to help

Often people’s biggest issue when it comes to seeking professional help comes from having to leave the house. That’s why Laundryheap comes to you. We come to your home or place of work, pick up your dirty clothes and return them within 24 hours fresh, ironed and ready. Did we mention that we also do all this with no collection or delivery charge? 

So, next time you want to enjoy your free time and give your clothes a professional clean, look no further than Laundryheap

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Cleaning Your Children’s Dirty Sports Kits

Cleaning your little one’s sports uniform is a problem faced by mothers the world over. Whether you are a soccer mom, rugby mum or athletics mother, at one point or another you will find yourself faced with grass stains that seem impossible to tackle. 

Fear not though, this guide will help you regain the joy you first felt watching your children play sport and no longer shudder every time they come home with a dirty kit. 

  1. Act straight away
  2. Know your fabric
  3. Pre-soak
  4. Pre-wash 
  5. Avoid Chlorine Bleach
  6. Removing Grass
  7. Cleaning mud
  8. Cleaning Sweat
  9. Drying
  10. Consult The Professionals 

Act Straight Away

You could be forgiven for wanting to bury your head in the sand when your child first comes home with a fresh bag of wet, muddy and smelly clothes . Especially if it isn’t laundry day. It is important to keep in mind that by doing this you will be making the whole process much harder for yourself in the long run. If you take one thing away from this guide today let it be this. Tackle that kit as soon as it comes through the door.

Know Your Fabric

Standard football kits are made predominantly from a polyester-nylon mesh. School rugby kits are often made from polyester with a lycra blend. Both sets of materials are made for their durability and thankfully are both easier to clean than cotton.

Pre Soak

Once you’ve established the fabric you want to get that kit soaking as quickly as possible. Try to run the tap and get as much mud off as possible. Some parents have even been known to hang the kit on the washing line and rinse with a hose. 

Once you have got as much mud off as possible, fill a bucket with warm water, mix with one cap of laundry detergent and a cup of baking soda. We would advise leaving the kit to sit for at least an hour or more.

Pre Wash

Check to see if your washing machine has a pre-wash option. If so, take advantage of it! Using your pre-wash setting allows the main wash to be as clean as possible. 

We advise using half a cup of standard washing powder and a half a cup of oxidizing stain remover in the pre-wash. Do the same when it comes to the main wash but use a full cup of stain remover this time.

Avoid Chlorine Bleach

Despite how tempting it may seem to use chlorine bleach, don’t! Polyester and chlorine do not see eye to eye. If you feel you have to use bleach try to find an all-fabric bleach. You don’t want to be forking out more money for a new kit because you ruined the last one. 

Removing Grass Stains

The absolute best way to get rid of grass is to use non-chlorine bleach. But as mentioned above make sure this bleach is not chlorine bleach as it won’t end well for anyone involved. Make sure you soak the kit in this for a solid hour before using the heavy-duty detergent to finish the job.

Removing Mud

Mud can be a tricky one. This is because the key to removing it is by letting it completely dry. If your children used their kit at the start of the school day then this shouldn’t be a problem for you. 

If this is not the case and the mud is still wet, do not attempt to wipe it away as it will only rub deeper into the fabric. A good hack is using a toothbrush or plastic cutlery to gently scrape the mud from the kit.

Cleaning Sweat

We seem to never stop mentioning the benefits of baking soda and white vinegar on this blog. Cleaning sweat stains or smells is where this unlikely couple truly show they are a match made in heaven. Simply rub some on the affected area before placing your kit in the wash. The outcome will be a fresh smelling sports kit.


Always air dry sports kits to make sure no shrinkage occurs. If you have to use a tumble dryer we advise setting it to low heat. 

Consult The Professionals

When in doubt, go to the professionals. Laundryheap will give you a fast and professional service on any dirty sports kits you can’t bare to wash again. We pick up and deliver in 24 hours and charge no delivery fees. 

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