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Common Clothing Care Mistakes to Avoid While Traveling

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When you’re travelling, it’s easy to overlook the little details, like caring for your clothes. But not looking after your clothes while traveling can lead to wrinkles, stains, and even damage to your favourite garments. It is easy to worry but to help you ensure your garments stay fresh throughout, we’ve compiled a guide on some common clothing care mistakes to avoid while travelling.

common clothing care mistakes to avoid - luggage travelling

1. Overpacking

Packing while travelling can be quite the battle when it comes to finding the right balance. While it is tempting to bring out your entire closet, try to resist the urge! Overpacking not only weighs you down but also increases the likelihood of wrinkled clothes and overstuffed luggage.

2. Using Too Much Detergent

Less is more when it comes to detergent, especially when hand washing or using compact travel washers. Using too much detergent can leave residue on your clothes and make rinsing more challenging. If you’re not sure, follow the recommended dosage or use precise measurement.

3. Ignoring Clothing Care Labels

You’ve heard it before but neglecting the care labels before washing is one of the most common laundry mistakes. That’s why it’s important to check the care labels before washing your clothes. These labels provide valuable instructions on how to properly wash and dry your garments. Ignoring them could result in shrinkage, colour bleeding, or fabric damage.

4. Neglecting To Plan For Stain Removal

Accidents happen, but being prepared can save the day! Pack a travel-sized stain remover or stain removal pen in your toiletry bag for quick touch-ups on the go. Promptly treating stains can prevent them from setting in and ruining your clothes.

5. Not Using Laundry Services

Travelling itself isn’t easy with the long journeys. The last thing you should be thinking about is doing laundry because lets face it, it can be quite time-consuming. However, one of the easiest ways to save time and hassle while traveling is by using a laundry service like Laundryheap.

When you’re at your hotel, all you have to do is book a collection date and our team will collect your laundry from the reception and return it within 24 hours.

Remember, taking care of your clothes while traveling doesn’t have to be complicated. With our list of common clothing care mistakes to avoid, you can rest assured you will not only have wrinkle-free garments but you can also enjoy your travels without the thought of laundry chores thanks to Laundryheap.

book with laundryheap - laundry service

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