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How To Clean A Yoga Mat

It’s essential to clean your yoga mat often to remove the dirt, sweat and smell that comes with every use. It will also help prevent your mat from deteriorating and expand the life of your yoga mat. 

How To Clean A Yoga Mat

Consider washing your yoga mat every few months if you don’t use it frequently and at least once a month if you use it regularly. Note that you shouldn’t put your yoga mat into the washing machine or tumble dryer as it can degrade the quality.

  • Soak your yoga mat in the bathtub, filled with warm water and a few tablespoons of mild detergent/ dish soap.
  • Wash both sides of the mat using a soft cloth, focusing more on the dirtier areas.
  • Rinse mat with clean water removing all soap and residue.
  • After rinsing, gently shake the mat to remove excess water.
  • Lay the mat down on top of a clean towel and roll the two together to soak up moisture.
  • Hang your mat up to dry on a drying rack or with pant hangers (be warned it may leave clip marks).

Maintaining Your Yoga Mat

  • Clean your hands and feet before using (if possible). 
  • Wipe matt with a baby wipe or cloth with mild soap after every use.
  • Air out your mat regularly to evaporate lingering smells and moisture.
  • Keep your yoga mat in a cool, dry place and out of sunlight.


How To Dress Well: Style Tips For Men

Dressing well gives you the appearance of being confident, classy and well put-together. You don’t need to wear a suit and tie to be well-dressed. Whether it’s for semi-formal events or casual outings, if you’re looking to change your style to a more professional or dapper approach, here are some style tips to help you get started.

How To Dress Well: Style Tips For Men

  1. Stay clear from graphics tees and wild prints
  2. Avoid Hoodies And Joggers
  3. Wear well-fitted clothing
  4. Focus On The Basics
  5. Choose Neutral colours
  6. Invest in classy footwear
  7. Wear the right jacket
  8. Switch Up Your Jeans
  9. Look after your appearance
  10. Choose Good Quality Clothing

Stay Clear From Graphics Tees And Wild Prints

There’s nothing wrong with wearing clothes with graphics or wild prints, but save these for when you’re running last-minute errands or chilling at a friends house- occasions where you won’t be out for too long. If you want to dress more mature and ‘manly’, stick to plain solid coloured shirts or simple patterns such as stripes.

Avoid Hoodies And Joggers

Save the hoodies and joggers for lounging around at home, for flights or when you’re working out. Although these clothing pieces are super comfortable, they give off a scruffy and unprofessional look. 

Wear Well-Fitted Clothing

While it may be comfortable to dress in baggy or oversized clothing, it makes you look disorganised and untidy. It’s best to save dressing this way in the comfort of your own home. 

Make sure that you invest in well-fitted clothing to give you a smart and professional appearance. That means nothing too long/big or too short/small, but just right. Check out this style pyramid guide on getting the correct fit.

Focus On The Basics

By ‘basics’ I mean simple clothing items. When putting your outfit together, you want to make it simple as it shows a high level of sophistication. Go with a plain v-neck tee, slim fit jeans and boat shoes, for example. A simple style like this is the best dress code for the modern-day gentlemen.

Choose Neutral colours

If you’re not good at colour coordinating, stick to neutral colours. You won’t need to put in the effort to mix and match your clothes as they suit almost everything. They aren’t overpowering and give off a chic and classy look. Neutral colours are white, black, navy, khaki, grey and nude-toned colours. 

Invest In Classy Footwear

Your footwear completes your outfit. Semi beat-up sneakers and scuffed shoes will ruin a great outfit. Instead of sneakers, invest in classy footwear like desert boots, Chelsea boots, brogues or loafers as these shoe styles will elevate your look and make your look well presented.

Wear The Right Jacket

For the colder months, invest in jackets that will elevate your outfits such as trench coats, wool coats, overcoats, pea coats and trucker jackets. Parka coats, bomber and biker jackets can also work if the design and colour are plain.

Switch Up Your Jeans

Upgrade your jeans and consider switching them to chinos or smart trousers to add variety to your wardrobe. Make sure to get a straight, regular or slim fit to make your style clean. Choose solid dark-toned colours or patterns like checked or stripes.

Look After Your Appearance

By looking after your appearance, I mean look after your clothes and stay groomed. Use the proper hangers, fold your clothes neatly, have your suit professionally dry cleaned and pressed, wash your clothes often and make sure your shoes are kept clean. 

Choose Good Quality Clothing

Good quality clothing doesn’t necessarily mean you have to spend a huge amount of money, it just means you have to choose wisely in what pieces you invest in. If you’re unsure of what good quality clothing looks and feels like, Check out how to identify good quality clothing.

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5 Unique Experiences To Try In Dubai

There are so many fun and unique things to see and do in Dubai. Here are 5 of the unique experiences you might want to try on your (next) trip to Dubai. 

5 Unique Experiences To Try In Dubai

  • Zip line over the city
  • Camp on the beach
  • Play Camel Polo
  • Swim in the aquarium
  • BBQ on the creek

Zip Line Over The City

Get a thrilling birds eye view of Dubai by zip lining through the centre of downtown Dubai with Xline Dubai. This zip-line is the largest in the world and stretches 1 km in length, over the Dubai Marina. You can choose to ride it solo or bring someone with you.

Camp On The Beach

Rent a tent and enjoy the night at Banan beach resort in Jebel Ali, located 20 mins away from Dubai Marina. Enjoy a campfire on the beach, participate in one of the 12 water activities and even relax with yoga. You can even rent out a chalet for the day.

Play Camel Polo

Beginner or not, enjoy a unique and hilarious experience playing camel polo with your friends or family. This game adds a touch of Arabia to the traditional royal sport and suits 8 to 60 people. It is also great for a corporate social event. Fortunately, no training is required and full safety briefs are given before the game.

Swim In The Aquarium

Swim with the sharks into the 10-million litre tank aquarium of the Dubai mall aquarium. Anyone can experience the shark dive whether a certified diver or not.  You also have the opportunity to do other aquarium activities such as cage snorkelling or discover scuba diving.

BBQ On The Creek

Relax and have a BBQ on the famous BBQ Donut while you float down the river. The BBQ donut is a round boat with a barbecue in the centre. This boat is fit for six people and you will be provided with the meat that you can cook yourself.


If you happen to need a convenient laundry and dry cleaning service in Dubai, Laundryheap can take care of all of your laundry needs.

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5 Uses For Old T-Shirts

Got a couple of shirts that you no longer use but want to keep? Get creative and turn them into something else or donate them if they have no value to you. Here are 5 things you can do with your old t-shirts.

5 Uses For Old T-Shirts

  • Tote Bags
  • Quilts
  • Pillows
  • Reinvented clothes
  • Donations

Tote Bags

Create a no-sew tote bag by cutting off the sleeves to turn into handles, cutting around the neckline to create depth and tying the bottom of the shirt. Make sure the shirt is inside out before tying the bottom so you can turn it right side out. If you prefer to sew, see this tutorial on Wikihow.


Preserve the memories of your t-shirts and create a quilt out of them. You can choose to have them professionally done or learn how to create one yourself. Check out this wikihow tutorial on how to make a quilt from tee shirts.


Turn your old shirts into pillow covers or actual pillows. For pillow covers, cut and sew the shirt and finish it with a zip or Velcro seal. For pillows itself, include stuffing. See Wikihow’s tutorial for how to make pillows out of old clothes

Reinvented Clothes

If you enjoy sewing or DIY, recycle old t-shirts and make a new piece of clothing out of them. Cut off the sleeves, give it a different neckline or give it a whole new design. If you have little children, you can use old t-shirts to create clothing pieces such as pants or dresses.


Don’t want to keep the t-shirts at all? or just not crafty enough to make something out of them? Give them up for donation to your local charity or pass down to friends or other members of the family.

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Commonly Asked Questions About Laundry

We all know how to do the laundry, but sometimes certain things come up in the process that we are unsure of like how to remove a tough stain or why our clothes aren’t as bright as they used to be. Here are some commonly asked questions about laundry.

Should you wash white clothes separately?

Yes. If you want your white clothes to stay white, you must separate them from the coloured clothes as the dye can transfer onto the whites.

Should you wash new clothes before wearing them?

Yes, you should. Newly bought clothes are full of preservation chemicals and dyes as well as ‘invisible’ bacteria. While it isn’t much of an alarming issue, it’s best to be on the safe side. Read more about why you need to wash new clothes before wearing them.

What causes yellow stains on white clothes?

Yellow stains are formed from a mixture of perspiration and aluminium elements such as those that be found in deodorant. It is also due to invisible stains that aren’t pre-treated before washing.

How do you get white clothes white again?

Other than bleach, there are many natural ways to get your white clothes looking white again. Some of which include using baking soda, white vinegar or borax into your washer. Read more on how to whiten your white clothes naturally.

What are ‘delicates’ in laundry?

Delicate clothes are the ones that need extra care as they can be easily damaged. Such items include lingerie, silk, lace and chiffon.

Why do my clothes smell bad after washing?

There are several causes for your clothes to smell bad, such as:

  • Your washing machine needs cleaning.
  • You use too much detergent or you don’t use enough.
  • You don’t take clothes out straight away after cycle has finished.

If you experience this problem, check out how to remove damp smell from clothes.

What is colours bleeding and how do you fix it?

Colour bleeding is when the fabric dye leaches out when it gets wet. To prevent colours from bleeding, you can use colour catching sheets or add a cup of salt or white vinegar into the wash. You should also wash on a cold cycle.

How do you wash colours without fading?

Wash clothes inside out and on a cool temperature (30°c) and don’t over wash them. Also, don’t expose them directly to the sunlight as this will ‘bleach’ the fabric dye causing it t appear lighter.

Can you machine wash ‘dry cleaning only’ clothes?

No. If your clothes are labelled as ‘dry-clean only, it means its too delicate to be exposed to water and agitation. If you don’t want your clothes damaged, it’s always best to follow the instructions on the care label.

How do you remove old stains?

There are many stain removal products that will work to remove set-in stains but if you want a home-made stain remover, you can use white vinegar, liquid detergent or Baking soda. Read more about natural stain removers.


If you have a laundry questions that isn’t on here, feel free to ask it in the comments section and we’ll try to answer them for you.

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5 Unique Experiences To Try In Dublin

While there are so many fun things to see and do in Dublin there are some experiences that are out of the ordinary. Here are 5 unique experiences you might want to try on your trip in Dublin. 

5 Unique Experiences To Try In Dublin

  • Take a dip in the Forty Foot Irish sea
  • Play board games with strangers
  • Go city kayaking
  • Learn how to save the planet
  • Try brown-bread ice-cream

Take A Dip In The Forty Foot Irish Sea

Enjoy a swim in the cold waters of the Irish sea at Forty Foot. This historic bathing spot is a promontory located on the southern tip of Dublin Bay and was once exclusively a bathing area for men only. Now it is a pool enjoyed by men, women and children.

Play Board Games With Strangers

Have a chilled day at The Clockwork Door. Play board games, enjoy unlimited tea, coffee and snacks and meet new people. This board game cafe lets you pay only for the time you spend there while you enjoy everything else for free. They also offer VR and escape room games, a study room, video games room, and host regular events.

Go City Kayaking

Navigate the city by city kayaking along the river Liffey which flows through the heart of Dublin city. Admire Dublin’s famous landmarks at a unique angle, learn about the city from an experienced guide and paddle under the famous O’Connell and Ha’penny bridges.

Learn How To Save The Planet

Experience an interactive journey with the Cool Planet Experience to discover what climate change is all about through games, immersion and competition. You’ll learn about the issues of climate change as well as innovations and solutions that you can do to help solve the problem.

Try Brown-Bread Ice Cream

Murphy’s ice cream is famous for its naturally hand-made ice cream presenting unique flavours such as Irish brown bread (aran donn) and sea salt (salann).

If you happen to need a convenient laundry and dry cleaning service while in Dublin, Laundryheap can take care of all of your laundry needs.


How To Remove Stains With Baking Soda

Baking soda is gentle enough to be used on any fabric. If you weren’t aware already, Baking soda acts as a natural bleach, cleanser, deodoriser, fabric softener and is great at tackling tough stains. 

Pre-Soak with Baking Soda

To pre-soak your clothes before washing, fill up a bucket of water and add a cup of baking soda. Add your clothes into the bucket, swirl them around and leave to sit for a few hours to overnight. Although not a ‘stain’, pre-soaking helps to eliminate musty smells.

Pre-Treat with Baking Soda

There are two ways to remove stains with Baking via pre-treating. You can either sprinkle baking soda directly onto it or create a paste by mixing it with a 2:1 ratio of baking soda and water.

  • Grease stains- apply baking soda onto stain and leave for 30 mins to 1 hour.
  • Sweat stains- rub paste on stained area and let sit for a few mins.
  • Blood stains- rub paste on stained area and let sit for a 1 hour.
  • Vomit stains- apply baking soda directly onto stain and leave for 1 hour.
  • Fruit juice stains- apply baking soda onto stain, leave to sit, then rinse from the back of the stain.

If the stain is dry, use the paste method, but if it is wet, sprinkle baking soda on it. 

Add Baking Soda In The Wash

You can add 1/2 a cup of baking soda directly into the wash, along with your clothes and detergent, or you can add 1/2 cup to the rinse cycle. Adding a cup of white vinegar will enhance baking soda effects.

For a more professional approach in removing stains and keeping your clothes fresh, you can count on Laundryheap to get the job done.


How To Care For A Dress Shirt

For both formal events and casual outings, a dress shirt is a staple in every man’s wardrobe. Keep your dress shirts looking as good as new all year round with these tips. 

Washing A Dress Shirt

Before washing a dress shirt, it’s essential to undo all the buttons, including the ones on the cuffs and on the collar- if any, to ensure no damage on the button holes and threading.

  • Make sure to pre-treat any stains for about 20-30 mins before putting it into the wash.
  • Wash dress shirts on a cool, delicate cycle.

If in doubt, you can always check the care label for instructions on washing. In some cases, it may just need to be dry cleaned.

Drying A Dress Shirt

The best way to dry your dress shirt is to hang it on a hanger and let it naturally air dry. To maintain the shirt’s shape, do up the first two buttons. Avoid machine drying your dress shirt as this can cause damage to the fabric.

Ironing A Dress Shirt

Refer to the care label for the right heat setting when going to iron your dress shirt. If you want a crisp finish, iron both sides of the shirt. Alternatively, you can spray water to moisten it a bit before ironing.

Storing A Dress Shirt

Dress shirts should be hung up properly rather than folded.

  • Use any hanger as long as it is not a wired, as this tends to pucker the shoulders.
  • Fold and button up the collar, if it has any.
  • Button up every other button on the length of the shirt to keep it from creasing.

Knowing the right way to care for your dress shirt will keep it looking crisp and in good shape for years to come. If you need your dress shirts professionally cleaned and pressed, you can schedule a collection with Laundryheap.

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5 Unique Experiences To Try In Amsterdam

While there are so many fun things to see and do in Amsterdam there are some experiences that are out of the ordinary. Here are 5 unique experiences you might want to try on your next visit to Amsterdam. 

5 Unique Experiences To Try In Amsterdam

  • Have high tea in the smallest house in Amsterdam
  • Chill at the xtra cold icebar
  • Dine in the dark
  • Fish for plastic on a canal tour
  • Check out the fluorescent museum

Have High Tea In The Smallest House In Amsterdam

Enjoy an afternoon tea in the smallest house in Amsterdam, at just 2 metres wide and 5 metres deep. On the second floor of this house, is a tea room that can fit up to five people and offers breakfast, lunch or an afternoon tea. Since space is limited, booking in advance is recommended.

Chill At The Xtra Cold Ice Bar

Chill out at Amsterdam’s xtra cold ice bar, where everything in it is made from ice and the temperature reaches -10°C. For this bar, you’ll need to be prepared and bring warm clothing, but if not, they’ll be able to provide you with some. The entrance fee includes three drinks which are served in ice glasses.

Dine In The Dark

Experience an unusual dining setting with ctaste in complete darkness. This restaurant looks normal from the outside, but inside is the total opposite. Here, you will feel a completely different tasting, hearing, smelling and communication experience. 

Fish For Plastic On A Canal Tour

Take a tour of Amsterdam’s canal with Plastic Whale and help mother nature by fishing out plastic! This environmentally-friendly boat tour lasts 2 hours and allows you to learn about Amsterdam’s history and architecture, while you fish out plastic from the water with a fishing net.

Check Out The Fluorescent Museum

Enjoy Amsterdam’s first museum devoted to fluorescence, the Electric Ladyland. The ‘museum’ is located in a small basement, presenting art, minerals and manufactured items that fluoresce under ultraviolet light. 


If you happen to need a convenient laundry and dry cleaning service in Amsterdam, Laundryheap can take care of all of your laundry needs.

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5 Useful Travel Apps

Do you have a trip coming up or are you currently planning one? If you need help looking for the cheapest deals or you want to feel at ease getting around, here are some useful travel apps to help you on your adventures.

5 Useful Travel Apps

  • Hopper

Save up to 40% on flights and hotels with Hopper. This app uses advance data science to provide you with the best deals. Hopper predicts the best time to fly, so you can buy at the cheapest fare and you can receive price alerts when there are instant price drops. 

  • XE currency

Unsure of how much £10 is in USD? XE Currency puts all your currency needs into one app, from exchange rates to money transfers. This app gives you access to live rates for every currency and keeps you up-to-date with your transactions.

  • AroundMe

Want to know what things there are to do in the area? or perhaps you just need to find the nearest ATM? AroundMe quickly identifies your location on the map and shows you a complete list of and directions to the nearest facilities and venues.

  • PackPoint

Bring everything you need for your holiday without forgetting anything with PackPoint. This clever app will create a bespoke packing list according to where you’re going, what you’re going to do there and what the weather will be like. You can even add things on that aren’t on the list.

  • Laundryheap

For when you’re in desperate need of an easy-to-use laundry service, Laundryheap will collect your clothes from your hotel or airbnb and deliver them back to you within 24 hours. Laundryheap services are available in cities within the UK, UAE, Netherlands and, in Dublin, Ireland