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Complete Guide To Removing Different Sauce Stains

Is there anything worse than dry food? Sauce, in all its incredible different varieties, has meant we never have to worry about our food being too dry again. These moist and flavoursome little bottles of joy do come with there own problems though.

It doesn’t matter if it is the bright red ketchup, golden yellow mustard, or the infamous brown BBQ sauce that your taste-buds desire most. All of these wonderfully tasty condiments can leave us in a state of panic every time we carelessly spill them onto our new white t-shirt. We are here to try and ease that panic. Next time you find yourself overindulging in a hot dog that is drowning in mustard and ketchup, make sure you know how to remove the stains once the inevitable happens. 

  • Tomato Sauce
  • Mustard
  • BBQ Sauce 
  • Mayonnaise
  • Chilli Sauce 

Tomato Sauce 

 You can find this versatile vegetable (or fruit!?) in cuisine all over the world. Whether its ketchup on your fries, spaghetti sauce or bloody mary’s, sauces that mostly contain tomatoes can make it seem like the end of the world when spilt on our clothes.

The best thing you can do when spilling tomato sauces on your clothes is act as soon as possible. Try to use heavy-duty laundry detergent and make sure you use the hottest water recommended for the fabric on the garment care label. Always ensure you check the laundry symbols before washing the garment. To start with, gently rub the liquid detergent directly on the stain. Next, place the garment into the machine to be washed. Make sure to air dry after, as heat from the dryer can set in any remaining stain particles that have not come off in the wash. 


Like ketchup, mustard can cause most people to shriek when it’s spilt on your clothing due to its luminescent colour. Mustard contains a dye called Tumeric to enhance the yellow colour, which means it must be treated differently to other stains on this list. 

If a mustard stain does not get treated quickly, the turmeric dye can remain on your clothing as a permanent reminder of your carelessness. Try to catch the stain while it is still moist and blot immediately. Make sure you do not rub the stain, as you do not want to spread the turmeric onto unstained parts of the garment. 

Finally, mix a solution of three-quarters of dish soap and one quarter rubbing alcohol. Apply the mixture to the stain and allow to soak for 10 minutes, just long enough for it not to dry. The alcohol in the solution should turn the stain a dark colour, but not to worry, it will rinse right out! Rinse the treated area with hot water, and then launder like normal.

BBQ Sauce 

Would a barbecue even be a barbecue if it wasn’t messy to eat? Most people attending a barbecue know the risks going in, but that still doesn’t make the BBQ sauce stains any less harrowing. 

Removing the stain is a two-step process. Soak the affected garment just like you would soak a dirty dish in warm water with dishwashing detergent, this will help loosen the sauce from the fabric and help clean the stain. Once you have left to soak for at least ten minutes, pour some vinegar on the affected area and scrub with a kitchen sponge. After you’ve treated the stain, run the garment through the washing machine like normal. 


Mayonnaise is probably the least threatening colour of all sauces listed in this guide, but do not let its neutral colour fool you. Mayonnaise can leave oily spots on your clothing that are not always easy to remove.

When you spill a blob of mayonnaise on your clothing, use a blunt object like a butter knife or spoon to lift as much of the Mayonnaise off the fabric as you can. Never rub because this will push the stain deeper into the fabric, making it harder to remove. Seeing as the bulk of the issue is an oil-based stain, every Mayonnaise stain should be pre-treated using solvent-based stain removal products. If you don’t have any solvent-based stain remover at hand, apply a bit of heavy-duty liquid detergent instead. Then work it in by delicately rubbing with your fingers or a soft-bristled brush. Lastly, wash the garment in the washing machine on the highest heat it recommends on the label

Chilli Sauce

Need some spice in your life, but don’t like it trickling onto your clothes? A good old fashioned spicy hot sauce is great for adding flavour to your dishes, but not so great for your new white work shirt. Most hot sauce ingredients consist of peppers, spices and vinegar. Assuming your favourite brand of chilli sauce doesn’t add too much artificial food colouring, the stains should be simple to remove. 

Acting immediately is proving to be a common theme in this guide. You guessed it, don’t wait until you’ve finished your food to act on a chilli sauce stain, get on the job straight away! 

First things first, run the stain under the tap for at least a minute. Do not rub the stain here, instead let the water flow do the work. We also recommend turning the item inside out and cleaning from the backside to remove it from within the fabric. After this, place the clothing in a sink filled with cold water, add a tablespoon of liquid detergent and vinegar, then gently scrub the stained area. Lastly, put the item in a washing machine and make sure to use warm water, never hot, as this will set the stain. 

If you don’t have the time or patience to clean a worrying stain out of your clothing, why not let the professionals help you? Laundryheap is here to help by offering same-day laundry & dry cleaning collection with free next day delivery.


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10 Mistakes You’re Making That Are Ruining Your Clothes!

Whether you got your clothes from the sale rack, designer outlet or the thrift store, ALL clothes need to be properly cared for! Why? To keep them looking good and to make them last long. No one likes faded colours, random holes and ruined fabrics.

Here are 10 mistakes you’re probably making that are ruining your clothes:

 Over-Washing Your Clothes

You may think you’re doing your clothes justice by washing them often, when in fact you’re actually ruining your clothes. Over-washing dyed cotton fabrics will, overtime, cause colours to fade noticeably and wear out the fabric. This goes for jeans too. Jeans shouldn’t be over-washed, but instead, should be worn up to at least 6 times until washing is necessary. See how often you should be washing your clothes.

Wash coloured fabrics (especially ones with details and prints) and jeans inside out. This will help your clothes to last longer and prevent them from wearing out.

Not Using Detergent Effectively

Detergents all have the same purpose in cleaning BUT there is a difference between using liquid detergent and powder detergent. Powdered detergent works best in hot washes. When used in a cold water cycle, powders don’t properly dissolve and can leave behind debris on your garments. To avoid this issue, use powder detergent on warm/hot temperature washes.

Likewise, liquid detergents can get caught onto your clothes causing discolouration as it leaves behind light spots, IF you use too much of it that is.

Instead, measure the liquid detergent accordingly to your load size, using the measuring cup it came with or use gel capsules for exactly the right amount of detergent in your usual washes.

Washing Too Hot

Detergents all have the same purpose in cleaning BUT there is a difference between using liquid detergent and powder detergent. Powdered detergent works best in hot washes. When used in a cold water cycle, powders don’t properly dissolve and can leave behind debris on your garments. To avoid  this issue, use powder detergent on warm/hot temperature washes.

Likewise, liquid detergents can get caught onto your clothes causing discolouration as it leaves behind light spots, IF you use too much of it that is.

Instead, measure the liquid detergent accordingly to your load size, using the measuring cup it came with or use gel capsules for exactly the right amount of detergent in your usual washes.

Not Treating Stains Quickly Enough

Letting stains sit for a long period of time (more than 24 hours), only gives it the chance to stick and ‘attach’ itself onto the fabric. You may still be able to remove the stain but you will struggle and it may not be completely removed. 

Try to treat stains as soon as you can. If you’re on the go, at least blot away the stain a little, with cold water, so it makes pre-treating a lot easier. 

Hanging Knit Jumpers

A mistake most of us make without realising is hanging our knit jumpers. Hanging your jumpers only causes the jumper to stretch out over time as the heaviness of the fabric weighs it down. 

It’s best to fold these jumpers and stash them away in the closet as you would with the rest of your clothes.      

 Folding Leather Garments

Leather clothes of any type- jackets, pants, skirts etc, should NOT be folded as it can cause creases and folds on the fabric that are difficult and sometimes impossible to get rid of. You can’t even steam nor iron leather garments as a solution should that issue occur.

Take better care of your leather clothes by simply hanging them in a cool dry place!

Using The Wrong Hangers

Believe it or not, the type of hanger you use can have an impact on your clothes. Using the wrong hangers can awkwardly distort the shoulder/ shoulder pads of clothes. The right hanger will ideally sit at the end of the shoulder, where the sleeve meets.

Use wooden, felt or thick plastic hangers for your clothes to be safe and as much as possible, avoid metal/wired hangers.

You Tumble Dry Everything

Just as all clothes can’t be washed on a hot cycle, all clothes can’t be tumble dried either, unfortunately.  Tumble drying items that aren’t suppose to be tumble dried can cause shrinkage to clothes and ruin it’s fibres. 

Instead try naturally air drying your clothes out in the sun or even at home AND make sure to read the care label before putting your clothes in the dryer.

You Don’t Hand Wash

Some clothes, especially delicate ones such as silk, require extra care when washing. If you’re one who stuffs everything in the machine, even delicate clothing, you risk ruining the fabric fibres by not washing with extra care.

Hand washing is an ancient laundry practice BUT it is the most careful washing method as you have complete control on how much pressure or ‘irritation’ you use on the fabric. This cleaning method should be applied to fabrics that require gentle care and of course, the fabrics with a ‘hand wash’ only care symbol!

You Iron Everything

Again, not all items of clothing can be ironed because some fabrics are just too delicate to handle the heat. Don’t iron clothes such as silk, leather, suede and definitely do not iron a suit either! You’ll only ruin your clothes as well as decrease it’s longevity. ALWAYS check the label to see if your garments are suitable for ironing.

Use hand held steamers as an alternative to ironing, as this is a safer and fabric friendly method. 

If you’re making more than half of these mistakes, it’s probably best to leave your laundry to the professionals, like Laundryheap. We’ll wash, fold and iron (or press) your items and get it delivered to you all within 24hrs!