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Back To School: Laundry Preparations

School is back and the familiar feeling of busier laundry chores also returns. For parents, this is a source of frustration because school uniforms can overfill the laundry basket. However, it doesn’t have to be this way. With better laundry preparations, the new school year can be managed better!

kids learning in school

Here are our tips for better laundry preparations for the school year.

1. Separate The School Clothes

Separating school clothes from normal clothes does help with organisation. After all, school clothes don’t just include uniforms, but they also include sports kits and socks. Separating school clothes from other clothes prevents the problem of overloading the washing machine. In addition, it’s advised to turn everything inside out to reduce the probability of colours fading.

2. Look For Any Stains

The weather in September is still hot; typically, kids love to play sports during lunch breaks, which increases the likelihood of any mud stains. If your kid loves art, paint stains are also common. In general, ink stains are the most common throughout the school year.

For better laundry preparations, make sure you make your own stain remover. This can be usually done by mixing baking soda and white vinegar together. Highly effective against mud stains.

3. Book a Laundry Service

Booking a laundry service is a huge time saver for parents. Laundryheap is a reliable and convenient laundry service. Think of it like Uber but for laundry. Parents already lead busy lifestyles. Daily jobs, cooking, taking care of kids etc. the list is endless but booking a service with Laundryheap will help with laundry preparations because we’ll do the laundry for you! Just book a service and we’ll clean your kids’ school uniforms to perfection!

4. Introduce Your Kids To Laundry

Teaching your kids about laundry breeds discipline and work ethic. These are important life skills. Tell your kids about the basics of laundry; putting clothes in the basket, separating colours, using detergents, folding clothes to remove wrinkles etc. Not only does this help laundry preparations for you but your kids will become more independent.

The new school year can be challenging for everyone involved as it takes time to settle after a long summer. With better laundry preparations, the chores will be managed just fine!

For your laundry needs, just book a service with Laundryheap!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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5 Baby Apps For New Parents

Need a helping hand in life as new parents? or simply want to be prepared for when the baby arrives? These apps will help keep your day-to-day routine with the baby that much easier.

5 Baby Apps For New Parents:

  1. Baby Tracker: This app is designed to keep track of your baby’s daily habits, health, and precious ‘first’ moments to treasure. It handles all the details of your developing baby, so you can make the most out of the joys of parenting. It will record sleeping schedules, diaper changes, nursing schedules and more.
  2. MyMedela: If you’re a breastfeeding parent, this app is great for giving guidance and tips for a positive breastfeeding experience for mum and baby. It helps to track breastfeeding and pumping progress, baby’s key activities and gives you interactive checklists to support your goals.
  3. TinyBeans Baby & Family: As a new parent, your phone is filled with so many pictures of your baby from the moment they’re born. This app allows you to store all your baby pictures, with unlimited storage! It’s safe, secure and you can even choose who to share your photo/s with. You can edit, print and even view flashbacks to see how your baby has changed overtime.
  4. Sleepy Sounds: Turn your phone into a noise maker to help sooth your baby to sleep. Choose from a variety of sounds: lullabies, white noise or nature sounds. When the music starts, your phone will start a looping animation which will light up a dark room.
  5. Baby and Child First Aid: Your baby’s health and safety is the utmost priority. This app allows you to be prepared and keep your baby safe with useful videos, guides and advice for first-aid situations. Only available for iOS devices.

With these apps, you’ll be able to focus on the precious moments of being a new parent and watch how your baby develops. No need to worry about keeping record of your baby’s schedule.

We can also help make doing house chores easier by doing the laundry for you, so you can have the extra time to relax and focus on the baby.

Download the Laundryheap app on iOS or Android.

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Laundry Tips For New Parents

You thought doing laundry for yourself was challenging enough, but now with the little one, it’s become a completely different story.

Your days have become even more hectic and you find yourself having to adjust your time to match your baby’s schedule. That means constantly having to clean baby mess and wash baby clothes. The only alone time you get is when the baby is sleeping and that’s when you’re most likely catching up on sleep too.

We understand that life becomes more challenging when you’re a new parent, especially when it comes to laundry, as babies tend to need a change of clothes every so often a day. Their clothes also require extra care and time to clean.

Here are some quick tips to conquer laundry as a new parent:

1. Always wash newly bought baby clothes/blankets

Your baby’s skin is delicate, so you want to wash away any harsh production chemicals and germs trapped on clothing and blankets before they are used. 

Opt in to using hypoallergenic or non-bio laundry detergents that is great for sensitive skin to avoid unwanted allergic reactions.

2. Avoid using fabric softener

Whilst fabric conditioner is made to leave clothes feeling soft, you should avoid using it on baby clothes! Baby clothes are designed to be flame resistant and coating it with softener will only strip it of it’s properties, not to mention it can cause a likely chance of irritation to the skin.

3. Spot clean on the go

Babies create MESS and that’s OK! Whether you’re out or even just lounging at home, it’s a good idea to have baby wipes with you at all times to immediately spot clean any small ‘accidents’ your baby has made. This method will save you time pre-treating stains and will add just a bit more extra time until the baby has to change clothes again.

4. Instantly rinse out poop/vomit stains

To avoid poop and vomit stains leaving what will appear to be a faint yellow-ish mark, rinse the stain out as quickly as the stain was created. You’ll still need to pre-treat but at least it will be easy and less time consuming.

We at Laundryheap can take care of cleaning your baby’s clothes should the load be too much for you to handle. We take utmost care in dealing with clothes for sensitive skin. You can have the option to choose between bio or non bio and let us know of any other special requirements.

Have any tips for dealing with laundry as a new parent? Share them in the comments section. 🙂

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