Laundryheap Blog – Laundry & Dry Cleaning

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How To Remove Egg Stains

Eggs, whether for breakfast or as chocolate Easter eggs, always look good on a plate but they don’t look good on your clothes. If you’ve spilt eggs on your clothes, no stress! To egg you on, we’re going to guide you on how to remove egg stains from your clothes!

remove egg stains
Image from

What You’ll Need to Remove Egg Stains

Before we get cracking, these are the list of supplies you will need to remove the egg stains:

  • Spoon (or a butter knife)
  • Brush
  • Water (salt is optional)
  • Liquid Laundry detergent

Instructions on Removing Egg Stains

After you’ve got all your supplies ready, it’s time to rescue your clothes!

  1. Firstly, use your spoon to remove the egg stain from the outside of your clothes. Don’t worry too much about the inside of your fabric for now. Scraping the stained part to remove as much of the egg as possible. This also works with a butter knife.
  • When you’ve done scraping with a spoon, proceed to rinse your egg-stained clothes with cold water and start scraping the egg-stained part to soften it.

Additionally, we strongly advise against using hot water. Eggs are protein; hot water will only cook the protein and will damage the fabric!

  • After you’ve used a spoon and finished rinsing your clothes, we recommend putting a laundry detergent (read the label first) on the egg-stained part for better and cleaner results. Simply pour a detergent directly onto the egg stain and using the same brush as before, spread it out. It’s important to stay patient as egg stains do need care and attention.
  • Fourthly, you will need to load your egg-stained clothes into the washing machine. To make the cleaning process more seamless, don’t rinse off the liquid detergent.

However, before you do load, always read the labels on your clothes for better care.

  • Moreover, place the correct amount of liquid detergent into the washing machine. If you feel unsure about the correct dose, use a pre-treat cap to guide you.
  • Start your washing machine with the regular cycle and the hottest temperature (depending on the instructions and labels on your clothes.
  • After your cycle is finished, unload to check if the egg stains are removed. If you’re happy with the results, start to dry your clothes!

Yes, you will have an egg on your face when you realise there are egg stains on your clothes but you are now equipped with a guide to remove egg stains next time this situation occurs!

If you need help to get remove the eggs, book with us, choose a collection day and we’ll have your clothes returned to you within 24 hours! No stress, no hassle and no more egg stains!

For any other laundry chores, visit Laundryheap’s website to book a service with us or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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How To Remove BBQ Sauce Stains

It’s National Barbeque (BBQ) Day! You’re chilling in the garden and enjoying your BBQ! Suddenly you realise to see that there are BBQ sauce stains on your clothes.

Your emotions may shift from BBQ delight to BBQ despair but not to worry, we are here to show you that the BBQ sauce stains haven’t ruined your clothes and there are ways to remove them!

Image from

Why are BBQ Sauce Stains Difficult to Remove?

BBQ sauce stains are great on our burgers and chips. However, when they drop on our clothes, they can be a cleaning nightmare because of their greasy nature. They can ruin the colour of your fabric and they contain oily residues too.

Having said that, it’s not impossible to remove the BBQ sauce stains. Much like tomato sauce, they can be removed.

How to Remove BBQ Sauce Stains

The first step in removing BBQ sauce stain is to act fast when you notice your clothes have a funny looking colour! Don’t let the stain settle in your clothes. With care, immediately wipe the stain off with a paper towel.

If you’ve spotted the stain a little late, don’t panic. You can still scrape it off with a fork, spoon, or butter knife. Removing the external stains is important because it prevents them from spreading to other parts of your clothes.

Pour Cold Water

Secondly, pour cold water on the stained parts for a couple of minutes because it helps makes the cleaning process as seamless as possible. You’d be forgiven to think hot water helps but unfortunately, this is a misconception as hot water will only make the stain difficult to remove due to the complex mix of ingredients in the BBQ stains.

Rub Liquid Detergent and Rinse

Proceed with care and start to rub a liquid detergent into the part that has the BBQ sauce stains. As we talked about before, due to the greasy nature, you need a strong liquid detergent that does the magic. After this, let the clothing sit for 5-10 minutes (always keep an eye out) before rinsing. Once you start rinsing, make sure you don’t stop until the stain is completely removed.

Wash and Dry

You’ve rinsed the clothes so now you need to wash and dry them. Simply put your clothes in the washing machine with the hottest water settings. After the cycle is completed, the next step is drying. It’s always best to be pragmatic and approach this with precaution so double-check once again the BBQ sauce stain is removed. Even if there is a little bit of stain remaining, this could still ruin the particles in your clothing. If there is none, then start drying.

We hope your National BBQ Day is full of joy, laughter, and plenty of BBQ but no BBQ sauce stains on your clothes!

If you happen to drop any BBQ sauce on your clothes, book a service with us! We offer Laundry Services to help you!

Visit our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android so we can clean it for you!


The Benefits of a Laundry Service For Your Restaurant

Restaurants have enough on their plates when it comes to business responsibilities. There are a lot of organisations involved, ordering food, preparing food, serving customers, cleaning and so on. Restaurants do need a helping hand, and this is where a laundry service comes in.

Here are the benefits of a Laundry Service for your restaurant!

1. Reduces Pressure on Staff

The nature of a restaurant is fast-paced and stressful. Every staff involved is on their feet for most of the shift and even when they finish their shift, the worry of cleaning their work uniform, aprons, kitchen linens or towels looms over their head.

However, it doesn’t have to be this way. To reduce the pressure on your staff, a laundry service can help your restaurant take care of the laundry and deliver it back to you within 24 hours!

2. Cleaner Items, Better Results

Booking a Laundry service will maintain the highest level of cleaning standards while maintaining the quality of your kitchen linens and chef gowns. Restaurants aren’t only judged for their food quality but also for how their staff are presented and with Laundryheap, we are there to help your restaurant stand out with professional cleaned and well-ironed kitchen work gear.

Not only will your kitchen laundry items look good, but this will also help enhance your restaurant’s hygiene image!

3. Saves Costs and Time

Running an in-house laundry adds extra costs to your restaurant. Not only are you paying for the machines, but you are also drowning your staff with more tasks. Purchasing laundry equipment isn’t cheap and neither is finding the staff to run these tasks consistently.

However, the proof is in the pudding; Paying for a laundry service will save you cost, time and stress because all you must do is book the date and schedule a collection and your laundry will be delivered back to your business within 24 hours. It’s as easy as 123!

4. Better Preparations

Restaurants need to be prepared for the busiest days and seasons. By booking a laundry service, your restaurant can prepare and focus on other crucial business matters such as maintaining a high-quality food service. Next time, you get birthday parties or Christmas dinners at your restaurant, you’ll expect busy hours but with a laundry service, you’ll have that peace of mind that you can prepare better because Laundryheap will clean your kitchen aprons, and table linens etc. for you.

5. Convenient

It goes without saying that convenience is the one major thing that customers and businesses aim for. We understand that laundering kitchen gowns, aprons and table linens take time but booking a laundry service brings convenience. at Laundryheap, no pile is too big for us, and we’ll get everything cleaned to a professional standard and deliver them back to your restaurant within 24 hours conveniently. 

Laundryheap has worked with other businesses in different types of industries. We are always here to make work easier for businesses.

To get started, book a service with Laundryheap on our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.


Guide To Cleaning Aprons

Cleaning Aprons is a big duty after you’ve left the kitchen. They take care of us, by protecting our clothes from germs and stains, so it’s only fair we take care of them. If you spent a lot of time in the kitchen, you’ll know why it’s essential to keep aprons clean.

What’s The Best Way to Clean Aprons?

Whether you’ve cooked, brewed coffee, or owned a restaurant, we could imagine how messy the kitchen gets and naturally, aprons will get dirty. Cleaning aprons can be a daunting task but fortunately, there are ways to make this easier for you.

Hand washing

If your apron isn’t very dirty and you just need a few stains to be removed, handwashing would be the solution. Simply start off by filling a bucket with hot water and soak your apron in it. Afterwards, pour lemon juice and table salt on the dirty stains.

You always want to be prepared – check if the weather is warm and hang your aprons outside. If it starts to rain, leave your aprons to dry in a drying rack.

Finally, rinse the apron once again with water to remove any salt remaining and dry it once more to ensure the fabric remains of good quality!


When it comes to cleaning aprons, laundry can also be effective.

As a rule of thumb, always read the Apron label to see if its material is suited for laundry, ironing or dry cleaning. For Nylon and PVC aprons, we advise against machine washing.

Using the washing machine when cleaning aprons needs careful planning and awareness. We recommend washing the aprons separately from other clothing. Separate white aprons from bright or darker clothing or aprons to avoid colour mixing.

Cleaning Aprons may need their own special laundry day to avoid strings tangling with other clothes or aprons. However, you can always tie the apron’s strings together in a bow as a solution.

For better results, always read labels on the cleaning liquids to make sure they match the apron colour. Brightly coloured or darker aprons are cleaned with colour-safe liquids to maintain quality.

As a general rule, aprons are laundered for 30 minutes.

A reminder that all apron materials have different washing needs. Cotton Denim and Cotton Canvas are better washed separately as colours may latch on each other.

We offer laundry, ironing and dry-cleaning services to help you out if your work or business gets too busy.

How often should Aprons be cleaned?

Every Apron tells a hundred stories. Some need cleaning attention while others can remain in the kitchen. When cleaning aprons, take into consideration how long you have used your apron. Usually, if the apron is used after two or three times then it needs to be cleaned.

We hope your Apron needs are fulfilled. Cleaning Aprons is important not only for you but for people around you.

A reminder that if your laundry or responsibilities piles up, our services can help you!

Whether you’re a business or just someone who needs their Apron cleaned, visit our website to book with us or download our free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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Tips To Manage Stress

April is Stress Awareness Month, but these last two years have been quite challenging and understandably stressful. With all the balancing between work, family and house chores, it’s okay to feel stressed but it’s more important you follow the tips to manage stress.

In this blog, we will present you top tips to manage stress.

  • Physical Activity
  • Eat Well
  • Get Good Sleep
  • Book A Laundry Service
  • Make Time for Yourself

Physical Activity

A top tip to manage stress is physical activity; put on your headphones, listen to your playlist, and go out for a walk. The warmer weather calls for more time outside so make the best of it.

You can even go out for a jog or use the gym for stress relief. Exercise releases endorphins shifts your energy to positivity and improves your mood to manage stress. Set your fitness goals to keep yourself motivated.

Don’t worry about your dirty gym laundry, we’ll do the heavy lifting by doing your laundry for you!

Eat Well!

We’ve all been there. When we are having a bad day, the first thing we do when we are free is rush to the fridge and start to stress-eat. This feels good now, but it adds to the stress in the long term.

Maintaining a good diet is the key to stress management. Cut down the caffeine. Drinking Chamomile tea is highly recommended for stress relief as it helps relaxation.

We are approaching the summer so even the basics like staying hydrated help in managing stress.

Another good tip to manage stress is keeping your Vitamin D in check; eat eggs and mushrooms. Eat a healthy amount of broccoli and green beans as they are excellent for stress relief.

Get Good Sleep!

Getting a goodnight’s sleep is not only good for the heart but it helps us wake up in a good mood, stay productive and recharge our battery. Waking up tired makes us more stressed.

To manage stress and your sleep, we recommend sleeping at the same time daily and getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep. Turn your phone off as they are a distraction and will only keep you awake.

The key to a goodnight’s sleep could be your bedsheets and linen so make sure they’re comfortable, fresh, and cleaned!

Book a Laundry Service

Laundry is a never-ending chore and if you have kids, work or a busy lifestyle, a mountain of dirty clothes can be stressful.

However, it doesn’t have to be stressful. Managing your laundry is a great stress relief and we at Laundryheap love to help.

Our services aren’t just limited to laundry; we also offer dry cleaning and ironing.

Simply book a service with us, schedule a collection and you’ll get your laundry back in 24 hours.

No hassle, no stress! A very basic tip to manage stress is to simply feel good and with freshly cleaned and well-ironed clothes, you’ll feel happier!

Make Time for Yourself

When you get stressed, it’s okay to take a break and make time for yourself. Don’t overwhelm yourself with daily responsibilities and chores. Reading a book, travelling to new places, shopping online and meeting friends are all proven to be great stress relievers.

Doing things we love is a great tip to manage stress and one we strongly recommend.

We hope your stressful days are less frequent. If you do get stressed, remember to follow the tips above to manage your stress.

Eat well, stay active and book with Laundryheap so you have more time to pamper yourself!

Visit the website or download the free app on iOS or Android!

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3 Ways to Prepare for Easter

Flowers are blooming, days are getting longer and there are chocolate eggs all around us! Easter is a fabulous time to spend with family but it can also be a stressful time of chores and preparing. To egg you on, we’ve made a list to help you prepare better so your easter is less egg-hausting and more-eggciting.

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Doha’s best brunches

Photo by Helena Lopes from Pexels

Who doesn’t love going to brunch? In Doha, there are plenty of places that serve outstanding brunch options. These are just our top picks. 

  • Sabai Thai 
  • B-lounge
  • STK Doha
  • CUT
  • Market

Sabai Thai 

Sabai Thai is the best place in Doha to experience authentic Thai cooking, even when visiting for brunch. Their brunch menu is a surprisingly reasonable QR130, and available on Saturdays from 1pm-4pm. Despite the exceptional price, Sabai Thai does not falter when it comes to providing extraordinary Thai brunch cuisine. A stand-out dish would be their Thai Green Curry, washed down with a beautifully refreshing mocktail. 

Image by Bryon Lippincott


If you are looking for a luxurious brunch experience, then look no further than B-lounge. With its beautiful marina views, stylish interiors, and large terrace, B-lounge has made quite the name for itself as the ultimate Doha hangout spot. The food at B-lounge is a seamless blend of Asian flavours with international touches, which carries through to their specialist brunch menu. Beginning with a sushi platter, before moving on to a hot starter, main course, and finishing with a ‘gorgeous platter’, the food at B-lounge is unmatched. If you are in the Doha area, it is definitely worth booking in. 

Photo by Abdullah Ghatasheh from Pexels

STK Doha

STK Doha offers a steak dining experience like no other. Located in the West Bay Lagoon district, you will encounter a mix of traditional and innovative cuisine, which makes for an energetic dining experience. Their brunch menu offers a selection of starters, mains, and desserts, including ginger tofu and daikon salad (starter), a grilled meats platter (main), and an elusive junk chalice (dessert). You can sample their eclectic brunch menu every Friday from 12pm-4pm, with prices from QAR 275 per person. 

Photo by Gonzalo Guzman from Pexels


Notorious Austrian chef Wolfgang Puck opened CUT in 2017, bringing his classic American steak restaurant to Doha. Wolfgang’s philosophy is to cook simply using the finest selection of beef and locally sourced ingredients and to present them beautifully. This philosophy is perfectly demonstrated in the slow-cooked BBQ brisket on offer as just one of his amazing brunch options. From 12:30pm- 4pm, treat yourself to the finest brunch menu in Doha at CUT. 

Photo by Lukas from Pexels


Market provides many options for breakfast and brunch. Inspired by Jean-Georges Vongerichten’s concept of the Hotel as a Home, Market offers casual comfort food from around the world. If you are looking for a wide variety of food options, you can sample the breakfast buffet for QAR 140. Included in the buffet is a variety of Arabic, American, and International breakfasts, fruits, salads, yogurt, and cereals. Alternatively, you can try something from the A La Carte menu, such as Menemen, eggs benedict, or pancakes. This menu is available from 6am-11am every day. 

Photo by Emrah Tolu from Pexels

Brunch is a meal best served without the worry of laundry. That is why you should book a Laundryheap service and let us take care of it for you. To book your Laundryheap service, simply head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app. 

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Top places to eat in Dublin

Photo by Mister Mister from Pexels

Dublin is home to an array of exquisite cuisine. These are just a handful of our favourite restaurants.

  • The Greenhouse
  • Clanbrassil House
  • Michael’s
  • Bunsen
  • Dublin Pizza Company
  • The Legal Eagle
  • Fish Shop 
  • The Market Kitchen
  • The Fumbally 
  • Meet Me In The Morning

The Greenhouse 

The Greenhouse, is a 2 Michelin star restaurant that specialises in elevated Irish cuisine. Each season brings a new menu, as only the best Irish produce is used to create an incredible dining experience. If you are going to The Greenhouse for dinner, Expect to pay around €80 for a 3 course meal. If you head to The Greenhouse for lunch you can enjoy a two course meal for €45.

Clanbrassil House

There are only 25 seats at Clanbrassil House, which aids in the homely feel that it offers. Here, you will find ingredient-driven food, cooked over a charcoal fire. Clanbrassil House has fast become a firm favourite amongst Dubliners, with their hash brown chips and pickled onion mayo being said to be unmissable. If you are an indecisive eater you may want to visit later in the evening when the menu is reduced, but for a full menu it’s best to make a booking for earlier in the evening.


Michael’s has a cult-like following amongst Dubliners. Each day owner and head chef, Gaz, hand-picks the best seafood from the local waters, and creates the perfect seafood menu. To accompany the amazing array of seafood, is an exceptional wine list. To get the best of Gaz’s picks, it’s best to go for the surf and turf, which is complemented perfectly with a herby garlic butter. 


If you are craving a burger whilst residing in Dublin, the only place to feel truly satisfied is Bunsen. Your Bunsen meal will see a Black Aberdeen Angus patty laying on a freshly baked burger bun, topped with melted American-style cheese, and fresh deli-style pickles and lettuce. To top off the burger is Bunsen’s special “punch” sauce. Accompanying are freshly made, hand cut, chips. The price at Bunsen is low, but the flavour and satisfaction is incredibly high. 

Photo by Isaac Taylor from Pexels

Dublin Pizza Company 

If you are looking for a slice of Italy in Dublin, then look no further than the Dublin Pizza Company. The owners of the Dublin Pizza Company flew to Naples to learn the craft of pizza making, however, all of their ingredients are sourced from their back garden. You can grab one of their outstanding pizzas from their hole-in-the-wall store, or head to The Well, a co-working space by day and event space by night. 

Photo by Vincent Rivaud from Pexels

The Legal Eagle 

Located close to the Four Courts, The Legal Eagle is Dublin’s best gastropub. Inside you will find the familiar brick and birch furniture of a regular pub, but will be served classic Irish food in a new and innovative way. If you happen to be in Dublin on a Sunday, don’t miss out on the opportunity to try The Legal Eagle Sunday dinner- slabs of roast beef, accompanied by seasonal vegetables, cauliflower cheese, and topped with gravy. 

Image by William Murphy

Fish Shop 

Husband and wife team Peter Hogan and Jumoke Akintola have created the perfect place to enjoy fish and chips at Fish Shop. Their concise menu includes classic fish and chips and an assortment of small plates, including poached oysters and squid sliders. Accompanying their refined menu is a perfectly paired wine list. Fish Shop is well known in the Dublin area for being one of the best places to enjoy seafood in Ireland. 

Photo by Valeria Boltneva from Pexels

The Market Kitchen 

Located in Temple Bar’s weekly Saturday market, The Market Kitchen is only open on Saturday’s from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm. Each week, Jenny and Patrick McNally produce organic vegetables from their farm. Their daughter, Sara, and business partner, Liadain Kaminski, pair their vegetables with the produce from the surrounding market stalls. The result, is fresh, organic, and homely food that tastes incredible. 

The Fumbally 

The Fumbally began as a falafel shop, furnished with whatever furniture the owners could find in charity shops. Over the years, it has grown into an organic food venture, which includes house ferments, such as cabbage and ginger. Guests still sit at the original mismatched tables, but they have more option on what they can eat. The Fumbally is the perfect place for some casual, organic, food that is good for your body and mind. 

Meet Me In The Morning  

Meet Me In The Morning may look like a small coffee shop serving little more than a few pastries, but their food is a true delight for the taste buds. Their menu is small, however, each dish is made with fresh, organic, vegetables, and a sprinkling of meat. Everything is made fresh that day, and you are guaranteed to leave feeling happy and full. 

Whilst you’re enjoying eating your way around Dublin, we will take care of your laundry. Book your Laundryheap service by visiting the Laundryheap website, or by downloading the free Laundryheap app. 

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Top places to eat in Singapore

Image by Eric Lee from Pixabay

Singapore is home to some of the best cuisine in the world. Here are just ten of the top restaurants we would recommend trying whilst in Singapore. 

  • Candlenut
  • 328 Katong Laska 
  • Sushi Kimura 
  • Burnt Ends 
  • Keng Eng Kee Seafood
  • Warong Nasi Pariaman 
  • Corner House
  • Samy’s Curry
  • J.B Ah Meng 
  • Spring Court


Candlenut was the first Peranakan restaurant to earn a Michelin star. At Candlenut, Singaporean chef Malcolm Lee taps into his heritage to deliver his modern interpretation of traditional Chinese cuisine. Many of the recipes you can sample have been passed down through generations and you can taste the heritage of each dish in every bite. Make sure to try the bakwan kepiting. 

Image by benhosg_old

328 Katong Laksa

Laksa is a popular spicy noodle soup, and there is nowhere better to get it than at Katong Laksa. If you are looking for a fancy dining experience you won’t find it here, but if you are looking for delicious, authentic, Singaporean food, you have come to the right place. The menu at 328 Katong Laksa is limited, so making your choice is fast and easy- perfect for enjoying your noodles as quickly as possible. 

Sushi Kimura 

Chef and owner of Sushi Kimura, Tomoo Kimura, has over 20 years of sushi-crafting experience. He offers an incredible Japanese sushi experience, that includes artisan ingredients that change with the seasons. Since Sushi Kimura gained its Michelin star it has become increasingly popular, so it’s best to book a table in advance.

Image by Ella Olsson

Burnt Ends

If you are a fan of BBQ then you have to try Burnt Ends, Singapore’s best BBQ joint. Surrounded by a burnt wood and iron exterior, you immediately become immersed in the BBQ experience as you sit facing a line of chefs intensely BBQing chunks of meat. Everyday the menu changes, with only a few staple dishes remaining all season, such as the pulled-pork Sanger.

Keng Eng Kee Seafood

Keng Eng Kee Seafood offers cooked-to-order wok-fried dishes. You will find everything here, from moonlight hor fun to Singapore’s best claypot pork liver.  Located on Bukit Merah Lane, it is constantly buzzing with people trying to secure a seat so make sure that you book well in advance. 

Image by Choo Yut Shing

Warong Nasi Pariaman 

Having served nasi padang since 1948, Warong Nasi Pariaman is the longest-running nasi padang joint in Singapore. At this Halal-certified restaurant, you can find traditional dishes such as ayam bakar, barbecued chicken served in thick coconut gravy, and sambal goreng, a type of spicy stir fry. It is important to note that because this restaurant is Halal there is no alcohol served on the premises.

Image by Shi Lin Tan from Pixabay

 Corner House 

Corner House resides in the historic home of a 20th century British Botanist, which is very fitting with the botanical theme of the restaurant. Singaporean chef, Jason Tan, showcases his gastro-botanical menu in his residence, which is built from the finest ingredients from across the world. The highlight of his eclectic menu is the Cevennes Onion, which is built using several different methods of cooking onions. 

Image by Jack at Wikipedia

Samy’s Curry 

Samy’s Curry was opened in the 1950’s, and continues to be run by the same family today. At Samy’s Curry, you will find an array of classic, home-style, curry’s, including chicken masala and fish cutlets. This is far from a fine-dining experience as servers ladle curry and rice onto sheets of banana leaves. It is recommended that you enjoy your curry with your hands. Sinks are provided at the back of the restaurant so that you can adequately clean yourself up at the end. 

Image by su-lin

J.B. Ah Meng

If you want a true taste of Singapore, head to J.B. Ah Meng. There is nothing fancy about this restaurant, however, it is where Singapore chefs come for their post-work meal, so you know it’s good. You will find J.B. Ah Meng in the heart of Singapore’s red-light district, in a simply furnished, two-story building. For the best tze char in Singapore, head to J.B. Ah Meng and enjoy the relaxing setting. 

Image by City Foodsters

Spring Court 

Spring Court is Singapore’s oldest family-owned restaurants. It sells traditional dishes that have been served for generations, including deep-fried boneless chicken and prawn paste, and crab meat rolls stuffed with chicken liver and salted egg. Originally, Spring Court was a purely Cantonese restaurant, but, as Singapore began to diversify, so did Spring Court. This restaurant offers a wonderful reflection on Singaporean food and how it has developed over the years, whilst holding onto its traditional roots.

Image by Choo Yut Shing

Whilst you enjoy the amazing foods of Singapore, we will take care of your laundry. Book your Laundryheap service by heading to the Laundryheap website or by downloading the free Laundryheap app.

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Traditional Holiday Desserts In The UK

Get ready for the festive holidays with these 4 traditional British, mouth watering desserts! 

Christmas pudding

An ever so popular festive dessert in the UK is the Christmas pudding. This traditional pudding contains a variety of dried fruit, held together with egg and suet, flavoured with spices (like cinnamon) and moistened with treacle or molasses- basically a sugary syrup!

Photo by James Petts

Mince pie

A sweet pie filled with ‘mincemeat’ which is really a mixture of dried fruit and spices, wrapped in a sweet moist pastry! Traditionally served during the festive season.

Sticky toffee pudding

This delicious dessert consists of a moist sponge cake, with finely chopped dates and is covered in a sticky toffee sauce! It is often served with vanilla ice cream or custard to compliment the sweet, sticky taste.

Bread and Butter pudding

A simple, yet tasty British dessert is the bread and butter pudding! Layers of buttered bread, dried fruit and covered in a mixture of egg and milk to bake. Best served with custard.

There are of course many, many more desserts that can be served during the Christmas season in the UK, these are just a few. Nowadays, a lot of traditional desserts are created differently using the old tradition, but adding (or taking) away ingredients.

Be careful not to accidentally spill syrup on your clothes though! It can be a little tricky to remove, but don’t worry! You can always leave it to a trusted laundry service to take the stain out!

Which is your favourite traditional Christmas/festive dessert? Let us know in the comments! 🙂

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