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5 Tips To Stay On Top Of Your Laundry

Stay on top of your Laundry game all year round with these 5 great laundry routine tips PLUS a printable laundry schedule template.

Who doesn’t want an easier laundry life? Let’s face it, that laundry pile will never have an ending to it. So what do you do? Just face it, head on and try to enjoy it!

5 Tips To Stay On Top Of Your Laundry

  1. Stock up on Laundry essentials: Avoid the stress of realising last minute that you don’t have enough laundry detergent, fabric softener and whatever else you use in your laundry routine. Who likes an emergency trip to the store just to pick up laundry detergent (and things you don’t need)? To make it easier for yourself, before going out for your regular grocery shopping, check to see if your laundry essentials stock is still full. Also, buy in bulk if and when you can.
  2. Be organised: Being well organised in anything will ALWAYS make your life easier because it saves you the hassle from getting yourself together last minute. Pre-organise laundry loads by dividing them on the go, by colour or fabric type, using a divided hamper bin. Also, don’t forget to pre-treat stains before the hour of laundry arrives. Oh and being organised means folding, hanging and ironing straight after the clothes are dry. Gotta get yourself ready for the next laundry load you know!
  3. Machine careYou have to maintain and clean your washing machine if you want your machine to last long and continue giving clean results. Dirty, and built up washing machines will definitely show (and smell) on your clothes! Give your washing machine an occasional clean to prevent machine damage and stinky clothes!
  4. Get a helping hand: It’s okay to get extra help when doing the laundry, it makes things faster and saves so much time. Get your spouse, children or friends to help you out. If that doesn’t work, remember, we at Laundryheap provide laundry, dry-cleaning, wash and fold, and ironing services.
  5. Stick with a schedule If you have a daily routine, then make a schedule! Schedules help you to stay consistent and keep you on top of things. The key is having a schedule that you can work well with, even if there are unexpected changes.

Think about:

  • How many loads you do per day
  • Which are your lazy and laundry days
  • What type of loads need to be washed on certain days e.g. school uniform
  • Whether you need to iron, hang &/or fold the clothes in the load

We’ve created a printable laundry schedule for you which you can download here. Use when you’re doing the laundry or when Laundryheap is doing it for you.

Feel free to tick, colour or cross the ones that apply to you for that specific day and take down a few notes for yourself or make a few pointers you need to remember.

laundry schedule to stay on top of your laundry

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