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5 Cheap Picnic Ideas

Nothing says it’s picnic season like the summer holidays and July – national picnic month. To mark this occasion, we’ve compiled a list of 5 cheap picnic ideas for you and your family. After all, a picnic is one of the joys of the summer so why not enjoy it even more on a budget?

1. Simple Appetiser

Make the most out of the sun shining by planning appetisers that will please the family. Picnics would be incomplete without appetisers after all.

For cheap picnic ideas, you can’t go wrong with salad. Not only are they cheap but they are easy to make and simple to transport. Some examples of salad recipes would be Greek salad, potato salad or fruity pasta salad.

If you want more variety, go with hummus and carrots to get the picnic rolling! You’ll see your family members’ faces light up with excitement as they go for their first hummus dips but remember to bring the napkins!

cheap picnic ideas - salads

2. Simple Food

Simple foods are made for picnics. You don’t have to cook a big meal instead you can just bring budget-friendly food from the local supermarkets. Pasta, sandwiches, wraps or even canned tuna are all cheap picnic ideas that the whole family will love! If you ask us, sandwiches are the best budget-friendly picnic food because they don’t take much space in the basket.

Don’t forget about the drinks, plastic cutlery, and rubbish bags!

If you do leave food stains on your clothes, don’t stress! Our services have got you covered!

3. Bake Desserts or Use What You Have At Home

Great memories always include desserts! To save money, bake a dessert at home! Chocolate brownies or banana cakes are simple to make and bring to the picnic. You’d be surprised at how much money you’ll save by avoiding buying already-made desserts.

However, if you’ve left it late and urgently need desserts, don’t hesitate to buy muffins or cookies from coffee shops to bring to the picnic. They don’t usually cost a lot!

4. Bring an Ice Cooler

Additionally, ice coolers will save you money as you don’t need to constantly buy ice every time! Days prior to the picnic, prepare well by filling your ice cube tray and keeping it in your freezer.

If you have ice cream at home, take it with you and put it in the ice cooler. Not only does it make your kids happy but it will save you from spending money on ice creams from ice cream vans around the park!

Photo By PWN Productions – Pexels

5. Find a Free Place To Picnic

Don’t overcomplicate your picnics, they don’t have to be fussy, but they do need to be fun! Look for parks that are free and have good opening hours. Do a little research about the parks so you are aware of the rules. If you are planning a BBQ, look for BBQ-friendly parks.

Ideally, if you are with kids, find somewhere they have free access to a playground or sports place. Or bring a kite, ball or frisbee to provide entertainment!

These are the cheap picnic ideas for you to consider. Spending a lot of money isn’t needed to have a great picnic this summer. All you need is great company, simplicity and great weather!

Enjoy your picnic on national picnic month!

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free app on iOS or Android.

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How to be more environmentally conscious when doing laundry?

Laundry isn’t usually on the top of people’s list of ways to live a more environmentally conscious lifestyle. If you are someone who does multiple loads of laundry every week, it could be having a more substantial effect on the planet than you might think. The amount of water, energy, and products used when doing laundry can inevitably add up. 

Washing and drying your garments in a more environmentally conscious way can make for a more Eco-conscious household. These simple switches will not only reduce the environmental impact but will also save you money while you’re at it. 

  • Washing clothes in cooler temperatures
  • Always make sure you wash full loads
  • Get a green washing machine
  • Use green laundry detergent 
  • Wash by hand
  • Cut down on drying time
  • Hang clothes to dry
  • Don’t iron unnecessarily
  • Get the professionals to take care of it

Washing clothes in cooler temperatures

Up to 90 % of the energy used when doing your laundry involves just heating the water. Most of us know that having a long, hot shower is less environmentally friendly than a quick, short one. The same applies when doing your laundry. 

Washing clothes at 30°C instead of 40°C uses about 40% less energy. Doing your laundry at a lower temperature can also be better for your clothes. Exposing your clothes to hot temperatures can shorten the lifespan of the garment.

Always make sure you wash full loads.

Reducing the number of loads you do per week will save water and save you money. Even the most environmentally-efficient loads can use up to 40 gallons of water per load. 

Try reducing your loads as best you can throughout the week to reduce your carbon footprint. You could wear some clothes more than once before washing. This solution doesn’t go for all pieces of clothing, socks and underwear come to mind, but not tossing your jeans in the laundry basket after one wear is the first step to improving your laundry habit.

Invest in green machines

We are not suggesting that everyone throws out their current working washing machine and head to the shop to buy a new eco-friendly one today. If you are in the market for a new washer or dryer, buying a greener model can save energy and use less water, lowering your bills in the process. 

High-efficiency machines use between 20% to 60% less water and as little as 50% energy as traditional washing machines. Investing in a green washing machine will significantly reduce your environmental impact at home. 

Use green laundry detergent 

Conventional washing detergents can be very damaging to the ecosystems where the dirty water we wash down the drain can end up. Standard laundry detergent contains phosphates which can have disastrous effects to marine life that comes in contact with it. 

When purchasing more Eco-friendly detergents, make sure you keep an eye out for labels that indicate the product is biodegradable and phosphate-free. These detergents are often more gentle on the skin, too. 

Wash by hand

We know this option will cause some people to wince.  Hand washing can be time-consuming, but there are some ways to make the process easier. Tools like a pedal washer can allow you to exercise while you wash your laundry, helping your body and the environment at the same time.

Hand washing can give you a sense of just how much laundry you’re going through weekly. As well as helping you see where you can cut back on the amount of laundry you do. 

Cut down on drying time.

Your dryer uses up a lot of energy – so anything you can do to cut down the time using this machine will help the environment. Not using your dryer as much can also save you money on your electric bill. 

Little things like cleaning the filter in your dryer can also save energy. If the filter is clogged, the clothes take longer to dry, meaning more energy wasted. 

Hang clothes to dry

One of the most optimal ways to cut down on time using your dryer is to hang your clothes to dry. If weather permits, hanging your clothes to dry on the line outside can take away 100% of the energy used when using your dryer. 

For people who live in a warmer climate drying clothes outside can be quick and easy. Those who live in wetter corners of the globe, can always line dry indoors all year round. Hanging clothes to dry will not only reduce energy, it will also cut your electric bill and make your clothes last longer.

Don’t iron unnecessarily

Ironing is top of most peoples most hated chores list. So why not cut it out when it isn’t necessary? Ironing consumes excess energy and can deteriorate the fabric on your clothing. 

We understand that even the most environmentally conscious of us still don’t want to rock up to a job interview with a creased shirt. To avoid looking scruffy, all you have to do is hang up your shirt straight after the wash cycle is complete. For materials that are more prone to creasing, like linen, just cut the final spin cycle on your wash, leaving more water in the fabric, resulting in fewer creases.

Get the professionals to take care of it

It might sound unconventional, but commercial washers and dryers tend to be more efficient than domestic machines because they are bigger and can take bigger loads. By using professionals like Laundryheap, you can lessen the number of loads, meaning less wasted energy and water at home. 

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If you happen to travel continuously, doing the laundry is certainly a necessity as you may spend a tremendous amount of time outdoors on adventure activities, sightseeing, hiking, or shopping etc. For shorter holidays people tend to pack just what is necessary or things that we can mix and match most of the time.

Here are some tips to help with your laundry on the go.

Hotels: Some hotels offer in-house laundry services. Depending on the type of hotel you’re staying at e.g. big chains, serviced apartments, B&B etc. you may have access to laundry services or facilities. However, their rates may be sky-high which might not be your cup of tea. Moreover, if you’re someone who’s concerned about their clothes being mixed with others’ clothes this might not be ideal for you, as there is no guarantee it won’t be the case.


Laundromats: There are laundromats available locally in most countries and cities. They charge a flat rate either per load capacity, type of item, or desired service. Although Laundromats seem like an easy deal and self-explanatory, you still do need to be somewhat familiar with at least your clothing’s instructions. It is also advisable to scout around for the best service available in order to prevent inconvenience.


Do it yourself: There are shops and outlets where you can get buy detergents. If your items are small and easy to do, you can even wash them in your accommodation bathroom sink. As long as you have the necessary items required. Making the most of what is available to you saves you money.


Laundryheap: What’s better than having someone else do your dirty laundry for you? It’s a dream come true right? Laundry chores can be a real pain especially when they pile up. The good thing is Laundryheap provides on-demand laundry and dry cleaning services with delivery within 24 hours right to your doorstep. You can book our service from wherever you are, including hotels. For your booking purposes all you need is a smartphone and voila you’re good to go! Even better you can download our free app on IOS and Android from the app store.



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With the chaos of getting things done and having to look after the little munchkins, it’s almost impossible to not get overwhelmed by chores, especially the never-ending story of doing laundry.

Here are a few laundry tips to help you save time.

  • PRE-SORTING THE LAUNDRY: Let’s face it, laundry is a chore that is time-consuming. A good idea is to have different baskets for different fabrics, colours, and the condition of laundry. Not only is it time-efficient when the need arises to do the laundry, it also prevents mistakes and having to deal with the possibility of colours bleeding onto another fabric and ruining your clothes.



  • HANG ACCORDINGLY:If you despise ironing, one practical trick to consider is to hang your laundry once out of the machine to prevent extreme creasing. Moreover, if you’re dealing with washed and dried clothes, it’s best to put away on hangers and if possible colour coordinate hangers for specific clothes. Not only does this give your wardrobe a very refined and colourful look, it also creates space and helps differentiate your clothes for different purposes. Nothing is worse than having to ransack your closet for one specific outfit on a busy day.



  • HAVE OTHERS CHIP IN: There’s nothing wrong with you asking for a helping hand. Your children can do simple things like allocating their dirty clothes to the right laundry basket or sorting and folding after themselves. In addition, that gives you an opportunity to focus on other pressing chores around the house.



  • SET SPECIFIC DAYS: To avoid the laundry from overflowing, try to wash the clothes that are used the most; that way you don’t get intimidated or overwhelmed by your laundry. Set specific days for different types of laundry, for example, Wednesdays for coloured fabrics and Sundays for bedding, towels, rugs etc.

  • MULTI-TASK: While waiting on the laundry in the washer, you can either put the other batch in the dryer or try to invest your time in doing the ironing. It helps immensely with your productivity as well as decreases your chances of procrastination.

If you’re still uncertain or don’t have time to do the laundry, you can schedule your laundry with us and we’ll gladly sort it out for you.


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