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How to get wrinkle-free bedding without having to iron

Creased bedding is not very appealing to the eye, but ironing can be an arduous task. These hacks for getting crease-free bedding without an iron are the solution to all of your creased-bedding problems. 

  • Don’t overload 
  • Ice cubes
  • DIY wrinkle spray
  • Hairdryer
  • Laundryheap 

Don’t overload 

It’s always best to prevent a problem rather than solve one. To limit the creasing of your bedsheets make sure that you don’t overload your washing machine. Overloading your machine will cause your sheets to become tangled, therefore encouraging creases. Consider washing your bedding separately from the rest of your laundry to ensure that your items have adequate space to be washed. 

Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

Ice cubes 

The best way to remove wrinkles from bedding is with steam. You don’t need a steamer or an iron to use steam to remove wrinkles, all you need is a handful of ice cubes and a tumble dryer. Once you have put your bedding in your tumble dryer, throw in 2-3 ice cubes and use a high heat setting for 15 minutes. The heat will melt the ice cubes, creating steam, which will relax the fibers in your bedding and remove any wrinkles. 

Photo by Enrique Zafra from Pexels

DIY wrinkle spray

You can buy wrinkle spray, but why buy something that you can make at home? 

To make wrinkle spray you will need…

  • An empty spray bottle
  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 teaspoon of fabric softener 
  • 1 teaspoon of rubbing alcohol

Combine your water, fabric softener, and rubbing alcohol in your empty spray bottle. Give your bottle a shake, ensuring that all of your ingredients are adequately mixed together. Once you are satisfied that your wrinkle spray has been adequately mixed, spray it directly onto your sheets. You should notice your wrinkles disappearing, and the fabric softener leaving behind a pleasant, fresh, smell. 

Photo by Anastasia Shuraeva from Pexels


If you have made your bed, only to realise that your sheets are covered in wrinkles, then this simple hairdryer technique will lift the wrinkles in no time. Simply spritz your bedding with water, don’t be afraid to spritz additional water on deeper-set wrinkles, and turn your hairdryer on to the highest heat setting. Move your hairdryer from side to side over each sprayed wrinkle, and watch as they disappear. You’ll have crease-free bedding in no time. 

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels


The best way to remove wrinkles from your bedding is to send it to Laundryheap. We will wash, iron, fold, and re-deliver your bedding to you, all within 24 hours. To book your order simply head to the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app.