Laundryheap Blog – Laundry & Dry Cleaning

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With the chaos of getting things done and having to look after the little munchkins, it’s almost impossible to not get overwhelmed by chores, especially the never-ending story of doing laundry.

Here are a few laundry tips to help you save time.

  • PRE-SORTING THE LAUNDRY: Let’s face it, laundry is a chore that is time-consuming. A good idea is to have different baskets for different fabrics, colours, and the condition of laundry. Not only is it time-efficient when the need arises to do the laundry, it also prevents mistakes and having to deal with the possibility of colours bleeding onto another fabric and ruining your clothes.




  • HANG ACCORDINGLY:If you despise ironing, one practical trick to consider is to hang your laundry once out of the machine to prevent extreme creasing. Moreover, if you’re dealing with washed and dried clothes, it’s best to put away on hangers and if possible colour coordinate hangers for specific clothes. Not only does this give your wardrobe a very refined and colourful look, it also creates space and helps differentiate your clothes for different purposes. Nothing is worse than having to ransack your closet for one specific outfit on a busy day.




  • HAVE OTHERS CHIP IN: There’s nothing wrong with you asking for a helping hand. Your children can do simple things like allocating their dirty clothes to the right laundry basket or sorting and folding after themselves. In addition, that gives you an opportunity to focus on other pressing chores around the house.




  • SET SPECIFIC DAYS: To avoid the laundry from overflowing, try to wash the clothes that are used the most; that way you don’t get intimidated or overwhelmed by your laundry. Set specific days for different types of laundry, for example, Wednesdays for coloured fabrics and Sundays for bedding, towels, rugs etc.


  • MULTI-TASK: While waiting on the laundry in the washer, you can either put the other batch in the dryer or try to invest your time in doing the ironing. It helps immensely with your productivity as well as decreases your chances of procrastination.

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If you’re still uncertain or don’t have time to do the laundry, you can schedule your laundry with us and we’ll gladly sort it out for you.


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