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How To Keep Your House Clean As A Busy Parent


Being a busy parent means you’re juggling full-time work and family life while trying to squeeze in a bit of time for things you need to do for yourself. It then becomes the case that you unintentionally neglect to keep your house clean because there is just no time to. Fortunately, we have some quick time management tips that will help you stay on top of keeping the house clean.

How To Keep Your House Clean As A Busy Parent

  • Create A Simple Schedule
  • Spot Clean
  • Clean As You Go
  • Delegate Tasks
  • Outsource

Create A Simple Schedule

To create a cleaning schedule is simple, but to keep track and follow one consistently is hard. Not every day is the same, and so sometimes you have to adjust your schedule.

Experiment first on which days work best for you to do specific cleaning tasks. There may be a pattern that you’ve unnoticedly created where, for example, you tend to dust down surfaces on Sundays and do the laundry on Mondays. Just add that to your cleaning schedule/calendar.

You can even leave yourself a few to-do lists each day if that works for you. Write one up beforehand, ready for the next day or ready for when you get home from work.

Spot Clean

If you notice a bit of filth in certain areas of your home, clean it straight away upon first noticing that it needs cleaning. Does the floor look filthy? Vacuum it. Can you see dust around the TV? Wipe it. These tasks take only a few minutes to do and will save you the hassle from dealing with it a later time.

Clean As You Go

No matter what you’re doing around the house, whether that’s cooking food or brushing your teeth, clean the area that you’re using. For example, if you’re preparing food in the kitchen, why not wash the utensils or items you no longer need and wipe down the kitchen counter. Or if you’ve had a bath, give the tub a quick clean after using it.

Also, put used things back exactly where they need to go to avoid clutter piling up over time and to keep your home organised.

Delegate Tasks

It’s always easy to keep a clean house when everyone gets involved and helps to keep it clean. If you have kids that are old enough to do household chores like wash the dishes or vacuum the floor, feel free to delegate those tasks to them. Younger children can help to clean up clutter like put their toys away or put rubbish in the bin.


If worst comes to worst and nothing works for you, you can always outsource your household chores. You can hire a cleaner once a week or so and even get your laundry done for you by Laundryheap without you having to leave the house.

3 thoughts on “How To Keep Your House Clean As A Busy Parent

  1. homesmithsae

    I found cleaning my house so hard sometimes that I avoid cleaning but now I will try to implement all these points as mentioned by you in your write-ups and try to organize my stuff. Thankyou

  2. The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment. Thank you very much for your wonderful blog. I have got some useful information regarding house cleaning from your site. It also helps me to increase my knowledge. I am really thankful to you for providing me with these kinds of informative details about house cleaning!

  3. Pingback: Work-Life Balance Tips For Busy Working Parents | Laundryheap Blog - Laundry & Dry Cleaning

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