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World Wellbeing Week 2022

These past 2-3 years have been difficult; the lockdowns, stress at work, lack of exercise etc. can all harm our well-being. For many of us, World Wellbeing Week allows us to open up and connect with others.

World Wellbeing Week typically falls at the end of June each year. To mark the occasion, we’ll list the best ways you can look after your wellbeing.

Stay Active

Never underestimate the importance of staying active as it not only boosts productivity but also boosts your morale. Take advantage of the summer and go for regular walks or start jogging. Set yourself new fitness goals by going to the gym.

Get into the habit of regular exercise not just for world wellbeing week but throughout the year too.


Everyday life can get tedious and doing things repetitively can be detrimental to your wellbeing.

Fortunately, travelling will make a massive difference in your well-being. By travelling, you will experience a new culture, get wiser, meet new people, and eat delicious new food! Furthermore, you will also find amazing attractions where you can take pictures. Whether it’s to UK, USA, UAE, Singapore or Netherlands, travelling is a must for your wellbeing.

Stay On Top Of Your Laundry Chores With LaundryHeap

Whether you’re working from home or commuting to your work, we can all agree that sometimes we get too tired to do any chores when we get home. Some chores are easier than others but when it comes to laundry, it feels like it is never-ending!

Therefore, to make things easier for you on world wellbeing week, we suggest booking a service with Laundryheap. You can create an environment in your home where you feel more relaxed knowing you won’t be distracted by laundry anymore. Just simply book a service with us, we’ll collect your dirty clothes on the same day and return them to you within 24 hours!

Learn More

Set yourself a target for world wellbeing week to learn something new. Whether it’s learning knowledge from a book or learning new skills, research has shown that this helps you adapt in life, and it is healthier for the mind and body. Try that new recipe, learn to play a musical instrument or work on DIY projects.

Connect With Others

Humans are social creatures and our relationship with others is a cornerstone of our mental well-being. Laughing, joking, and talking with friends all help reduce stress levels and goes a long way toward a healthier mindset. Even bonding with strangers at an activity or gym or talking to the local barista helps the mood. Connecting with people is fundamental. Don’t be afraid to talk to a friend about your well-being, it makes a difference.

Improving our well-being is not easy but the important thing about world wellbeing week is that it raises more awareness on this topic. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself, it takes time, but small actions make a difference in the long run.

To find out more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android.

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Interesting Facts About Kuwait

Kuwait is a beautiful country that is full of stunning cityscapes, hot weather and rich history. If you are planning to visit Kuwait in the future, it’s worth knowing these interesting facts about Kuwait!

1. Kuwaiti Towers Are One Of The Tallest In The World

One of the most interesting facts about Kuwait is that it is home to the world’s 15th tallest tower in the world called Al Hamra Tower. This amazing tower is in Kuwait City.

Another tower located in Kuwait City is the Liberation Tower, the 2nd tallest tower in Kuwait.

2. The Falcon Is Kuwait’s National Bird

If you have visited Kuwait before, you would have seen the falcon imagery in stamps and currencies. The falcon does hold high significance in Kuwait because it is the national bird!

3. Kuwait Has Four Sites On UNESCO Tentative List

Kuwait’s culture is interesting and if you’re keen to learn more about the culture, visit the 4 sights included in the UNESCO Tentative list. These four sights are Abraj Al-Kuwait, Boubyan Island and Mubarak Al-Kabeer Marine Reserve, Sa’ad and Sae’ed Area in Failaka island and Sheikh Abdullah Al-Jabir Palace.

4. Family Values Are Very Important In Kuwait

Kuwait has a family-oriented culture. This is shown by the way meals are served as the oldest family is served first and the youngest person is served last. In addition, houses are built in a way that allows space for extended family. It is encouraged to build more rooms to accommodate family members.

5. There Is Only One Public University In Kuwait

Perhaps one of the most interesting facts about Kuwait is that there is only one public university in the country; Kuwait University. Founded in 1966, it has a reputation for offering great education and scientific research to students. It is the country’s highest-ranking university.

6. The National Instrument Is Tar

Kuwait prides itself in producing music. It is a country that hosts various music festivals. Interestingly, the national instrument of Kuwait is called Tar; a long-necked string instrument played with a small metal pick.

7. Laundryheap Services Are Available In Kuwait

If you are travelling to Kuwait, you should enjoy your time and not worry about your laundry chores. This is because Laundryheap is available in Kuwait. Just get in touch with us and we’ll collect your laundry from the hotel you are staying at and deliver it back within 24 hours! No hassle, no stress and no more mess on your clothes!

If you’re visiting Kuwait in the future, these 7 interesting facts about Kuwait will give you more knowledge about the country.

To learn more about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!


How To Remove Ice Cream Stains

For most, ice cream is a summer treat; the sound of the ice cream van brings joy and the temptation to buy ice cream during an evening walk is too much to resist. However, with every dessert, spillage on clothes is common and ice cream is no different. If you’re worried about your favourite top being ruined, no stress! We’re here to teach you how to remove ice cream stains!

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Treat the Stain Immediately

The trick to removing ice cream stains is to treat them right away to avoid the stain settling into the fabric. If you freeze now, the ice cream stain will dry; making it difficult to remove!

Read Label Instructions

As usual with any clothing material, read the instructions to make sure you aren’t handling it incorrectly. Every material needs different care.

Scrape off the Ice Cream

Get a spoon or butter knife to scrape off the ice cream and then turn your clothes inside out and put them in cold water to make sure there is little ice cream left. It’s worth noting that you must avoid using hot water because ice cream is a protein product.

Place Clothes In The Washing Machine

Once you’re done scraping off the ice cream stain, pour laundry detergent into the stain and then soak in cold water for 15 minutes.

Afterwards, put it in the washing machine. It is highly recommended you choose a cool wash setting for better results.

Put In Dryer

Once the washing cycle is complete, either put your garment on the clothesline or dryer but first double-check if the stain is completely gone!

Extra Tips

Ice cream is commonly eaten outside on a picnic or at the beach. If ice cream drips on your clothes outdoors, go to a nearby toilet or bathroom and use soap and cold water to treat it. It may not do the job immediately but once you are home, place it in the washer!

Encountering ice cream spills is inevitable but that shouldn’t stop you from enjoying your summer and your ice cream! Now that you know the best way to remove ice cream stains, you will be better prepared next time!

If you need a hand, book a service with Laundryheap and we’ll cool off your ice cream worries and remove the ice cream stains!

Visit Laundryheap’s website to book a service or download the free app on iOS or Android!

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Summer Tips for Parents

The sunny days bring picnics, ice creams, BBQ parties and so much more! For parents, it can also be stressful as it does get overwhelming to make plans to keep the children happy and busy. Luckily, we have summer tips for parents to cool off the summer stress!

Plan Family Trips

It almost goes without saying but planning trips with your family is important. Whether you’re travelling to Birmingham, USA, Denmark, Ireland, Dubai or Singapore, it presents a fantastic opportunity to spend quality time together and learn more about different cultures.

Taking Instagrammable pictures, eating different food and visiting sights are wonderful. If you think your family travels will get disrupted by laundry chores, worry not! We offer laundry services to help do your laundry for you!

Introduce Your Children To Something New

Children have an abundance of energy and plenty of free time. They also get bored easily so use this time to introduce them to something new. Light up the creativity inside them and talk to them about joining musical or painting clubs. Or perhaps encourage them to read books to limit their technology use.

Encourage Your Children To Do More House Chores

No doubt summer should be fun for kids, but it should also be a time where kids learn about responsibility and start slowly doing house chores. This is one of the most useful summer tips for parents as it prepares your children for the future when it comes to washing dishes, doing laundry, cleaning the house etc.

Book a Laundry Service

Parents’ job is already busy and full of responsibilities. Laundry days become more frequent during the summer; kids may play football matches and bring home muddy shorts that pile up in the laundry basket.

However, a summer tip for parents is to book a laundry service like Laundryheap! We are like Uber but for laundry. Just visit our website to book a service and we will collect your dirty clothes, launder them, and deliver them back within 24 hours! No stress, no hassle!  

Make Every Moment Count

Going on trips, introducing kids to something new and booking laundry services may be great summer tips for parents but another useful tip is to make every moment count! Whether you’re at home, at a picnic or at the beach, you should strive to make it the best summer possible! Excitement fills in the air so just be sure to make every moment count!

We hope you have an amazing summer and enjoy the hot weather! These summer tips for parents out there should help make you better prepared!

If you need help with your laundry, visit Laundryheap website to book or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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Interesting Facts About Singapore

Singapore is a gorgeous country and if you are planning to visit it, it will no doubt leave you with many unforgettable memories. However, before travelling to the country, it is a good idea to learn more about it. Here are some interesting facts about Singapore!

1. National Anthem of Singapore

National anthems are always sung with pride and passion but one of the interesting facts about Singapore is that the national anthem is printed on the back of a $1000 bill in very small text. Whenever you exchange your currency, you could have the Singaporean national anthem in your wallet!

2. Singapore Celebrates National Tree Planting Day

In 1971, Singapore started an annual event called ‘National Tree Planting Day’ to help the environment more. What makes this one of the more interesting facts about Singapore is that trees are planted in public places like parks and schools and some people even adopt trees as birthday presents.

3. The First-Ever Gardening-Themed, HortPark, is in Singapore

Furthermore, not only does Singapore make efforts to plant trees but they take pride in encouraging people to garden more. HortPark has become one of Asia’s most must-visit attractions because it’s the first-ever park that is devoted to gardening.

4. Singapore Has Fast Walkers!

This is certainly one of the most interesting facts about Singapore. Pedestrians in the country walk so fast that statistically, they have an average walking speed of 6.15 km/h per hour! If you’re with a Singaporean tour guide, make sure to keep up with them and walk fast!

5. The Annual Food Festival is in July

Singapore is known for its landscapes, buildings, and weather but it is also home to delicious food! If you love food the same way we love laundry, we advise you to visit Singapore in July because that’s when the annual Singapore food festival is held.

6. Laundryheap Provides Services in Singapore

There are many interesting facts about Singapore and on-demand laundry service being available in the country is one of them!

Singapore is a beautiful country that needs to be explored without any laundry chores. If you do happen to have dirty clothes with you while in Singapore, let Laundryheap take care of it! That’s right, we’ll do your laundry for you and deliver it back to you within 24 hours.

Singapore is a gorgeous country that should be on all traveller’s bucket lists. Now that you know some interesting facts about Singapore, you’ll want to visit it even more!

For more information about Laundryheap, visit our website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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Beach Laundry Tips for Your Next Holiday

Everybody loves the beach, building sandcastles, swimming and sunbathing. Beaches are fun but the laundry afterwards can be quite the headache. Luckily for you, we have a couple of beach laundry tips that will wash away your laundry worries!

1. Check That Sand Is Fully Removed From Towels and Shoes

While you’re at the beach, it’s easy to love the sand until you realise your clothes are cluttered with sand. One of the most important beach laundry tips, for you, is always to make sure the sand is fully removed from your towels before putting them in the washing machine.

Consequently, sand could harm your washing machine. Excessive sand will cause your machine to get clogged. To prevent this, get your towels and shake them to remove any sand. If your towel is already wet, take advantage of the hot weather and hang it outside. Once dry, give it a shake again to double-check the sand is gone.

Once you are 100% sure sand is out of towels, put them in the washing machine and dry them in the tumble dryer afterwards to maintain their fluffiness.

If your shoes have sand inside them, take them off and give them a shake to remove them.

Alternatively, you can wear sand-friendly shoes to prevent sand being trapped inside your footwear.

2. The Swimsuit Needs To Be Hand-Washed

Our second beach laundry tip is to make sure you are hand-washing your swimsuit. Doing this will ensure better results. A swimsuit is something all beach-goers take pride in and it deserves to be taken care of properly even if it’s a very sporadic outfit.

Firstly, fill your sink with water (lukewarm preferably) and soap. Then start to rinse your swimsuit gently and scrub it to remove any dirt or stains. We highly advise you not to put it in the dryer as the high temperature can cause the fabric to get damaged.

3. Come Prepared With a Laundry Basket

When we think of beach preparations, we think of bringing beach mats, ice boxes, food etc. To be a step ahead, why not bring a small laundry basket? If you’re travelling with family, it might be best to put all the towels in one basket as opposed to carrying them with you. If there is a shower available in the facilities near the beach, you can have a shower and leave your dirty swimsuit in the laundry basket!

It is essential that you also bring a bin bag to put all your rubbish away. The beaches are beautiful and they need to be kept clean!

You now have the beach laundry trips that will save you stress and time next time you have a day out on the beach!

If you feel you won’t have time to do your beach laundry, just book with us! Choose a collection date and we’ll come, clean your beach laundry, and deliver them back to you within 24 hours!

Visit the Laundryheap website today or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!


Summer Laundry Tips You Should Use

Summer has arrived! The BBQ Garden parties are lively and outdoors activities feel enjoyable again. While you’re enjoying time out with friends and family, it’s always best to know some summer laundry tips up your sleeve!

With the hotter weather, we are more prone to sweating, so we must continue to take care of our clothes.

Here are 5 Summer Laundry Tips you should use!

1. Hang Your Clothes Outside

The first summer laundry tip is to make full use of your garden clothesline this summer.

Hang your clothes outside in the hot weather and let the natural sunlight do its magic on your clothes. Hanging your clothes outside is proven to get rid of bad odours and your clothes will smell fresh afterwards!

2. Regular Clean Checks For Your Clothesline

We recommend always double-checking that your clothesline is clean. Summer is a great season, but it also invites all the insects and birds to your garden so if you spot any mess on your clothing line, clean it before hanging your clothes.

3. Teach The Kids About Laundry

Summer is a time when kids have fun and play with their friends. However, laundry is an important life skill and in the 6 weeks of the summer holiday break, find time to slowly introduce your kids to laundry. Start giving them small tasks such as folding clothes or organising the pegs. They’ll no doubt run to the door once they hear the ice cream van but teaching them slowly will get them into the habit of organisation.

4. Read Instructions on Labels and Detergents Carefully

This summer laundry tip may sound obvious but never underestimate summer fabrics. Always read the labels on your clothes carefully.

Certain clothes or fabrics such as silk and cotton will need to be washed differently due to the hot weather. Silk is a very delicate fabric that requires careful attention. Ensure temperatures don’t go above 30 degrees. Whereas cotton fabric can be managed to be in the washer at a hotter temperature of 90 degrees.

The same goes for choosing the right detergent. Summer clothes, as explained, as made from different materials and fabrics from winter clothes. To avoid ruining your clothes, our tip for you is to read the labels on your detergent to make sure it’s suited for delicate clothes.

We recommend using a gentle detergent for the best results and keeping your summer clothes in good condition!

5. Take Care of Your Swimwear

Whether it’s at the swimming pool or at the beach, people love swimming in the summer. You’ll want to make sure your swimwear is in good condition after you’ve finished swimming.

Before you put your swimwear away in the wash, always handwash them to ensure the sand isn’t in the machine. After you’ve hand-washed, put them in the washing machine and set the settings to 30 degrees. Once the cycle is over, the strong smell of chlorine will go away, and you’ll have freshly delicate-looking swimwear again!

You have the essential summer laundry tips to look after your clothes! If you feel that laundry will overwhelm you this summer, book with Laundryheap and we’ll do the laundry for you! No hassle, no stress!

Book with us, choose a collection day and we’ll deliver your laundry back within 24 hours!

Visit the Laundryheap website or download the free Laundryheap app on iOS or Android!

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