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8 Natural Stain Removers


When a stain comes upon our clothing, many of us want to avoid using toxic stain removal products, with the obvious factor being that they contain harsh chemicals and solvents. Who would want the aftermath of that rubbing against their skin?

Fortunately for all of us, there are many ways to remove stains naturally.

8 Natural Stain Removers

  1. Borax
    Believe it or not, borax is a natural mineral composed of sodium, boron, oxygen and water. Borax is a great cleaning agent that helps to disinfect and remove stains from clothes.
  2. Hydrogen Peroxide
    This antiseptic compound is a natural alternative to bleach and works well in removing stains such as curry, red wine and underarm yellowing.
  3. White Distilled Vinegar
    The acetic acid in the vinegar helps to lift stains and banish odour. See how else distilled white vinegar can do wonders for your clothes.
  4. Baking Soda
    Baking soda (or sodium bicarbonate) works as a natural cleanser and deodoriser. It is a mild alkaline powder so it’s completely safe to use on all fabrics.
  5. Lemon Juice
    Lemon is a natural lightener because of it’s acidity, it almost works as a natural bleaching agent.
  6. Talcum Powder/chalk
    For stains that need absorbing (grease and oil), these powders are a wonderful natural treatment to get the heavy stain out.
  7. Salt
    Salt works as a gentle abrasive element to help absorb moisture from liquid stains.
  8. Rubbing Alcohol
    Another antiseptic that works great in breaking down tough stains. It doesn’t penetrate the fabric and evaporates quickly. So you can be sure it won’t damage your clothes.

4 thoughts on “8 Natural Stain Removers

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