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10 Ways To Remove Bad Odour From Shoes


Smelly shoes are really unpleasant and can be totally embarrassing when exposed to others around you.

Here are 10 Ways To Remove Bad Odour From Shoes:

  1. Baking Soda: This is a natural deodoriser and is great at absorbing bad odour. Simply sprinkle some baking soda inside your shoes, leave it overnight and remove the powder the following day. Alternatively, you can put two tablespoons of baking soda into a piece of fabric like a coffee filter, socks and even stockings; tie it and place it in your shoe overnight.
  2. Citrus Peels: Place fresh citrus peels, like lemon, lime or orange peels, into your shoes and leave them in overnight. This will help give it fresh scent.
  3. Essential Oils: Add a few drops of an essential oil of your choice, into your shoe for a refreshing smell. Alternatively, you can add a few drops to cotton balls or tissues and leave them in your shoe overnight.
  4. Rubbing Alcohol: Pour or spray rubbing alcohol inside of your shoes. Rubbing alcohol is a natural antiseptic that will disinfect and will help dry out the odour.
  5. Water and Vinegar: Add a mixture of water and white distilled vinegar of equal ratio into a spray bottle, and spray the mixture a few times into your shoe. Let it air dry for 30 mins before use. You can also choose to speed up the drying process with a blow dryer if necessary.
  6. A Bar Of Soap: If you have a few spare soap bars, use them to get rid of the shoe odour. Place a bar of soap inside each stinky shoe for a few hours or overnight and it will absorb the odour, leaving a fresh clean scent behind.
  7. Fabric Softener Sheets: Tuck in a few of these sheets inside your shoes (scrunch them up too if you wish) and leave it overnight to neutralise the odour. 
  8. The Heat: If your smelly shoe problem is due to excessive moisture, leave them to dry out in the sun or on a heater. This will help prevent bacterial growth that causes the odour.
  9. Freeze them: Seal your shoes in a Ziploc bag or an ordinary plastic bag and place them in the freezer overnight. Then, thaw them in the sun the following morning. This method is meant to kill the bacteria that produces the odour.
  10. Cat litter: Unusual as it may sound, cat litter is infused with deodoriser and works well to absorb moisture. Seal a few tablespoons of cat litter (unused, ofcourse!) into socks or stockings and place them in your shoes overnight.

Unfortunately, we at Laundryheap can’t clean your shoes nor can we take the odour out of them either, but you can count on us to clean your clothes, and home & bedding items! 

2 thoughts on “10 Ways To Remove Bad Odour From Shoes

  1. You have an amazing website with lots of information I need.

  2. mokshalifestyleindia – Mokshalifestyle is one of the best essential oils manufacturers that provides 100 % pure and effective quality natural oils at affordable prices in India.

    Oh, I love this, and need to read it again! you have the basics laid out so clearly! Great job,

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